Spinning targets for gun range

dyl said:
I went overkill with the 1/2 inch thick because I didn't want it to deform or have any craters with pistol Rounds. Ever.
1/2-inch isn't overkill at all. It may be underkill. Unless you used AR500 steel, you will get cratering.

The indoor range where I shoot has a very old plate rack. The original plates were either 3/4" or 1" thick. There are used only for handguns -- no centerfire rifle at this range. After many years of competitions and practices, the plates were heavily cratered. During a match, with the plate rack set probably forty to fifty feet from the shooters, one of the guys was hit in the leg by a ricochet. It wasn't a bruise -- it was a wound, and he went to the emergency room to get sewed up.

The rack was retired temporarily, until the current manager was able to obtain a set of new, 1/2" thick plates made of AR500 steel.
A note on splash, IDPA safety rules require a minimum 10 yards. This is prudent. When I used to shoot competitions indoors, we would get splash along the walls back to 15 yards. Be sure to wear good safety glasses. I got a bit of a piece buried in my leg like a shrapnel wound that got infected. No bueno.