Spanish for Gunfighters?

The hell with warning anyone in "their" language. If this takes place in the U.S., IT'S ENGLISH AND ONLY ENGLISH. If they don't stop, or comply with your commands, that's their problem..take them out. I'm saddened anyone has to ask this. Don't allow this mentality to grow as it has with Less than Lethal, Impact, and all other sort of crap that removes responsibility from the criminal/idiot/crazy/alien, and unto the officer on the street. If they say "?que?", just press trigger and repeat as necessary and don't ever mention any doubts or questions in regards to your thoughts on possiblities.
most people understand what a pistol is....and that you have it drawn because a bad thing is fixing to happen. If I was in Korea nad a policeman pointed a pistol at me I wouldnt even need to know what he was saying.......

I would be raising my hands palms forward and standing very still
more useless advice
+1. That has got to be some of the most worthless advice offered from a source that is known for pretty questionable advice. Unless your "urban area" is in another country (where you should know some of the native tongue) you can be pretty confident that "Stop" and "Halt" are commands that will be recognized.
I've had quite a bit of compliance earned by punctuation my English commands with "...o desparo."

No gaurantee on the spelling, it means "or I'll shoot." If it doesn't, it works as if it does. ;)
Para, si te mueve vas a tener un pedazo de tu cuerpo que le vas a tener mucha falta!! Entiendes.................................(after the situation is under control)........Suavemente acuesta te en el piso, pon tu manos en tu cabeza y contrólate si no ya tu sabe lo que te vas a pasar.

Stop, if you move you will be missing parts of your body!! Understand.....Slowly lay on the ground, put your hands on your head and control yourself or you know what happens.

El muchacho quiso decir...

Alto...!!!.No se mueva...!!!. Aqui es muy común esa frase entre policias...como también esta, ALTO POLICIA, DETENGASE...!!!
HALT...!!! (Speak in German...???) maybe not??? :barf:

Saludos from Buenos Aires,Argentina

Thanks Erich

Thanks Erich...Y no dudes en consultarme lo que gustes en cuanto a "spanish language" que no entiendas. Para lo que necesites, a tus órdenes.


Lokko :rolleyes:
Bravado aside, I would prefer to have them understand exactly what I want them to do.

I seem to recall a Japanese student type that did not survive a Trick or Treating expedition because he did not understand the meaning of 'FREEZE!' :(

I'd hate to stand in front of Saint Peter explaining why I shot Jose, when all he wanted was for me to call an ambulance for his brother that had encountered a rattlesnake. I live ~30 miles north of the border and I have had many more rattlesnakes in my yard than illegal aliens.
I'm reading Gabriel Suarez's "The Tactical Pistol" where hes' talking about what to say during a fight (e.g. "STOP! DON'T MOVE! HALT!). He says:

Consider the fact that English may not be the predominant language in some urban areas. ...a few properly memorized words and phrases in the appropriate language might be useful.

Where I live, that would mean Spanish. Has anyone compiled a list of such words and phrases, so I can save myself a little time?

I don't care WHOSE fault it is. I'd rather be able to de-fuse a bad situation with a few choice words than have to end up shooting the SOB and end up with THAT mess (lawyers, possible arrest, reporters with an agenda, a sheriff who hates civilian CCW, etc.) If a half-hour of learning a few choice phrases can make that difference, I couldn't care LESS if the bad guy really should be better educated. As a tactician, who is looking to get out of a bad situation with minimal harm to myself or my wallet or my freedom, that just makes sense.

Defusing a situation sounds optimal. I have no qualms with that. However, you might consider updating your reading of Suarez to reflect what he feels will be an event to definitely happen sometime in the relative near future. Your valiant perspective have the significant potential flaw that you will be dealing with somebody who speaks the local common language and that they care what you have to say. Suarez's recent emphasis seems to be shifting somewhat away from dealing with domestic issues to dealing with Al-Queda terrorism on US soil. As he notes probably correctly, such folks have no concerns about what you say and are not interested in surrendering. Even so, maybe you will get lucky and run up against a less than fully committed terrorist. So, you only need brush up on the catch phrases spoke by Al-Queda. Of course, that is going to likely include a dozen languages and several dialects.
I will try to ignore the "shoot everybody who doesn't speak English" idiots.

Call out in a loud voice "Halt! Police!" Both words are closely related to the same meanings in several languages and should be understood by the most people.

If someone says that by using "Police!" you are impersonating an officer (assuming you are not one), point out that you are under threat and are calling for police assistance, not claiming to be the police.

:rolleyes: From Scarface: 'No te mueves!' (Don't move!)

From Butch Cassidy And the Sundance Kid: 'Manos arriba!' (Hands up!)

From Michael Jackson's Thriller: 'Oige, poco loco, tu eres clase de lindo!' (Hi there, little boy, you're kind 'a cute!) :D

Some other good ones:

Caiga la arma! (Drop the weapon!)

En sus rodillas - ahora! (On your knees - now!)

Quién tiene consigo? (Who's with you?) ;)
To those of you who took the time to post useful information, thanks, I appreciate it. Like my steel, I hope I never have to use it.
How 'bout, Alto, detengase o disparo.

If no compliance, Si disparo se va a ir al carajo.

Tr. Stop, don't move or I'll shoot. If I shoot, you're going to go to %#@*^%* hell.
sueltelo! drop it!

Also brought up by one of my training officers, learn the phrases like "matalo", which means "kill him" or "#@$% him up." Now, you're not learning this because you want to say it, but rather to know what they are saying in case you hear it. I'll attempt to learn anything that may save my life, America or not.