After reading some of the responses in this thread and this one Why not just flip the light switch?
There's good and bad in that idea, as pointed out in the referenced thread.
First, there's the problem of getting YOUR eyes adjusted to the bright light first, before some adversary. Since thugs tend to be younger than homeowners as a general rule, this may be a losing battle as our eyes age.
In terms of moving to another room to turn on the lights, it's a potential suicide move. Most light switches are mounted inside the room they illuminate, near the door. Even if you're really good, that means reaching around the corner of the doorway to flip the switch. In about half the cases, the switch will be on the far side of the door opening. That either pins you in the doorway or you risk moving past the door to reach in.
Remote controlled lights are the way to go, if you can do it. Most thieves will leave if the lights are coming on, especially if they know they have a chance to exit without being shot.
The Alternative is what I started using when I had three cats underfoot at night. Simply install a handful of night-lights in strategic locations around the house. Install them in bathrooms as a courtesy to guests and to avoid snapping on the light at 3 a.m. Put them in locations that will provide shadows if people are moving around. As much as possible, avoid placing them where you have to look directly at the light in a tactical situation.
Note: If your neighborhood experiences a rash of nighttime break-ins, find one or two light timers that can vary their on/off times and put them in an unused room or attached to a low-light lamp in the living room. Make it appear a resident has a habit of getting up in the wee hours and wandering around in two rooms.