So what would you do?

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I'm sorry. I had to register just to reply to this post. Assuming all that you say is true: There are two people with the dogs. You have long sticks. You are in a river. The dog is charging/barking at you.

If the owners where genuinely unconcerned about the dog attacking you and making no effort to call the dog back then:

1)I imagine that you have had very little to do with dogs and that you mistook the dogs intentions. Lots of dogs bark and "charge" (it's not really charging) when they meet strangers or are letting off excess energy after a long drive etc. Its just playing.

2)If you were scared of the dog attacking you why did you continue to move closer? Why did you not call out to the owners to restrain the dog or to ask if it was dangerous like a normal person would do? No need to be unfriendly about it, just holla to them politely like anyone else.

3)If you are in a river and the dog is charging you and you can see it's hair sticking up then the dog is not in the river. Dogs cant run in water if its any deeper than their paster joint (knee). Anyone that takes their dogs to the water will tell you they get wet all over strait away. Their hair will not stand up if it is wet.

4)There are very few dogs around that will not **** off if you belt them around the face with a long thin stick (ie your fishing pole).

Having grown up and lived with many farm and pig hunting dogs all my life I have never come across a dog I couldn't deal with with my bare hands. I'm not trying to brag here or sound tough. The closest a dog has ever come close to getting the better of me was a doberman-rottweiler cross that very nearly out weighed me (I'm a pretty small guy at 155lbs). Its a fairly simple idea to get around that humans > dogs. Dogs have a a few very sensitive and fragile areas (nose, muzzle, brisket).

I would have first: called to the owner (assuming the dog was being truely aggressive). This will not cause the dog to become any more aggressive despite what other "experts" have said on this thread. If the owner makes no reply or is unable to call the dog back I would

second: Ignore the dog but hold my ground. This will normally diffuse the dogs aggression. Don't run away, walk closer or turn your back. This will cause the opposite.

third: If at this point the owners have not entered the shin deep water (there isn't a dog on the planet that is dangerous while it's swimming) to control the dog and it actually comes in for an attack smack it with your big ol' stick.

fourth: Failing this charge to meet the dog. If it jumps at you and you are motionless and upright then it will knock you down it's big enough. It's relying on this. It cant hold onto you with it's legs or feet. It will at worst scratch you as it falls off and at best not jump at all when it sees you charge.

fifth: If the dog knocks you down. If it was me I would attack the dogs nose if it was accessible or pull the dogs front legs apart from each other if it was not. The first will cause the dog a lot of pain and disorientation and the second will kill the dog by tearing it's brisket and causing massive damage to it's heart and lungs. If at this time your brother and the two owners are still standing there like cactuses with faces drawn on them and you cant overpower the dog then shoot it.

I would never just draw down on a dog acting in a threatening manner for fear of being shot by it's owners. They have crazy dogs. The are probably crazy too. If they are not crazy then there would be no problem as they would have called the dog back which is what it sounds like happened. Stop over reacting. Calm the **** down. It's just a dog.
I would go up to the dog and bite him on the face and show it who is Alpha around these parts! I have always been told I was raised by wolves! :p
If the dog has raised hair on its back and is barking and charging, you better believe that I'm going to pull my gun out, have my trigger finger ON THE TRIGGER (since it's double action), and aimed at the dog. Then, instead of screaming out to the owner, I'd try a few friendly gestures at the dog to get him to see that I am not a threat...."Hey,'s alright....".

I'd wait until I was certain that the dog was going to try to attack, bite, etc. If that happened I'd fire a couple of shots center of mass.

It's pretty stupid to unleash several dogs in an area where you obviously see there are other people, and can obviously hear one of your dogs preparing to attack. Stupid dog owners end up with dead dogs.....too bad for the dog's sake.
Edward; I hold everybody in the situation responsible.. for themselves AND their treatment of other living things. In a public area where dogs off-leash is legal, the dog owners have the same and equal rights to use of the land. Respect them and they will likely respect you as well.

In fact, by making the choice to carry, the OP is immediately accepting greater responsibility. I think most will agree with that. Ask the question, what would they have done if they were not carrying? If the answer isn't submit to a painful injury/death, then use of a gun probably wasn't required.

There are two sides to every story. I bet in some dog-forum there's a post about "..these two backwoods fishermen pulled a custom Ed Brown race gun on my Shih tzu!!"

As the majority of posters have agreed, a gun is not the solution to the problem listed. If you feel otherwise, then maybe going out in public isn't the best idea. Stay at home and you'll be fine. Best of luck and watch your 6.
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I understand what you are trying to say but they didn't draw down on a ****z zu and being in an area that allows dogs off leash doesnt mean that you do not have to control your animals.

I never said that a gun was the solution to the problem. So now I should stay at home because you and your dogs mught be up there? Don't go out in public? What an ass you are sir to suggest such a thing.

It's like I said, you give more rights to the dogs and idiots than to people who may be there wanting to do things besides make it thier responsibility to not get attacked by your dogs.

The dog is not the dominant species in the field. Man is. If one man wont control the dog then the other man must do what he has to do to be safe.
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