Someone's got to be the sacrificial lamb...

Sacrificial lamb seems like an appropriate term. Given the current administrations history I doubt if whoever gets blamed will be alive to deny it.
Well, Ivan. Come Jan 1, none of us will be able to say you didn't warn us. Lots of stuff comin' down, I guess. ;)

BTW. Who is "Johnny"?

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 04, 1999).]
If there is going to be someone taking a fall, my money is on Freeh. However, I'm not convinced yet that anyone is going to be blamed for this.
It just amazes me. Reno takes "full responsibility" for what was obviously a major screw-up. But then she doesn't even bother to find out what it was that she took responsibility for?
It seems apparent that she is either an idiot or a felon. Of course, in this administration, those are qualifications, and not insults.

Good point, RAJ. They always blame the dead guy. Even when the First Liar got caught claiming that he was the first President to have JFK, Jr back as a guest in the White House, he blamed the dead guy.
If you are involved in something with this administration and they need someone to blame, you need to figure out which dead guy they can blame it on. If there isn't one, then you need to be very careful.

Clinton's mother and grandma. ;)

Without the 2nd Amendment,the Declaration of Independence is an old post card and the entire Constitution is just notes from a bridge club meeting.
Rich, there is only one Johnny in this Regime and her last name is Reno. And trying to get you proof of the dual citizenship of Feinstein isnt easy, but proof would not matter at this point. Nothing short of the Second Coming will get her out of office. But the Second Coming is the good news.


Think about it....we won't know til we know.

I hope you read Ivan :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Thanks. I don't want to belabor the point, but if you've no facts to back up a statement (like DiFi's Israeli citizenship), then where does it come from?

Don't we have enough real hobgoblins to fight without dreaming up more? Especially when the imagined claims can alienate an entire subgroup whom we need in our ranks?
Cassandra had her share of detractors too. And all because she wouldnt give it to the big guy.

Better days to be,

She sent the marshals because she was afraid the FBI might actually comply with that judge's demand to turn over the evidence... Now it's in the hands of people whose loyalty is certain. There will be no fall guy, because all they've got to do is delay for another year or so, and a new administration will be in.
When Harry Truman was President he had a sign on his desk saying "The Buck Stops Here" Has this changed???
Marv; Right now the sign says something like: "My Republican Predecessor Spent That Buck".

Better days to be,
