So where's the gun control debate?


New member
We've had a Presidential debate and a Vice Presidential debate and in neither one did the moderator bring up the topic of gun control...

Biden has a lengthy (and ghastly) list of gun control measures on his site but it seems this issue isn't being talked about much. Gun SALES are at record maybe the Dems don't want to bring it up but then the other side SHOULD bring it up, no?

Kind of just wondering about this.

Link to Biden's site about gun control. Note: when the first page comes up you have to click on the 'continue to Biden's site' the first time you try the link...after that you will get to the page "The Biden Plan to End Our Gun Violence Epidemic".
That's because there is no debate. Like him or not. Trump is it. If Biden wins, the Dem's will kick him out within 6 months using the 25th and Harris and company are on record of eliminated firearms. The choice is yours.
The Democrats have an established party plank that includes gun control. The don't WANT a public debate, because it would be a "poison pill" for them.

Look at Beto O'Rourke, who committed the unpardonable sin of publicly stating in the candidates debate "Hell YES, we're going to take your AR 15"

It took the Dems 2 days to kick him out as a candidate, because he was stupid enough to speak the truth in a public forum where they could neither cover it up or deny he said it.

Doesn't matter what other issues or where you stand on them, if you don't want more gun control, the Democrats aren't the people to support/

This is NOT my endorsement of Trump or Republicans, I don't think they are all true friends to the cause, either. Only that they are less likely to push gun control than the other side.
Look at Beto O'Rourke, who committed the unpardonable sin of publicly stating in the candidates debate "Hell YES, we're going to take your AR 15"

And for that, I am grateful to Mr. O'Rourke. For decades, the refrain from gun-control advocates has been, "oh, nobody's coming for your gun, silly. Take off that tinfoil hat!" His statements put that idea to rest.

So now there's no playing coy about it. If a Democratic candidate wants to push the agenda, they're going to be called out on it.
Don't forget that with all of the rioting and other things happening, Dems are buying guns right now!

The democrats in charge know this and they're not going to tell their members/supporters that they'll have to turn in their guns right before the election!
Like packing the court, they don't want to talk about an issue that is a loser for Democrats.

Look, it's obvious that the Democrats are the party of "Take Your Guns" because how many Republicans are saying we should adopt Australian style gun laws? None, at least none outside of RINO's like Mitt Romney and John Kasich.

At worst, the Republicans are the party of "let's keep things as they are" when it comes to gun control because when HPA was moving thru the house and into the senate, one shooting later and that bill got ripped off the floor faster than a band aid on a hairy leg.

It's an issue that both parties don't want to talk about because the Republicans, when you confront them on deregulating NFA items, they have no reply or it's all lip service. I've had enough of the dog whistle with Republicans when it comes to the 2nd because they say they want to protect it, but they don't want to undo antiquated, no longer relevant laws like the Sporting Purposes clause, short barrel rifles/shotguns, suppressors, re-open the machine gun registry, etc.

It may be better that Congress doesn't touch that sort of thing because if they do they'll probably change the tax stamps from $200 to $2000.

Boy, I'd like to know how the courts have allowed the right to own a rifle with a barrel under 16 inches to be taxed for so long. If poll taxes were illegal, then how is a $200 tax stamp legal? It should cost nothing to register an SBR.

Biden's position on guns is clear, we've all seen the video of him in the UAW plant telling the worker he doesn't need an AR-14 and 100 rd magazines, that he has shotguns for hunting. That's all the 2nd amendment is to the Left: hunting. The security language in the 2nd amendment only applies to police and national guard, not the citizen. You ask the Left about Heller and they'll say it was judicial activism and one reason that the court should be packed.

SCOTUS and the judiciary is where all gun control goes to die, which is why the Left went bonkers when Kavanaugh got nominated because Roberts was on the majority for Heller and MacDonald and we almost got quite a few 2A cases to SCOTUS earlier this year.

With Barrett on the court stuff like AWB, mag capacity laws and hopefully pistol brace and bump stock bans along with whatever else is attempted in the future are all going to be going away forever and we've only got 10 years before Thomas retires or dies before we lose the clear advantage.
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TruthTellers said:
At worst, the Republicans are the party of "let's keep things as they are" when it comes to gun control because when HPA was moving thru the house and into the senate, one shooting later and that bill got ripped off the floor faster than a band aid on a hairy leg.

HPA ????
HPA = Hearing Protection Act
H.R. 155 / S. 817

Basically would have made silencers an over the counter item.
The Nazi's instituted gun registration and then confiscation under the guise of "Public safety". Attempts to Legislate morality have never worked. The majority of the left do not get it. The party leaders of the left DO get it, but they have a far broader Agenda planned.
Hitler and Stalin preferred and needed a disarmed population to institute their bloody plans in order to create their idea of a "Utopia". Unfortunately history often repeats itself. This election is extremely important.
With Barrett on the court stuff like AWB, mag capacity laws and hopefully pistol brace and bump stock bans along with whatever else is attempted in the future are all going to be going away forever and we've only got 10 years before Thomas retires or dies before we lose the clear advantage.


Elections have consequences. ACB is VERY friendly to the 2nd Amendment. Congress will never have the guts to repeal any restrictions. The best they could do was get a sunset clause in the '94 AWB.

Amy Coney Barrett a Clear 2nd Amendment Backer
"The Supreme Court considered 10 Second Amendment cases this year, but ultimately declined to hear any of them. Four Republican-appointed justices clearly care about enshrining the right to self-defense, but they probably feared that Chief Justice John Roberts would side with the liberal justices. Roberts has already done so on cases concerning religious freedom, immigration, and Obamacare."
As far as future SCOTUS picks, before RGB passed, there was speculation that Sotomayor's health was even more questionable. Breyer is 82 and I don't think he's as tough as RGB, I don't see him lasting until 87. There's likely at least 1 more SCOTUS pick in the next 4 years. The "originalists" vs. "living constitution" battle may be determined over the next 10 years. It's looked like we were on the loosing side for a while there but there's fresh hope now with ACB.

I wasn't a fan of Trump personally, but 4 years ago I took a chance. I still don't personally like him, but it's undeniable that he loves this country and at the bare minimum, he has selected judges at all levels that respect the US Constitution. We need more of this.
The main problem I have with the living Constitution types is that they use definitions that weren't used when the Constitution was signed. This basically means they can do whatever they want to with guns or anything else.
Boy, I'd like to know how the courts have allowed the right to own a rifle with a barrel under 16 inches to be taxed for so long. If poll taxes were illegal, then how is a $200 tax stamp legal? It should cost nothing to register an SBR.

They have allowed it for so long because it is the law. The Supreme Court did look at the issue, and ruled. Since Miller, no case against the NFA has been brought, or made it to the high court.

In a nutshell, the Miller case was over an unregistered sawed off shotgun. From what I've read, Miller was a poor moonshiner, who got raided when he wasn't making moonshine, and all the Feds found to bust him on was the sawed off shotgun, which, under the then new NFA 34 was not legally registered. When it went to court, the defense claimed the NFA did not apply because the gun was a militia weapon. The court agreed and tossed the case.

The Fed govt appealed, and neither Miller or anyone representing Miller showed up. The Supreme Court ruled that "since they had been shown no evidence" that the gun was (or could have been) a militia weapon, they reversed the lower court ruling.

The effect of this was that ALL provisions of the NFA were considered to be valid and Constitutional, and that is still where we are today.

The point here is not whether or not a certain law SHOULD be in effect, only that ANY law can be in effect, if the Court does not rule it unconstitutional.

We have a LOT of "bad" laws that are valid and legal, only because they have never been ruled on, OR have been ruled on and found (somehow) to be Constitutional.
There's no debate. Even the Dems know that. Look at the recent gun sales numbers. That's why there's no ammo on the shelves. Between the virus, civil unrest, & economic downturn for the already downtrodden, only a fool would not be armed.

Second, very little chance of any Draconian gun control Bills passing and remaining as law with ACB in the house.
Even if Biden wins the only realistic gun control measure with any chance of going through in the foreseeable future is Universal Background Checks. Some in the Democratic party would like to see more, but it isn't going to happen.
Even if Biden wins the only realistic gun control measure with any chance of going through in the foreseeable future is Universal Background Checks. Some in the Democratic party would like to see more, but it isn't going to happen.
You're assuming that the Senate will remain under Republican control.

That's a dangerous assumption. If the Democrats control both houses of Congress and the White House, then they'll pass their entire anti-gun platform (for starters) and pack the Supreme Court to make sure it sticks.

You're assuming that the Senate will remain under Republican control.

That's a dangerous assumption. If the Democrats control both houses of Congress and the White House, then they'll pass their entire anti-gun platform (for starters) and pack the Supreme Court to make sure it sticks.


^Exactly! Look at what happened in Virginia. Who would have thought that state would have gone off the rails so far, so fast? They view a simple 50%+1 majority as a mandate.
I agree with the Last two posts!!! --- This is WHY this election is extremely important. The wrong outcome, and in 4 or 8 years, this nation could be under draconian rule and law abiding citizens could essentially be stripped of their Constitutional rights. The criminals in the streets? It will be their Country then, they will have won. Police will eventually be disarmed. Look at Australia... Canada... England, it happened there and it's what the left has in store for us here... Socialism.
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