something that we in the U.S. should perhaps consider


All that you write may be true, but it doesn't speak to the point of the last post(s). The point was that his perspective on the current situation in Iraq is guarenteed to be infinitely more informed and therefore relevant than yours because of his current situation day in, day out. Unless you are there, you can't possibly speak with the same credibility. You were making broad statements about the alleged status quo and which he politely asserted were uninformed and incorrect.

His last posts were what comes from a tape recording. I did not disagree with him on his first post and went on to say why. Iraq is a big place. It's borders are as about "secure" as the one between Brownsville and El Paso, probably less so, and I have no doubt that there will be "new" groups and paid instigators showing up down the road. There have already been some from the Caucus region for instance.

Things might change there from month to month in one way or another. And the media will dutifully highlight the talking points for everyone as the months - years - roll by. But like Yugoslavia - and the subject matter concerning Holland and other provinces of Europa - the overall results shouldn't come as a surprize given what was known from the get-go. I am not the only one, there were plenty of other people saying this from the very beginning.
...which is all fine and dandy but STILL doesn't address the fact that he's there and you're not; he gets his intel first hand while you depend on others to tell you about it. Semantic smoke and mirrors don't change that.
In the US, we are being acculturated by the left to accept the concept of diversity wholecloth and ignore the fundamental duty of demanding loyalty from the diverse populations that we accept.

gburner said it bet in his first post on this thread, read it over because we
need to heed what is happening in other countries or we as a free country
will not make it....Don't matter how you spin it how pc you want to be
we need to think on what we need to do to preserve our quality and way of life.

No semantics involved. The history books were written a long time ago, the religious and geo-political make up of the whole region prior to the invasion haven't change in the span of a year. Mr Interrogator is not the only American in Iraq, there are plenty of people in the family and friends circles I associate with that are there too.

Like Yugoslavia, I am waiting for the next venture to unfold in this agenda some time in the near future, be it Iran or some other place - so we can all pretend it is "something new" all over again.