Someone's breaking into your car! Your response?

1. Call 911
2. Put on shorts and go out
3. Take up a Barricade position in case BG's are armed
4. Shout a FREEZE, HALT, etc command (probably followed by MF for maximum scare effect:D )
5. wait for their response. (a.) If they stop, hold them at gunpoint until cops arrive (b) if they show aggression or present weapon shoot center of mass until threat is gone or (c) if they flee, try to get LP on vehicle or good clothing description and direction of travel.

8200 RPM,

I would only grab the camera and take photos if the theives were both beautiful and naked while bent over rummaging through my car :D
Its just a car! At most I would arm myself and give verbal warning from the door. Get descriptions for the ever-late evidence collectors.
8200, either you need to move to a better neighborhood or honestly assess what you're driving or maybe both. I get the feeling your ride is slightly customized and therefore slightly desirable to thieves. Garage?? How about a happy-go-psycho Rottweiller in the garage? I know my car's right, I've fallen asleep on the couch before, wake up the next morning and there's my car sitting on the street, windows down, keys in it because I meant to go somewhere right before I sat down on the couch.... Nobody wants my junk! Anything nicer, I find a garage.

Oneshot, easy killer! I'd hate to be jogging in your neighborhood. I might ever so un-tactically :barf: decide to bend over and tie my shoe and never get back up again because I looked suspicious when I knelt down beside a bush. (good hard cover ya know). All the EMT's would find would be two jogging shoes, a bloody pulp, and several hundred .30 calibre lead pellets.

Seriously, re-assigning ownership of your truck, new or not, is a matter for the po-po and your insurance agent. When you head out the door with your TacticalCQBbackinblacksuperduperurbanoperator shotgun nothing good for you is going to happen. Perhaps they shoot you and the family is Oneshot-less. Perhaps you shoot them and it is rightly ruled to not be a "good" shooting. You go lock-up, again the family is deprived of your prescence. Somebody will replace your truck. its too easy. Welcome to TFL.
The real answer is not to have the problem. NOBODY wants ANYTHING from my Buick 4 dor sedan, 8 years old, or my Dodge 12-passenger van, 10 years old, or my Chevy pickemup truck, now 23 years old. Funny thing is, the Chevy has about a $1K sound system and a VERY hot 350 cid engine. But rustbuckets just don't attract the 'right sort' of people....
I got full coverage

on the Ram - PRAY the police never recover it, so I can get a new one...

The Jeep is a family member - shoot the bastards with a shotgun, and go back to sleep... leaving them as a speedbump in the driveway... (nobody'd ACTUALLY bother with this rustbucket)

the Saturn - PLPD, but who cares... they can even HAVE the in-dash sony CD player... I grab an armful of GF, and go back to sleep...

Now the 'Cuda... I run out there, and rip them limb from limb, with my bare hands, and feed them to the local dog population... AFTER ****ting down their still warm necks, and removing their still-beating hearts with my bare hands... (NOBODY touches that car... NOBODY... I built it myself... not even my family drives it, without MY permission)
A little story from here in Southern California. Couple years ago, while living with my family, my father hears a noise in the house, and wakes me up, yelling at me to get the shotgun. I told him to go to sleep and let them take the $50 stereo, but he was unrelenting. We cleared all 3 stories of the house, and i walked up stairs, and was locking my shotgun away, (loaded, with a side saddle and a pistol grip), when our Ford Explorers alarm goes off. I grab the shotgun and run outside, not bothering with my shoes or anything else (including clothes). I bust open the door, looking for the "target", but not seeing anything but an empty street. While looking around i manage to slip on a large patch of mud, and end up on my backend, muddy, with my shotgun next to me. My father said the sight reminded him of something out of looney tunes with Bugs and Elmer Fudd.
I can only imagine the fear my neighbors would have had if they had seen me run out of the house in just a pair of boxers, shotgun in hand.

By the way, the noise in the house was a towel rack falling on the hard wood floor, (family is paranoid), and the alarm went off because i accidently hit the panic alarm on the key ring.

Hope this bit of comedy and humiliation makes you think twice about being unrational when it comes to protecting your cars.
I would immediatly run out to the car and offer them $100 cash to just drive away with the whole thing. And another $150 if they split up and take the jeep too.

I have been through this before. The worst mistake I made was notifiying the police. They recovered my motorcycle that was ruined in every way. Made me pay for "towing" it ($100), made me pay the impound lot, made me take off work to go to court. I got nothing, absolutely nothing (this was a dirt bike, not insured because I never drove it on the road. My home owners insurance company told me to go to hell also). I have had most any kind of theft/break in there is in the last 10 years. I never got a single penny back by calling the police. As mentioned earlier, they instead cost me an additional $200. Never call the police unless you need to make an insurance claim. The only satisfaction I ever got from a situation like this is when my cute liitle Rottweiler tore some jerk limb from limb when he broke into my house. The blood was incredible. Cutsie pie then went in and took a nap, he tuckered himself out. And no, I didn't call the police then either. If I did, the guy could have then sued me for injuries that occured while burglerizing my house. As it was, I could just say I didn't know what the hell he was talking about.
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If my car is parked on the street, then my job is to be a good witness, call 911, and wait for the insurance check.

If my car is parked in the garage (which stays closed), then the situation is completely different and I will treat it as a home invasion. I consider a home invasion to be a life threatening situation. Just because the goblin stopped at my car for some reason does not mean that I should just consider him as a pacifist or that he has no intent on harming my family. I don't know his motivations or intent, but I do know that as long as he is inside the walls of my home, then we are in mortal danger. To consider otherwise may result in completely underestimating the goblin.

When the car is being burgled on the street, then it is a property issue. I don't perceive that as any sort of life threatening situation. Inside the home, then I am no longer interested in being a good witness.
Interesting question. Many good points in the various replies. I believe that I'd start by having my wife call the police (small town, good force, I'd anticipate a quick response). We would move the baby and my older daughter into our room (aka the safe room). My wife would stay on the phone and lock the door to the safe room (while being cuddled up to her Sig .380) and I would cover the open areas leading to that room AS LONG AS I FELT CERTAIN THAT THERE WERE NO THREATS IN THE HOUSE. Nothing is more important than my wife or my daughters. Nothing. Not my truck. Certainly not my ego. Protecting my family is my first order of business. Any threat entering the house will have a real problem coming (and wouldn't hold water too well). I wouldn't go outside and play cowboy, however. I live in one goofy liberal state and if things got interesting outside it would be me (you know, the family guy with the big umbrella insurance policy and assets to attach) standing up when the judge says, "Will the defendant please rise...". Sad, but true. I'd eat the deductible for any vehicle damage and go on. Am I a wuss? I don't think so. I feel I'm focused on my priorities and realistic about how my little area of the world operates.
Interesting stuff

I am quite interested in the number of people who would confront the BGs. In NC, you cannot use deadly force in defense of property. I am not going to be the vigilante lawyer made into a test case by a career minded ADA. I guess I don't really trust my brethren, even though the DA is a law school classmate.

Pictures, floodlights and insurance. Keep my family in the safe room and secure. Now if I only had those two dobies.... my labs are big, black and make a lot of noise but aren't exactly attack dogs..
Anyone caught stealing on my property will be shot. Period. I have worked very hard to obtain the things I have. I have no sympathy for someone who decides to steal my property rather than work as hard as I have. I came from poverty. Poverty most BG's couldn't imagine. I now own a multi-state business and have been very successful. I do not recognize any law of man that says I cannot kill someone who steals from me.

Fortunately, Indiana is much like Texas in its' love of gun ownership and rights. Just to keep LE happy, I assure you the BG would have threatened me with the screwdriver that would be found next to his body.

Anyone who threatens me, or attempts to steal my property, dies. Period.
Im with you 444. My 100 lb male rottie would love to have a late night snack at my blessing. He has ran kids off in the back yard late at night before. Best theft deterent I've ever owned. Not to mention the best pet I could ask for.
Man, you said it. When I am on vacation or something where he isn't there, I immediatly feel naked. I now have to take over guard duty, and am less equiped to handle it. I don't have to pay attention to noises at night, if someone is there, he will let me know. And, he will take care of it himself if I let him. A finer dog, I have not seen.
First, call 911. You're not the government. You can't legally punish the offenders or recover your own stolen property. While you're doing this, assess the situation. Are they armed? How many are there?

If the situation proves promising, grab your handy-dandy Paul Chen practical kitana ($175 plus tax) and charge the car. Slash your own tire, and then see to the perps. Even if they get away, I promise you they'll never bother you again.

If the situation does not prove promising, grab a good long range sniper rifle and fire a single shot into your own tire. Intent is obviously not deadly force, but property damage. Besides, anyone who would want to sue you would have to reveal themselves as the car thief. After that, depending on what state you live in, you might be entitled to shoot the thieves.