So this is what happens when hunter-haters sterilize whitetails

Originally posted by FrankenMauser:

Did you read the entire article and the study?

Yes I did....both the original story and the link within it. The only deer not permitted to be shot were 39 does that were sterilized. The story tells that it was the amount of mature bucks that increased significantly. They were not protected and were not originally in the study area. This means they made it past the hunters in the peripheral areas. Fail. Same with any new does entering the are or any new fawns born there. Don't get me wrong, I am not supporting the failed experiment, but I realize it failed on more than one front. Not only with the sterilization of the animals but the hunting to keep new animals out of the study area. I also realize that hunting is not feasible in all areas.....not just for safety, but for PR and social concerns. Thus sometimes alternatives to hunting are preferable, altho maybe not as effective. One has to realize that this study was conducted on private property and paid for by the landowner. As with any other landowner, they have a right to do what they want, within the limits of the law, to control animal populations. Not only was the experiment done to control deer numbers, there also was some scientific information being formed and collected. Doubt if this was the first or last experiment conducted on animal population control to fail.
The story tells that it was the amount of mature bucks that increased significantly. They were not protected and were not originally in the study area. This means they made it past the hunters in the peripheral areas. Fail.
You do understand that hunting season doesn't last all year, and that by "hunters" they don't mean autonomous drone guns, right?........