Sort of OT: best way to get rid of a Skunk?

First off-
Welcome Back Art! I thought that tall fellow smelling of Desert looked familar. :D

Rabid Skunks - mostly what I have to contend with. Depends on where one is and safe backstops. Have used various handguns, slugs from shotguns,'30-30, '06's and .22 rifles.

Ruark said Use Enough Gun, not my fault the rabid smelly critter picked a day I was toting a 30-30 or '06...

One fellow used a caged trap to catch a few, had a problem figuring out how to get the rabid critter our of his trap. I just happened to be testing .480 and .454 handguns next door, and a model 70 in '06. Yep...yep...these will get a critter to "behave" so you can remove a rabid critter and save a trap. :D

All in the name of load testing you understand. ;)

Then again with a safe backstop and all, good handgun practice with a CCW. Kinda like a black striped Tueller Drill if you will. Have used my 1928 Detective Special, J frames, 1911s,BHPs K frames, and Keltec P-11. Taken skunks, racoons, groundhogs. One gray squirrel with the Keltec P-11, he "almost" made it to base of tree... :p
you do not have to make a head shot on a skunk. what garbage. if you kill a skunk in any fashion there is a chance it will leak some odor. that is nothing compared to spray, believe me. shoot it with anything more powerful than a pellet gun in the front half of the body and it will kill it. a skunk is not going to spray at something it doesn't even see. they know their range. i have trapped about 15 or so and and i shoot them in the trap from about 20 yards. shoot till it stops moving. then haul it away quickly. it is going to stink most likely, but that ain't spraying. just suck it up and ignore the taint in the air, and bury it or whatever. i just throw mine in the woods and the coyotes eat it overnight.
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Any 22 rimfire will be more than adequate for around the house. Use subsonic rounds which are a little less noisey. Subsonics are less powerful, but should still do the trick. Shoot it until it stops moving. Shunks may release their scent (spray). But, it goes away in a few days. Don't see a big problem. In a box trap, they will spray when you start messing with them. If you go that route, just put a tarp over the trap and dunk the whole thing in a big tub that will fit the trap and drown it. Shooting is the best approach. Sound issues, but over very quick and he can explain to the neighbors later if necessary. They probably have the same shunk lurking around. They aren't friendly little creatures, be very careful if you handle it in any way alive. Watch you backstop.
we are talking about normal everyday skunks right? the way this is carrying on you would think it was skunkzilla. if the smell is that bothersome get a flamethrower or a cruise missle. it might take care of it.