spin stabilization of projectile--yes or no?

I used to ride a Kawasaki Ninja and then a more sedate Harley XLH 1200. You probably know from riding that bikes too have their own version of adverse yaw before punching a leaning turn--so that's the connection to the subject at hand. : )

To lesson the entering turn yaw, used Progressive springs, 15 w oil and slightly more preload in the front. Progressive 11 in shocks in rear. Yawing is at minimum, and actually takes curves pretty good for ancient design. It be old man styling.


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I got my ninja in the 1980's--lightning fast for its day. I remember once going up a highway in the wee hours of the morning (back when cops couldn't tag you on radar cause of all the plastic) at somewhat north of 120 mph and hit a small rock on the road. This set off a vibration in the front fork which quickly intensified into a bad wobble--luckily I backed off fast enough to get it under control.

I almost got T-boned a hundred times by cars that went right through stop signs without seeing me--even if they looked, and finally got clipped on the side once--that's when I went with a Harley for casual cruising. Mine was fun cruising--but it was on a perpetual mission to shake a screw loose or start an oil leak, so I got rid of it.
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My first introduction to extreme yawing (aka wallowing) was on a 73 xlch with a real man starter. Am considering new topic in general topics? Well maybe just a polite way to get post locked for off topic.:cool:
I think the real question we all have here is . What kind of groups can you shoot with the 338 at 120mph after hitting the rock ? Do you have to calculate the piston yaw with the bullet yaw or do they cancel each other out :D
Yes. The mathematics (which I will not attempt to present) do allow for a point in the bullet's trajectory where the rotation of the bullet overcomes any perturbations of the trajectory caused by expelling the bullet from the muzzle.

The significance of this effect is dependent upon propellant, bullet weight, bullet configuration, velocity, number of turns per inch in the barrel, as well as wind conditions downrange.

In short, is there a point beyond 100 yards where a bullet strains greater stability; yes, possibly.

Is that stability predictable - or even achievable for the average reloader - no.
Remember the bullet's RPM spin rate slows down over time. 10 to 15 percent across 1000 yards.

RPM when fired = (MV in FPS X 720) ÷ (Twist in inches)
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I have recently ventured back into 22lr shooting (which BTW can be very expensive if you're after accuracy beyond 50 yds) and it's really fascinating in the respect that it puts aerodynamic projectile effects on a smaller scale while exaggerating the factors that throw off the projectile's flight.
As Bart says, the bullet slows 10 or 15% by the time it travels 1000 yards. However, the velocity drops by half or more. This means the drag that attempts to overturn the bullet is maybe a quarter of what it was near the muzzle, so it is much easier to stabilize the bullet out there. The result is the stability factor goes up as the bullet goes downrange. You can see this for yourself by using a stability calculator and increasing the spin pitch by the speed loss ratio, then adding your ten or fifteen percent.
As Bart says, the bullet slows 10 or 15% by the time it travels 1000 yards. However, the velocity drops by half or more. This means the drag that attempts to overturn the bullet is maybe a quarter of what it was near the muzzle, so it is much easier to stabilize the bullet out there. The result is the stability factor goes up as the bullet goes downrange. You can see this for yourself by using a stability calculator and increasing the spin pitch by the speed loss ratio, then adding your ten or fifteen percent.
Wouldn't this also depend on other factors such as center of gravity and air "bow-wave" dispacement of the projectile's design? (phishing for knowledge here ;) )
What about over spinning the bullet ? Thought it’s best to spin the bullet the least amount to accomplish stability. So wouldn’t the faster the bullet is spinning the slower the velocity could actually be bad ??? As Stag just pointed out , many factors here . Blanket statement spinning fast is better just does not sound accurate.
That is correct. Stability factor generally goes up as the bullet goes downrange. Use this calculator and you can see the increase in gyroscopic stability factor with range in the last column of the table at the bottom of the result page.

We start with the assumption is that the bullet is fired with enough spin to be stable to begin with. Any initial yaw not so great as to cause direct tumbling will be about 80-90% damped out after a couple of hundred yards (see Litz's plots of this in his Applied Ballistics for Long Range Shooting, page 156 of the 1st Ed.). Interestingly, that distance does not change with spin rate because while it is true faster spin reduces the number of cycles of coning needed to close in on the final stable orientation of the bullet (assuming constant wind conditions), the greater gyroscopic stiffness of the faster spin makes each one of those cycles slower. The two effects cancel each other out.

As to center of gravity, that determines the location of the transverse moment of inertia, and the axis location of the axial moment of inertia, both of which are critical to calculating minimum stable spin rate at any particular velocity. You can determine both by using a vertical torsion pendulum and a stopwatch. I won't go through the procedure here because you can look at several methods published by physics teachers online. A critical point is that if the CG is not exactly centered in the bullet axis, faster spin of the bullet will introduce helical wobble. Additionally, lateral drift after exiting the muzzle that is due to spinning an off-center CG in the bore will also increase with spin rate. So, when people say, "over stabilized", they are really just saying that it is spinning faster than is strictly necessary for best accuracy, and therefore increasing the chances that a small manufacturing error in the bullet CG location, or an off-center CG caused by a few thousandths of bullet tilt in the barrel, will open the group more than you have if you stuck to a stability factor of about 1.5.

The shockwave formation does, of course, affect drag by creating the sound barrier effect, but that is just a rise in drag that exceeds what Newtons formula predicts. It is not more than you have at still higher velocities. So, again, if you are spinning fast enough to be stable at the muzzle, you are more than fast enough to be stable at the lower velocities that drag produces.
Thanks. It would be cool to have animations of these principals. I feel like I'd need to return to college to understand Litz's calculator. I did actually buy his books years ago but getting through the computer simulations stuff was rough going for me. ;)
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Ain't going back to college ever, never ever and no way. Will just remember to check some bullets accuracy further than a 100 yds, before giving up on them.

I had the same idea, and actually started work on a coning motion animated .gif file when this thread first began. Then the longer I stayed out of it and watched ideas going back and forth, it made me think it would be more useful to do a whole video on why spinning works to stabilize a projectile. Then it occurred to me there are probably already a number of them, and I should just go through them and find one I can refer people to.

It's actually not as terribly complicated as some imagine. Once you get past understanding why precession makes a spinning object turn perpendicular to forces that try to turn its spin axis, all the rest falls out. There are a couple of good explanations for precession on YouTube videos, but I would like to find one that shows tipping momentum flipping around every half turn because that way of looking at it explain nutation as well as stability when you take the time required for a half rotation into account. If I don't find one like that, perhaps I can find time to put one together down the road. The trick is trying to keep it visual. Most folks who don't work with equations regularly tend to see them as formulas rather than descriptions of what is happening, so they sort of zone out when you start laying out the math symbols. And you don't have to be able to see equations to understand the principle. You can get it just by seeing little arrows showing the directions of momentum. The only thing you miss without the equations is a method of quantifying what your mind's eye sees.
British Commonwealth competitive shooters using 7.62 NATO M80 ball ammo with 150 grain bullets leaving over 3000 fps from 30" (or more) barrels often get best accuracy at 1000 yards with 14 inch twists.
I just ran S&B's 147-grain FMJ at 3000 fps through a stability calculator and got a stability factor of 1.48. So, that's good confirmation of 1.5 at launch being about optimal.

I had the same idea, and actually started work on a coning motion animated .gif file when this thread first began. Then the longer I stayed out of it and watched ideas going back and forth, it made me think it would be more useful to do a whole video on why spinning works to stabilize a projectile. Then it occurred to me there are probably already a number of them, and I should just go through them and find one I can refer people to.

It's actually not as terribly complicated as some imagine. Once you get past understanding why precession makes a spinning object turn perpendicular to forces that try to turn its spin axis, all the rest falls out. There are a couple of good explanations for precession on YouTube videos, but I would like to find one that shows tipping momentum flipping around every half turn because that way of looking at it explain nutation as well as stability when you take the time required for a half rotation into account. If I don't find one like that, perhaps I can find time to put one together down the road. The trick is trying to keep it visual. Most folks who don't work with equations regularly tend to see them as formulas rather than descriptions of what is happening, so they sort of zone out when you start laying out the math symbols. And you don't have to be able to see equations to understand the principle. You can get it just by seeing little arrows showing the directions of momentum. The only thing you miss without the equations is a method of quantifying what your mind's eye sees.
If you look at Zeke's link about the motorcycle racing engine development (not that I expect you to do anything like that) which I found fascinating-- I got a "semi I get that" even though it was very technical and moved very fast. That's because the physics of something affecting an object are just easier to understand when illustrating what is actually happening. That said--I'm a visual artist myself and I know I don't have the skills (or patience) to use a CADCAM type program to illustrate the physics.

The only thing you miss without the equations is a method of quantifying what your mind's eye sees.
absolutely. As my mind gets less capable to grapple with this I get mentally lazy.