Spats Sneaks Out to The Range

Spats McGee

Last Saturday, Mrs. McGee had to work and The Little McGee had a choir concert to attend in a town about an hour from here. Hmmm . . . Why, whatever shall I do all by my lonesome? :confused: Naturally, I decided to sneak out to the range. :evil: The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission runs a range about 30 minutes from my house. It's a very nice range, including an air-conditioned clubhouse, vending machines and clean bathrooms. . . a non-negotiable necessity if Mrs. McGee is to go to the range with me. It was a beautiful ~60* day, and I was clearly not the only one who thought it would be a lovely day at the range. There were about 8 other guys on the pistol range, plus the fellers on the rifle range. I had to drop my daughter off for a 7:00 a.m. departure on the school bus, but the range didn't open to 8:30. That left me somewhere between an hour and an hour and a half to get ready for the range.

Range bag? Stocked and waiting.
Ammo? In range bag.
Magazines? 7, all loaded.
Gun? Check.
Cold beverage? Check.
Gas? I gots enough to get there.
Shooting buddies? All booked up.

The Little McGee was to return ~11:00a.m., so I only had about 2.5 hours, not nearly enough time to shoot everything I wanted to. When I have to choose only one gun to shoot, I almost always choose Gretchen, my G19. She's my EDC. I shot 250 rounds, which is about half of the 9mm stash that I had in my range bag. All of it was Perfecta 115 grain, which is the cheapest thing I've been able to find at Wal-Mart around here. For whatever it's worth, I've shot ~500 rounds of that stuff and haven't had a problem.

I had target pictures that I was able to post on THR, but apparently, I cannot post them here. Suffice it to say that on the first target, (7 magazines (105 rounds), fired at 7 yards, slow fire), I pulled a little to the left. I then moved the target out to 15 yards, where the pull is even more pronounced.

After that, I got the "dad, the bus is heading back" text, so I had to load up and head home. My shooting was not fantastic, but I'm not going to complain, either. I'm not entirely dissatisfied with it. A SWAT buddy of mine took one look and started giving me pointers on improving, but I'll take shooting advice from my SWAT buddies just about any time.

It sure was nice to burn off all that stress from work, though. :D
Where is that nice a AGFC range? the only one near me is at White Oak(I think it is a AGFC range) and it is not near that nice. Our city has a pretty nice range, but club house? air conditioned? wow.

David, obviously in not as nice a part of Arkansas
"I love it when a plan comes together." George Peppard.

Nice. We could use more happy range day stories.
Nice little story Spats. I also find going to the range therapeutic, like riding my dirt bike or hanging out with a pretty girl. I have been shooting about once a week, trying to get better with my newest pistol, a Walther PPQ m2 .40

I have about 500rds through it thus far, owning it for about a month and a half. I am having accuracy issues with it. I think I am flinching or anticipating the shot, due to the high recoil compared to my baby (1911 .45). I get great groups at 5 yards but they double in size or more when I get to 10yds and double in size again when I get to 15yds.
My stress level indicates that I should spend some time behind my 375 H&H sighting in the new scope...

Enjoyed the briefing.
My son calls "range time" Lead Therapy. Going to the range is very mentally relaxing. You MUST concentrate to keep all the rules of safety at the forefront, then concentrate on the target and firearm. With all that "concentration" worries of the world are squeezed out. Most relaxing.
I did the same thing at a DNR range last Sunday. yes, it is a fudd range so training is not an option, only basic target shooting; but it is free and there is no hassle getting to use it. the only thing bad about shooting a bunch of guns is having to make time to clean a bunch of guns. ;)
Nice story I went to the range yesterday and rented a Wilson combat CQB, my first time firing a 1911 and .45. Recoil was more manageable than my M&p compact 9 and it was a laser. The real treat was my gf's mother's inherited colt m1908 pocket hammerless in .380. It was a beautiful gun and quite easy to shoot contrary to what I thought when I saw the sights.
Range time for me is also very relaxing and a great stress reliever. I usually shoot 3 to 4 times a week on week days since I am retired and spend about 2 hours there. Some times I have the entire club all to myself. I shoot at a private club where I am a member. It is about 15 minutes from my house. Aftyer shooting I some times get a cold can of diet pepsi and just sit back and enjoy being out doors watching the squirrels and chipmunks running around.
When I go to the range I shoot a little and BS with the old timers if they are there (heck--I'm an old timer).
My last trip I found a group of youngsters accompanied by their parents. After sizing them up I offered them to shoot one of my handguns. I got a lot of therapy that day.
Since I lost some of my vision it was good to see some of the youngsters shoot my tools better than I.
Just got back from the range, Not as good as I wanted, but it is Very relaxing and fun. I just tell the wife it's - Trigger Time.
I forgot to ad that my reloading time is also very relaxing, I enjoy it almost as much as the shooting
I went to the Mayflower range a few times when I arrived in Arkansas 15 years ago. But they close on holidays and that's when I like to go shooting. The facility is very nice but they also impose a boatload of ridiculous rules. No loaded mags coming onto the property, no rapid fire, no human silhouette targets, etc etc etc. What finally did it for me was the last time I went there the guy in the office came out and demanded I open my gun cases so he could inspect my guns.


I joined the Benton Gun Club. Similar driving distance. The range amenities are not as nice to be sure. But multiple ranges are available 365 days a year. I can do all the things I can't do at Mayflower and nobody demands to see my guns before going to the line. I can go as often as I like for $75 yearly.

Spats, if you'd ever like to come down to the BGC and shoot with me sometime let me know.
SaxonPig, that sounds like a plan. I'll give you a shout as soon as I get some breathing room at work.

Yeah, AGFC has some silly rules, but I find most of them bearable.
I was at the AF&G mayflower range a few years ago and when the RO asked to see my rifle I let him and he asked " what ya gonna do with that little kids peashooter" , I got a little p$%^&d because the gun was a 1954 made Win mod 94 in ( ofcourse) 30-30 that belonged to my late father in law.
He didn't have to say that now did he ?