Some bad news

From: Ivan 8883 6-29-99 1034PM EDT My deepest condolences on your loss. I feel really bad tohear of this tragedy. I know more than once how one feels when he or she loses their Canine Buddy. No more need to be said.
My most sincere condolences go out to you. By coincidence, I was passing thru Des Moines today...2000 miles from home. Haven't been there in more than 20 years.

I stopped by the Truck Stop to pay homage to my first Dobie, hit by a slow moving 18 wheeler on a freezing November night while hitchhiking back to CT. It all came flooding back.

I can't tell you how sorry I am for you.

Oftentimes pets can be more unconditional and loyal than their human counterparts. You have all our sympathy.

~ Blue Jays ~
One thing that separates us from the lower animals is that we can mourn our dead...

I am sorry to hear about your loss. It is my belief that every boy (and man) needs a dog. I haven't had one since I was @ 13- my dad shot her, supposedly because she was hurt, but I believe it was to keep Mom, my brother, and I from getting her back. There's been other dogs, but none were mine. You can't replace a loved one, but I hope in time you can come to find another who will fill that empty spot.

May the Force be with you...

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side...
Fear leads to gun laws, gun laws lead to disarmament, disarmament... leads to Tyranny!"


"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited June 30, 1999).]
I've been on both sides of that story. Even though I lost dogs and taken one, through car accidents, my dogs still "roam free".
My sheperd has been grazed once and has pretty much learned her lesson about running out in the road, but I still catch her out there every now & then.

If I returned home to find her out in the road, I'd probly take a few days off too....

My Condolences Gunslinger.

Gunslinger, I'm sorry to hear of your loss, please accept my condolences. People who don't live with animals don't understand the profoundness of the relationship that can develop. He's now in a place where the rabbits are slow and fat, the waters always cool and clear, and there's a full moon every night. Pax vobiscum, M2
Gunslinger. My condolences. I know how you feel. We lost four dogs in one year. They were all very old. The worst one was the "Bandit." We found her at a junk yard, limping aroud. She had so many ticks on her that you could hardly see her skin. A trip to the vet, serious dipping and picking off of ticks along with x-rays of her hip. Some S.O.B. had kicked that little dog so hard, that the hip socket was totally destroyed. We got her squared away and were blessed with that little mutt for 17 years. She looked like a tan Jack Russel terrier,with a black mask across her eyes, just like a bandit. That's how she got her mane.
She developed cancer at age 17, and had to be put down. I sure miss that dog.
The others? One had a heart attack, and had to be put down, the other two just passed on due to old age. We had them for years. We miss them all.
Paul B.
Gunslinger, let me add my condolences. we had a pit for 13 years, to say he was part of the family would be an understatement. we have no children, so he was it. when we had to put him down, it was a mighty hard day, that still comes back to me every now and then. some people say it's silly to get that attached to an animal, but we thought a whole more of him than some people think of their kids. i'm very sorry for your loss. longhair

what me worry?
Deepest sympathy, sir. "Been there; done that." As the rest of these fine posts show, you are not alone and you will be back. For now, just let it hurt and know that you and your friend had fine times and that you had both enough love and respect to take the final necessary step. I will be happy to see you back.........when you, sir, are ready. Best to you and yours.
I would like to add my condolences also. I've got a collie that's getting up in years. She watches over "her" place while I work. Have lost a couple of dogs over the years, hit by train, old age, etc. It hurt every time. But I still have wonderful memories.
It's very hard for us to lose our furry-faced friends after the 10-14 short years they live, but even harder when they die tragically like that...sorry to hear it, GS. This could serve as a reminder to everyone at TFL: Is your dog getting loose?
We often talk about being friends with each other here on TFL even though many (most) of us have never actually met one another. In fact when I started this thread I mentioned that I wanted to just let ya'll know I would not be around for a few days because you were my frineds and knew (suspected) that someone would notice and be curious as to why I was absent. However I really did expect the thread to be closed not because the modirators would be uncaring (they are far from that) but simply because I intended it as an announcement only and did not necessarily need a replies.

However in retrospect I must say I am not surprised at the responce that I received. The condolences I received here were as sincere and heart felt, if not more so, as those I received from people that I see every day.

I was wanted to thank you all.

After having a few days to do some soul searching I have desided that I do want to buy another wolf. So if any of ya'll know any one selling 100% Grey Timber Wolves please let me know. Even though I still have my Chows the clowning antics of the wolf are sorely missed.

Again thank you all, it makes me proud to have friends like ya'll.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

You have my heartfelt sympathy. Here at the Home of Bruel Hounds we are very attached to our four footed friends.

We wish you well in your search for a new companion.

Bruce Stanton