Someone Tried to Break Into My House!

My first thought is, during an situation grab hear & eye protection as you get your weapon?
Are you kidding?????
BUT after trying my electronic caldwell muffs while shooting clays today,I changed my mind! I'm almost deaf on my right side, (mostly from 40 yrs of gunfire), and I can even hear the TV better with these things on.
So now they are now staying beside my Kimber & surefire.
-Even a hard head learns.... :rolleyes:
I just got my electronic muffs. They cutoff at 85dB. I haven't had a chance to try them while shooting, but did use them mowing the lawn, yesterday. I thin they are going on my nightstand with the piece. :D

Seeing as you have castle rights in your state - sounds good to me. Although I would prefer a long gun to any handgun. A good dog would be a great asset. And a guncamera to capture those bugged-out eyeballs.

Hmmmm; guncamera.