So, the older I get....


New member
The less inclined I am to carry a heavy gun.
My previous favorite carry was a S&W 64-2. Now, closing in on 50, I am much more inclined to carry my LCP or Micro9.....I'll never get rid of that 64, and carry it still on a much more limited basis, but I think it's days of EDC gear are done....more ' s the pity. Great gun.
Now, closing in on 50,
I'm so old when I fart a cloud of dust fills the air. I still carry a full size CCW. Even with my bad back and knees. To each their own and the gun makers are eager to fill the niche of the buying public:cool:
Closing in on 50 ??

Really I am looking at 70 and carry a Super Blackhawk 4.1/2 44 Mag in the winter when I have a coat . In the summer a Blackhawk 44 Special both in a shoulder rig . I have had no thought of a change .
Wow....I just don't get the same joy carrying heavy steel anymore. The 64-2 offers 6 rounds of 38+p. The micro 9 weighs less and carries 7+1 of 9mm. For me it just works better. Kudos to you guys who still enjoy packing the big guns,
but for me, it's strictly a part time thing. I also no longer regularly carry my Hi Power.
Well, as for me, closing in on 80, I went from this svelte .44 Special:

To this .45 Colt:

Just seemed the better choice.

Both holsters, by the way, are from Graveyard Jack Gunleather.

Bob Wright
Something about a well seasoned older gentleman drawing down on me with a single action would scare the bejezzus out of me. Part of me thinking this dude is crazy, part of me thinking holy hell this dude must really know what he's doing, part of me thinking oh lord he's well past the what have I got to lose point and a huge part of me thinking damn, how'd I get the role of the Indian in this flick. :)
50 isn't old. Nothing should change until you hit your 60's. What you carry is personal preference, but I tend to like a light gun for CCW but a heavier gun for the woods.
The less inclined I am to carry a heavy gun.
My previous favorite carry was a S&W 64-2. Now, closing in on 50, I am much more inclined to carry my LCP or Micro9.....I'll never get rid of that 64, and carry it still on a much more limited basis, but I think it's days of EDC gear are done....more ' s the pity. Great gun.

I'm 61, and sick (long story). Carry is usually a S&W Airweight j-frame, or an XDS. But, I have sometimes, and likely will again, carried a full size XD or 1911. I think the biggest thing is a decent holster and belt to carry it.
I alternate carry with my old Colt lite weight Cobra, Taurus 450 Titanium, or my COP Derringer in a right side OTB holster all the time. I have about every gun made however these are the three I have settled on. (65 years old here.)
Well thanks for the replies everyone . I recognize 50 isn't decrepit. I didn't say I couldn't carry a heavy gun, just that I don't much care to anymore. :)
In my younger days I often carried Blackhawk 357 or a Colt Diamondback 38. Moved on to a Colt 1911. Now I usually carry only a 380. Age has its limitations.:(:(
Carry what you like. For the vast majority of people its just a fashion choice.

However if you do carry a light gun it should also be one you are comfortable with and enjoy shooting. For me that would be a 20oz gun like the S&W M-60 with light .38sp loads.

Because even thought its a fashion choice you still want to shoot it well, just in case.
Carry what you like. For the vast majority of people its just a fashion choice.

However if you do carry a light gun it should also be one you are comfortable with and enjoy shooting. For me that would be a 20oz gun like the S&W M-60 with light .38sp loads.

Because even thought its a fashion choice you still want to shoot it well, just in case.

I don't see why it would ever be a fashion choice because nobody should ever see it or even know you have it. That's why I think the many colors available on the upcoming Taurus Spectrum is silly.
shucks, ya'll makin' me feel like a teenager again, at 57 i carry what i started carrying over twenty years ago, Ruger P-90