Speed Loading a Cap and Ball

In the NMLRA with a revolver we shoot a limited times fire target. A 10 shot target at 25 yards. Shooter starts with five shots in the revolver loaded, time starts at the report of the first shot. The shooter then had 10 minutes to fire the remaining four shots, reload five more and shoot those five. 10 minutes for nine shots and a reload basically. I finish with about three minutes to spare give or take some seconds.

I Shoot a Remington and pull the cylinder and use a press to seat each ball. It's fast. I use a powder measure and a powder drop so I'm not having to use and fumble with a flask. Or pre measured chrges in plastic vials works too. I keep corn meal in a mustard squeeze bottle and flood the chamber with corn meal on top of the powder. Seat the ball at the top and grease em with a tube of white lithium grease. The tube makes it fast and handy. It's like frosting a cake.

The whole process is fast but requires a bench. This is range shooting. Not for use out in the field. And certainly not traditional. But it is what I consider speed loading.