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Something annoying about the search function


New member
When you search in the "advanced search" function, you put in the terms, click the proper buttons, choose the proper forum and search if the result is not what you want you hit the "back" button. The problem is that the search function clears the form so you again have to put in the terms, click the proper buttons, choose the proper forum and search again. The old format (still in use at THR) did not do this. The form was still filled out and merely needed modification.

Also ...

If one is posting a reply and they need some info they need to search for, when they hit the "back" button to go back to the post the form has been cleared. The old format also did not do this.

Any way to fix this deficiency?
Problem's On Your End, Methinks.

This post was typed out, hit the back button, hit the forward button and posted. No Problem. Likewise going back on the search. Course, I'm on a Safari Browser. However, IE 5.2 for Mac also works.

Try clearing your cache files. I don't know what else to suggest.

Also let us know what OS and Browser. Maybe someone else with identical rig can test it.
The problem seems to be vBulletin version

I'm using Win XP with IE 6.0 .

I typed a sample message and did a "back" "forward" and the message was gone.

Did it a again, went to "search" and "back" and the message was gone.

Went to THR and tried the same thing and message was still there. Went to "search" and back and it was still there. Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.3.5

Went to another forum which states at the bottom "Powered by phpBB 2.0.7 © 2001- 2004 phpBB Group" and everything worked fine.

Went to Family, Friends, and Firearms which says "Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.3.2" and it worked fine.

The difference seems to be this board says "Powered by: vBulletin Version 3.0.1"

I'll login with firefox and see what happens.
Okay, curioser and curioser, Alice.

I am now in Mozilla Firefox and everything is working fine.

It seems to be an IE compatibility problem but how do I clear the cache to be sure?


Firefox is the latest version of what used to be Mozilla Firebird. It is a safe browser that doesn't have the security drawbacks of IE 6.0 . A friend who is an IT type told me about it. I bounce back and forth between Firefox and IE.

You can view the specs and download it (upper left corner) from http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ .
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I have XPPro and IE6

I tried this post, hit "back" and this post was cleared.
FWIW I have to use this for on-line classes...or I wouldn't be...

edit: I will do what I have/hate to do for some class discussions. Use Word/Wordpad/Notepad to do a reply, then cut and paste.
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WinXP Pro SP2 IE 6.0
Typed this message, then hit the back button and the message disappeared.

Next, I repeated the process - only this time I clicked the mouse button inside of the message area first, then hit the back button - then the foreward and surprise! It worked and the message was still there.


What can I say, it's not commonly referred to as "Internet Exploder" for nothing.
tyme, anyone...

Can I ask a dumb question?
I am not "there yet" in education, so bear with me.
I have to do the Cisco and MS stuff for class right now.
Oh and play with patch cords, routers and make things not work.
Later I get to learn Unix and meet the penguin. :)

ISP I have supports IE and Navigator.
I have played with Opera and some Linux and Mac OS.

So, where is the best place to read up on Firefox since this seems to be the best one "recommended". I may read up and learn how to flip flop b/t two browsers. Just because I'm taking a summer class, don't mean can't learn something.

I really hate this proprietary stuff and critical updates...the penguin seem cool tho'. ;)

nevermind - I found the site...

Thank you sir.
That is the one I found.
Err...I have to use this laptop - my only pc at home- for college on-line classes.

I don't mind using the pc's at college to learn stuff and piddle around, that is what some are allocated for in one of the labs. I mess those up, I can get bailed out. :p

At home, by my lonesome...boy I had a HDD crash once...If I knew back then what I know now...laptop is not the smart thing to buy for first and only pc . HDD was under warranty...the first time, second time I found out how pricey laptops can be.

I get ahead. I will buy another 'puter. I took the first part on building one...could probably build myself one. Will be taking 2nd part next. Some of this other stuff ...I go slow on. If I get a Tower type...I can replace stuff if need.

Always learning...always.