South Korean Sale of M-1's and Carbines

The Korean M1 issue has been beat to death so I'll not address it.

I will address the complaints about the CMP and their forum.

I think its a crock. Yeah there are bad apples in every tree, but to condemn a whole forum is ridiculous to say the least.

The CMP is an excellent program. Child of the DCM started by Teddy Roosevelt. Main Goal is to provide surplus military weapons and training to the American Citizen (and Soldiers through the SDM Program). The DCM was funded by congress. In 1996 it was turned over to civilian management. The CMP receives no tax dollars, Their programs are funded by sales of surplus rifles and equipment.

The CMP Forum is an off shoot, or part of the CMP Programs. There are many veterans as members. They provide, just like this forum, guidance and advise to any and all who ask it.

Are they proud of the History of the Rifles they buy, YOU BET, as am I. I look at every mark, scratch and smudge on my CMP guns and ponder how they got there, what was the soldier doing when those blemishes got there.

I bought a used sling for my Carbine. It had a name written on the inside. My wife did a search on military sites and found that name was listed twice as serving in WWII. One, was in the SP in 1944, one in Europe in 1944. Does that information add value to my Carbine and Sling, You bet your ass it does.

I'm proud of the fact that these were AMERICAN guns, that helped the AMERICAN Soldier win that conflict. I believe a huge majority of members of the CMP Forum feel the same way.

I think we should all go to that Site and see for ourselves. Like I said, there are bad apples in every tree, but you don't cut down the whole tree.

I'm proud to be listed as a CMP Customer, I'm proud of the fact they accepted me to attend the GSM MI Course and I'm proud to say I'm a CMP GSM Master Instructor. I'm further proud to be on the list to assist in instructing the Army's SDM Program, in Conjunction with the Army Marksmanship Unit.
Hi Kraigwy,

Just drove through your beautiful state 45 or so days ago on my way to Yellowstone. Loved it.

Just wanted to say that in no way did I intend this thread to be a slap at the CMP or CMP forum. I probably should have jumped in sooner to try to keep the thread on the track I intended. I understand what the CMP does, and why they wouldn't be involved in the Korean deal. A couple of guys chimed in to mention some philosophical or political disagreements they'd had with one or more of the employees of one of the stores, and somebody mentioned that somebody hadn't served in the military, etc. I don't see how any of that has anything to do with the mission of the CMP program or the job it does. I've never purchased from them but I may someday.

The south store is in Anniston, Alabama. That's a beautiful area in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains. Ft. McClellan used to be there. I think the city or county owns it now. There's still a beautiful golf course there. My daughter graduated from nearby Jacksonville State University several years back. Be sure if you ever go to Anniston to eat at least one meal at Top o the River restaurant in Anniston and get a bowl of pinto beans and a bowl of greens to go with your fried catfish. Nothing compares! Theres also a military museum there thats worth a visit.
CheapShooter I never really looked at your Signature But I'd like the Respectfully suggest a minor change

Captain Stuart While I agree in principle with your statement about the CMP itself, I am adament about the lack of respect their forum has for others. Unforunately I was in several units who refused to allow their soldiers to buy from the DCM. This was always a command perogative. I retired in 2000, and 4 years after President Clinton reorganized the entire program. I only have one American Rifle The M1917 US Enfield I got it from and old Nam buddy and it has been in my possession for 30 years. I compete with her. I take her hunting. I have said this more than once I support the CMP itself and urge collectors of that rifle to deal with them. Old Msg Orest Micheals is like myself an old Retired NCO. He knows the Garand He spent his career around it. I on the other hand spent my 27 years in the Infantry, and the MPs. For what it is worth to you I started my Career with the M1 in 1958 I saw the M14 in 1961 and finally the M16 in Vietnam in 1965 When I came back in the M16 A2 was in service. I fail to understand why my not wanting an M1 is such a problem I own the famous bolt action rifles of Europe and the Second World War. My next weapon will be the Soviet SVT40 Tula or the Ak47 Kalashnikov. Well Captain I have said all I'm going to say If you wish to respond, by all means
SFC Paul McDermott US Army Retired
I will address the complaints about the CMP and their forum.

I think its a crock. Yeah there are bad apples in every tree, but to condemn a whole forum is ridiculous to say the least.


I, for one, have posted in several places in this thread about a singular incident concerning a small group of people at the CMP forums. My comments are not directed at the CMP forum, the CMP, or any member of the CMP. Nor were they a condemnation of the CMP, it's mission, or how they go about doing it. I support the CMP with my money and with my words. Their forum is populated with people free to speak their mind and some of those free speakers are people I do not agree with. That is the extent of my 'negative' experience with the CMP- some people who say things on their forums. That's it.

You are free to think anything is a crock; that's your right. I have expressed respect for you more than once on this forum, and I ask you respectfully, if you feel that my comments are 'a crock', to carefully re-read my statements. Here's just a couple examples of things I have posted concerning the CMP in this thread:

That's just a select few of the members there and not a condemnation of the CMP or their forum but I don't care to read any more comments like that so I don;t frequent the place

I shouldn't have brought it up guys, I'm sorry. I guess I was trying to illustrate that even while I don't go to their forums and participate, it's not because the info is bad or it's a bad place

The things that were said by a small group of folks were extremely disrespectful to US servicemen in my view

I couldn't see myself being civil to that small selection of people anymore, so I opted out of the forums to prevent causing trouble. That's my choice and I ask you to respect that

I hold no grudge against the people who are at their forums as a group and I don't spread poison about the CMP, or their forums. I just don't go there.

Kraig, I respect your accomplishments and your pride in the CMP, but if your comments are directed at things I have said here, please consdier that it is possible that you are in the wrong

If I have misunderstood your statements or intention then I apologize for singling out your comments


Congress is working on bringing the Carbines and Garands home for US buyers. The Collectible Firearms Protection Act is attracting quite a bit of support:

H.R. 615
118 sponsors
S. 381
10 sponsors

Looks like South Korea bought this batch of Garands and Carbines when they were arming the Homeland Defense Reserve Force in 1968 -1969 time frame.
" Scenes from an Unfinished War: Low-Intensity Conflict in Korea , 1966-1969 " discusses the context of the times:

According to DA Pam 550-41 , 1969 :
" The establishment of a " home guard " appears to be popular among the people , as shown through successful fund drives to purchase rifles ... for the reserve force."
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I don't care if every single one of them is only good for parts, we need to get them imported and on the market just for the principle of it, and let the opposition keep ranting about 'assault rifles' while the public snaps them up. There is a great interest in the history of WWII and Korea in this country, and a lot of new friends to the 2nd Amendment can be made if these become available.
With today's first-time, historic downgrade of our nation's very old AAA rating (a nice new permanent record;) for"leader"), maybe the 'other' part of Congress' plus 'those' in the Senate will use their heads for a change, in order to survive the 2012 vote.

Most Garands have No parts that match, and would such new imports-being discussed-go mostly or completely to the CMP?
Not a bad idea at all.

In fact, if the government wanted people to happily pay more taxes, bring the M-1s home and loosen up on NFA weapons. A lot of people will be more than happy to pay $200 for the tax stamp on a selective fire weapon. Money will flow into the Treasury's coffers.:D