Someone's got to be the sacrificial lamb...


New member
...what with all this reinvestigation into Waco. We all know it damn sure ain't gonna be Janet Reno. So who're they going to hang out to dry? Predictions?


[This message has been edited by stark (edited September 02, 1999).]
No one. This administration is a professional at handling scandals and after seeing what they have made it through so far, I don't see anyone going down for this.

Aside from a few people being reassigned to a different position, I don't see anything happening.

Wish it were different.
Try the dish washer in the company cafeteria at The J.Edgar Hoover Building. Failing that, maybe they do not have a company cafeteria, I'm certain that some suitible "scarifical lamb" will be found, somewhere. Most assuredly, he/she will NOT be from anyplace involving significant management responsibility, which means that no real changes will be made.

As I recall, there was a book written on another subject, whose title was not only interesting, but likely applicible to this situation. The title was AND THE BAND PLAYED ON.
Why not Reno, did say she would take full responsibility did she not. Besides what is she going to do after clinton moves out of our house?? If she takes the fall and then retires with a nice pension and who knows what else, (she is a sick lady right???) then her clinton will come out smelling like a rose again. The way will then be open for gore or hilary to step in and run for pres in 2000.

Could this be leaking out from the white house by back door channels on orders to grease the skids for 2000. That way it will be gone and forgotten by the election instead of poping up at a really bad time???
I don't think anyone will take an official fall for Waco. If I was Reno or Freeh I would be worried that I might commit suicide, though.
I had the same thought. Maybe a plane ride back from Panama goes bad,,,,,,,,,Now what exactly was Ron Brown reading?

CCW for Ohio action site.
I don't think anybody will take the fall for this.
We have 12 tons of "evidence" that some blue ribbon commission will spend eternity sifting through and not produce anything conclusive. O.J. managed to beat his rap by wearing down and confusing the jury with too much boring and technical information. And that case was far less complicated than Waco.
In addition, our good friends in the mainstream media are already at work priming the public to believe that this is all just a matter of government ineptitude and sloppy housekeeping rather than something more sinister.
No one takes the fall. Congress already whitewashed Waco with its earlier investigation. The boys on the House are petrified of Big Comrade and his Secret Police who dont mess around. Critics of this Regime in Congress have either been liquidated( Sony bono was visible upset at Waco hearings and looked to do something about murders) or scared crapless(Tom Delay nearly iced in his own office by so called nut who killed two Capital Cops and Senator Imhoff whose propeller fell off his plane. These boys are quiet now and will just sit and collect their big pensions. This latest Waco "revelations"(intellegent people have known for a long time what really happened) is just diversions for the sheeple and to allow Johnny and Bill to "get to the bottom of this crime"Klinton will call for a independent investigation and arent you people happy? . It is truly the theater of the absurd and none of this amounts to a bucket of warm spit. The Beast System is laughing all the way to one world government and very likely foreign attack as Russia and China and other Allies get ready to pounce on a weak and divided Imperial State(us) The whole situation is so sad and pathetic. The masses,call them sheeple or goy(cattle) allowed all these crimes and will pay for their indifference as their government puts the noose over their heads. Its the bottom of the ninth inning,two outs ,noone on base,and two strikes on the sheeple. Game over.
I see Reno setting up Louie Free as the patsy witholding evidence. So much so that she had to send US Marshals to get the videotape.

Better days to be,

It was the guy on the grassy knoll...

"The rage is relentless... We need a movement with a quickness.
You are a witness of change and to counteract - We gotta take the power back!"

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Ivan, you've forgotten about the comet hitting Waco, Texas, and directed there by NORAD. ;)

My guess is we'll see some fairly lowly-placed FBI and / or ATF guys transferred, retired or whatever, and that will 'fix' this little problem. They'll point their fingers at some 'little' guys.
Nobody will be found to be responsible, and the American people are the ones that will be left hanging out to dry.
I think they're searching all the tapes for somebody using the "N" word. Then everbody says, "He's the one responsible" and he's toast and life goes on.
I'd love it to be Reno.

I'd be interested in it being Louis Freeh (no real love lost between him and Reno.).

I know damned good and well it's going to be a middle-management-type supervisor.


By the by, has anyone else here read Hannibal by Thomas Harris (this is the sequal to The Silence of the Lambs)? Great read, and gets into some of the devious butt-covering of the FBI, fictional or real. (This is a work of fiction, but Harris does do some homework.) On a down note, he paints an extremely distasteful picture of gunshows, but it could be taken as being the main character's interpretation of the shows. This doesn't take the main character down too many notches, as he's a cannibalistic multi-murderer...

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
If Freeh goes he will take Reno with him so they won't touch him. I predict FBI ground commanders including the head of HRU, probably the ones that have already retired.