'Spoils of war'

Personally I think it would be a VERY bad idea for not only the reasons already mentioned, but also just because it's morally wrong (just my opinion). One other thing to think about...in this day and age you could very well be on surveillance camera. They are just about everywhere nowadays....parking lots, intersections, many places of business, and who knows where else. Especially since the worldwide reality of terrorism....just some food for thought.
here's another thought..

What's to stop the thug from saying he was trying to use that gun to protect himself against you? The way I see it, by taking that gun away from the thug, you have just opened yourself up to battery and robbery charges, at least in Illinois. Now you could swear all day long that he attacked you, but the police are realistically going to look at who was beaten up and definitely question why you stole his gun!!
I would keep a careful eye on the gun to make sure that it did not "dissapear" before the police arrived, but I would not touch it unless absolutely necesarry.
I can understand wanting to have the weapon afterwards, but I wouldn't dare touch it. I would approach the police about obtaining the weapon from them afterwards, or at least a part of it. They would probably say no, but at least I tried. Touching it at the crime scene though, that's a bad bad thing, I don't want to go to jail.
I don't think asking the police for a trophy after killing somebody is such a good idea either. Chances are, unless they have come out on top in a similiar life/death struggle, they would not get your wanting a souvenir - may lead to trouble for you when they pass the info on to investigators/DA, etc and they start questioning motives, reasonable-ness, etc.

For years we have all been told how upsetting and distressful and depressing it will be if we have to take another's life, no matter how much they may have deserved it. Most others, cops included probably won't understand a different reaction.
DUXMAN--------no do not take anything.......and...if it is me and him in an alley........and I have the upper hand....he is not going to ever wake up again......IMHO
Whether the BG has the weapon in his hand or in his waistband, I think the best action would be to "secure the crime scene" and make sure that the BG does not have access to any weapon in the event that he is alive and decides to shoot back or run and dispose of his evidence before going to the hospital. Alternately, what if a witness decides HE wants that shiny gun laying on the sidewalk near the BG's hand and picks it up and runs with it. You cannot leave the crime scene. I can just see it now, "NO really officer, he had a gun but someone else took it."

So, I would take the BG's weapon and then provide it to the police when the arrive, which is also a very delicate matter. No sudden moves, comply 100%, etc.

I would NOT steal it, for reasons that others have offered (ethics, could tie you to a prior crime, could be stolen, etc.). After a shooting you can be assured you will be, at the minimum, completely searched and placed into a patrol car and taken in for questioning. They'll find the gun at that time and you're credibility will start to drop fast.
Personally, I'd pull his weapon and make sure it was in his hand before the police arrive.
If you do that, at least make sure your own prints aren't on it :rolleyes: .

Personally, I wouldn't touch it--I'd call cops (or get someone to do so), and point out the firearm. That, and I just don't like Glocks to begin with, so I wouldn't touch one anyway :p .

In a warfare scenario (i.e. not in a street fight, but actually a war), go ahead and take the guy's gun--he's dead, won't need it, and I sure as heck wouldn't want a buddy of mine to get shot with a gun I didn't take. If it was FA, and you could get it past .gov, then there's even more fun it it :p . If it was a pistol--I'd grab it anyway (I'm under 21, so that's about the only way I'd manage to get a handgun :rolleyes: ). To each their own.
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I wouldn't want the gun because it could have been stolen or used in other crimes. Maybe I'm just paranoid, though. However, I would certainly be tempted to disassemble it and swipe some parts just so he couldn't use it again.
Onlt time I would CONSIDER doing something like this would be in a SHTF situation. Though I supose I could alway's request it from the cops after the investigation is over. :rolleyes:
This is very simple:

1. The gun is evidence against the bad guy, so you want the police to see it.
2. You only move it, if it is necessary for your safety. That is a tactical

a. unconscious people can wake up and shoot you, even if you have them

b. Is he really dead or unconscious, such that when you reach to the
person, they will grab you?

Thus, there are tactical risks in leaving the gun or trying to get it. However, just taking it for fun would weaken your case that the BG is a BG.

One might suggest calling the law and taking a position that gives you some advantage over the suspect as you wait for the law. One might argue for fleeing if you are in contact with the dispatcher and telling them that you are doing such for your own safety.