Something that happened today

Good news! Last night the Director called my house. Apparently the other instructor had reported it. I guess there were also 2 boys that work there that saw it also. The man asked me if I felt excessive force was being used against my daughter. I said yes! Before I could say anything else he made a huge apology to me, assured me that they do not accept this type of behavior from their instructors, proper action will be taken against this lady (dismissal :)), I will be reimbursed for the entire class, my daughter will have a new instructor next class, should she have any problems/fears of a certain lesson they will provide a private instructor for her and extra classes if need be at no charge, and another apology. (gee you think they are afraid of lawsuits? :)) There was no mention of guns , targets, or her 'drawings', I did not mention it and neither did he. So I decided to take the offer as long as that lady is dismissed. What I found to be funny is that the other instructor and the two boys that work there are high school students, they had more brains than this lady who is probably close to my age. So I feel much better now! :) I had a nice little talk with my girl and let her know that lady should have never tried forcing her to do anything she didnt want to, but she is grounded from the pens for a few days ;). She has no clue what it was all really about so no need to make her think she did something wrong, because really she didnt, she is a kid, kids do things like that. She told me she liked the boy instructor better (I guess thats good? ;)) I guess I wont know if this had any effect on her swimming until next class. Now that I am 'calm', I am glad I didnt actually make my way to the lady, I probably would have ended up in handcuffs no doubt, that probably would have screwed up my FOID app.! :) So in honor of this lady, I am going to take the refunded money, first take my girl out to get a super sundae, then I will take the rest and get my FOID, and do some practicing at the range! :) Thanks lady!

Thanks for all the comments, I had alot of them in mind until the director called. I really dont care so much about the refund but more about her dismissal , IMO that is the best thing that could happen. :)
Miss D;
Little children and guns don't mix just like little children and automobiles don't mix. By all means, teach them to cross the road safely, you know? Only exception might be under close adult supervision and insruction when the child is mature enough to understand the power of the gun.

Still, the attitudes displayed by these people are way out of line. It isn't the child's fault so why punish or mistreat the child? Maybe the media created a fevered pitch attitude and hatred towards guns?

I am not surprised by these attitudes though. We live in a culture of violence where movies, news, entertainment, video games, all, seem to glorify violence. Should we be surprised when we have the concomitant violent acts committed in society? It is now clear that even children have been affected.

The violence "purveyors" or the media then undertakes efforts to blame an inanimate object like the gun for the acts of violence, as though there would be no violence if guns weren't around. The atmosphere of fear and loathing displayed by many when guns are mentioned or talked about speaks to the effect on attitudes the media has had on the issue of guns. I see it every day where someone is fearfull that anyone at any time could go berzerk ("postal") and start shooting up the place. Many people are going around saying "OHH my God! That guy is a gun owner. He can't be trusted because he could go postal at any time!" Well, I got news for these people. You don't need a gun to commit mass murder. Gasoline is just about as effective as a gun, so is pushing the control wheel on an airplane forward or driving through a crowded schoolyard.

The media has put its focus on the gun instead of the root causes of violence. The media has created an atmosphere of hatred towards inanimate guns and the attitudes displayed by the people you mention are really no surprise. Unforgivable? Maybe. But you shouldn't be surprised. I guess you have been taught another lesson on the gullibility/stupidity of people and the effects the media has on society. I get this sort of treatment nearly every day.
Extremely cool, Miss D!!

One bit of further advice: still write this down with all the facts and file it. I betcha this woman will become a figure in the local anti-gun movement....she'll need a job, she doesn't seem the type to accept that she did wrong, so she'll blame guns and be a zealot. Would be fun to discredit her (dismissed for child abuse) when she gets a do-gooder rep.

Have I ever mentioned I'm vindictive? :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Pardon my language but, F#$(*$ this brainwashed, ignorant, facist moron. Go to the police and file assault charges against her. I don't normally like to blow things out of proportion, but if one of us had done that to a kid who's mother was anti-gun, you bet to hell we would be demonized from here to the four corners of the earth.

It's time we treat this as nothing less than an act of aggression and go on the offensive. I'd file the police charges and a civil lawsuit. I don't like frivilous lawsuits but if these morons are gonna use the courts like a bludgeon against us we can do the same.

Sorry for the rant but these so called peacenik for the children crusaders are such hypocrites. IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF. Especially when an adult purposefully hurts a child. THERE IS NO F^#(@)$ EXCUSE!!!!!
Great to hear that MissD.

Make sure that Sundae has lots of sprinkles on it! :)


Join GOA, NRA, LEAA and vote.
EXCELLENT! I liked DC's idea of keeping it on record. List every little detail, it might come in handy someday.

BTW: Sprinkles are good, but hot fudge always makes me feel better! :)
Wow... grinning over here, I am. Kickass, Miss D!

Days like this give me new hope. Rosie gets canned, the guys at GT want to start a fan club for my friend Maureen, and one of our own succeeds in trashing an anti. Far out!

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Congratulations, Miss D!! Sometimes there is justice, and it must be most gratifying to find the rest of the staff found her behaviour inappropriate too. I love it when someone's bigotry comes back and bites them squarely in the @$$.

I don't know if a lawsuit is appropriate (though it does have sme appeal), but you should keep it in your back pocket in the event that the twinkie doesn't accept the price for trying to force her opinions on others and recognize that she brought this on herself. If she was stupid enough to hassle a kid over a difference in lifestyle, she could be wacked enough to blame you for her 'problems'.

I do like DC's idea, keep a record and keep an eye out for her if she ever raises to some postion approaching prominence, then lob it in on her. Revenge is best served cold (DC, didn't the your people invent the vendetta?).

At any rate, looks like a satisfactory resolution so far. Goodonya!
A tip o' the derby and a Mazel Tov! on the latest news (talk about a mixed metaphor[g]).

What I found encouraging was that OTHERS found her actions out of line and reported

As the others said, write it all down and save it. Memories fade after a while, and those notes may become priceless.

Instead of another sundae, how about another
box of ammo? [g]