So you want a cap and ball revolver?

Hello to you all,

I know this the fact that thread is to old but I liked much and it is why I answer despite the time spent.
I often read the "Epistles" of Gatofeo in other places and this was always a real pleasure.

TKS to Gatofeo and tks to you all: it's a pleasure to read everything in here.

Please excuse my bad English but I live far enough and the old men like me we aren't talking and writing few words...

black powder Conversion cylinder

Hello, just a question looking for answers!

Ok i know of a felon "non violent DUI" 3 within 5 years (not looking to snitch) purchases a Uberti 1858 new army cap and ball on the internet and sent directly to the house, they then purchase multiple conversion cylinders (3) .45 long colt that fits right in (also sent right to the house and now fires what i would call a modern ammo round, sounds like they have found a loop hole. he lives in Indiana "not sure if the state matters" is this now considered a firearm by the atf. I as a gun owner with no felonies find this wrong! am i wrong in thinking it is against the law? I have read that as long as the frame is not modified to fit it it is ok and still not considered a firearm is this also wrong?
Yes, it is wrong. Yes, BATF will hang him from a yardarm if they catch him with it..
In fact, I've read more than one account where these folks thought they were 'safe' by buying, and sticking with, blackpowder, only to find after a bust that the local jurisdiction did not see it that way. Seems different states have different descriptions of the term, "firearm". Ooops....
Does it really make sense that a judge would ban you from owning or carrying a firearm but let you own or carry a blackpowder revolver that can kill an LEO just as dead? Most judges see it the same way.
The "felon" manufactured a firearm. If he can't own a fire arm, he can't own a firearm, made or bought.
As far as it being a cap and ball revolver, I think everybody should have the ability to protect themselves. If he's still dangerous, why in the hell is he out? That is what makes no sense to me. If you did your time, and the courts say you're "safe" (since we're gonna let them make the laws), fine, otherwise, they stay in.

If a former felon pulled a CB and took out someone that was gonna stab or shoot you, i dont konw anyone that would slap him or her (don't want to be sexist!) for doing so!

Follow me on Instagram @ goonsgunworks
Gatofeo returns!
Haven't been around message boards for a few years. Been escorting some of the world's most beautiful women, zipping here and there in private jets, admiring my collection of Paterson Colts, waxing my 1971 Dodge Challenger .... and then the alarm clock goes off and I'm blasted back into the remote Utah desert with an old, snoring cat beside me.

I don't know what kind of form is required, but I wish to file a complaint: my life didn't turn out like I envisioned when I was 14. Somebody other than me is responsible, dangit!

So very glad to see that my original post, "So You Want a Cap and Ball Revolver?" is still being read, pondered and discussed. I'm occasionally cussed as well; oh well, the price of fame.
Best wishes to all of my cap and ball friends!
-- Gatofeo
You are not the only one whose life did not turn out as envisioned. However in my case, I'm the only one responsible.

I still haven't got a cap and ball revolver but have enjoyed reading this thread almost as much as I imagine I'd enjoy cleaning one - make that "shooting" one.

It is probably time to acquire one anyway. The fear of gun bans is suspended for now, but the idea that one can purchase the ingredients for black powder at any garden store is comforting. Need to find out (or look up, or just remember - because I'm sure I knew at one time) what is in percussion caps, and learn to make that, too.
He's Alive!

Hate to say it but I kind of wondered. Been reading your older posts here and elsewhere. Plan to make up a batch of your Gatofeo lube real soon.
I make Gatofeo lube pills that I put into the cylinder chambers on top of the powder and below the ball. Works great! Have also used them in reloaded black powder cartridges.
I want to thank the OP for this thread. Lots of really good information for people like me who are seriously thinking about buying their first BP handgun.
C&B Revolver

I'd hard for me to believe that this information is still available after 20 years, but wow, am I thankful!

I bought a Uberti Walker after reading the S.C. Gwynn book, Empire of the Summer Moon. I then followed that up with a 1st and 3rd model Dragoon, as I love the history, appearance and size of the big Walker and the subsequent Dragoons. I recently found some black powder at a gun store in Orem, UT and bought all they had, 3 lbs of FFG hoping to finally shoot the revolvers. I recognize that FFFG is better for revolvers, but it's what was available, as black powder is very hard to find in gun stores and FFG will likely work well with reduced loads, or so I'm told.

The information by Gatofeo is fantastic! What I don't know about black powder shooting would fill a book, but now I have excellent information that will help me get started with reasonable confidence.

Thanks Gatofeo!
Back when I got started in this hobby. This forum and this thread solely guided me on this journey that I still persue today. I don't really follow his lube recipe though. Lambs Tallow and Beezwax has always given me great service. I just don't want to use a petroleum based wax. I don't have any doubts his lube works. Just my opinion.

The state of Oregon has declared via law that percussion and flintlock black powder guns are firearms.
I think most states have done similar with regard to black powder being a "loophole" for prohibited persons. A good thing overall. .