Sportsman's Guide's ridiculous policy


New member
I have been ordering from them since the mid-80's. I recently made a large order of camping gear and also ordered an AR-15 stock wrench. I received an e-mail saying they could not ship the wrench to me as I was in a restricted zip code(California). Now, I know I live in a Communist state and we still have bans in place here that the rest of the country doesn't have to suffer through.

However, AR-15 stock wrenches are not illegal. I pointed that out to customer service and here was their response:

I apologize for the restriction on your recent order. It is true that not all restrictions are based on law. Many come from requests from someone such as an Attorney General not wanting certain items shipped into their state.

It is our policy to follow all such requests.

To which I responded that I would be taking my business elsewhere if they were just going to buckle under to some bullcrap request not based on law. What will they refuse to ship next just because some weenie politician requested them to?

We are talking about a stupid wrench here! There are a million other companies that WILL ship me the wrench.
Perhaps you should channel some of that energy into getting your state Attorney General to rescind that request - or organize to vote the bum out of office.

Sportsman's Guide is simply giving in to a threat from a bully they (wisely) don't want to tangle with. Yes it is yellow, but brave business owners that stand up to a "bullcrap request not based on law" end up as brave former business owners.

<michael_corleone>"It's not personal. It's business."</michael_corleone>
Well we are screwed then! "Wisely" they don't want to tangle with him? What about the hundreds of other companies that ship some of these same items? They are a lot smaller than SG and they don't seem too worried. What you are advocating is the same weak-kneed reaction that gets us in trouble in the first place. We need to be a little stronger than what you suggest...just buckling under to an unlawful request. Your response is actually a little chilling...hopefully not too many people think as you do or we might as well just hand over our guns now with no questions asked.

BTW, vote a liberal out of office in CA? You're kidding, right?
their claim was not proven

Sportsman's Guide claims the won't ship due to a request from the CA AG. I find that to be an unsupported claim. For I doubt the CA AG actually wrote a letter to Sportsman's and made such a request.

I'd bet the proverbial donut to dollars that Sportsman's has some geek in the computer department simply flag every item dealing with the AK as unshipable to CA. That way is easier for some clerk in the on-line order department to simply say they don't ship those parts to CA . If you call and asked for gun oil for an AK they probably wont ship that either.

Listen I live in Alaska. I regularly get companies that refuse my order on almost anything immaginable becasue I don't live in the United States and they don't ship to foreign countries. DUH!!

Once I even had a clerk at Sears refuse to take my Alaska Sears card becasue Sears did not have credit cards in foreign countries.
You are probably right...a computer geek probably programmed in anything that says AR-15 cannot ship to CA...makes it even more annoying that they are that lazy.
Unfortunately, I have a good job in this sorry ass state...all my family is here, etc. I am basically screwed.

What's up with Mr. Barrett?
armedandsafe, that wasn't a fair shot. This thread is about a wrench, not a firearm. While SLOMountaineer may not be aware of Barrett's stand, many of us are and applaud Barrett's decision not to sell .50 BMG firearms to anyone, anywhere in this miserable state. SG is not taking a stand against the state for passing a very bad law, they are, according to the OP, taking the weeny way out of shipping anything related to ARs to CA. That attitude puts the final shovel of dirt on any thought I have of buying from SG. (I will contact them personally to see if they will send something to me to see if it was just one weeny in the customer service department but have a feeling I already know what the answer will be.)
I am going to see if they have any books or T-shirts that say AR-15...I'll order one and see if I get that automated e-mail rejecting the order.
Many come from requests from someone such as an Attorney General not wanting certain items shipped into their state.
It's all about control over the peons.Have an out of state relative buy it or similar items and ship it directly to you.
sportsmans guide is a good company, they are based here in minnesota and have been good people to deal with for years.

I KNOW they got a letter from the CA AG office more or less saying anything firearms you sell into this (CA) state will be looked at with the highest suspicion. The letter is illegal, its an attempt to block interstate trade, HOWEVER your AG does not care. He does not have to pay his lawyers, he simply bills the state for the time they spend harassing a legal company doing legal business with customers in his state.

While SG could sue back, they have no guarantee of winning, and with no budget to mind, the CA AG simply bleeds SG to death in legal bills. Its a matter of how much justice can you afford.

Instead of Blaming SG, go hire a lawyer and SUE your AG for blocking legal interstate commerce. IT's not SG's fault, its your's and your fellow CA residents who allow morons like this into office.
If it was an illegal letter, why doesn't SG just ignore it then? We are talking about a friggin' wrench! If it was an illegal letter than the CA AG would not sue them if they ignored it. SG is being wimpy here.

Don't say it is my fault this guy is in office. I have lived in this sorry state my entire life and I can't help it if it has become the most liberal state in the country.
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I KNOW they got a letter from the CA AG office more or less saying anything firearms you sell into this (CA) state will be looked at with the highest suspicion.

I'd spoken to a manufacturer of parts, tools, and accessories who'd mentioned something similar. So I don't think that it's just SG that's been threatened.
Sorry about the language Blues Man...this has me just a little upset.:D

What is this country coming to when an illegal, threatening letter makes big companies quiver in fear instead of doing what is right?
Seems to be a phone call or letter to the AG is in order. Rehearse what customer service said and ask the AG to deny or confirm that he did ask the retailer to go beyond the letter of the law. If the AG then confirms ask him to cite statutory authority empowering him to black list perfectly legal inanimate objects.
Do you know who our AG is? He might be hard to reach...considering there are no phone lines to Mars.

Jerry Brown....yes, THAT Jerry Brown. They didn't call him Governor Moonbeam for nothing! However, I would need to find out if it is a prior AG or the current one that supposedly issued the letter.