So much for that SW342 Ti!

Oleg--congrats! FWIW, I carry either a 342PD Ti or a G26, depending on the circumstances. Although I like both quite a bit, I much prefer the G26.
Well, heck, I can do the ;) :( :D and the others, but I don't know how to do the little tiny letters. Help, me, somebody. Help me.
I've shot the Ti line with Federal 38 SPL PDA and 125 gr Nyclad (not +P) and the recoil wasn't a killer.

Given the latter round is acceptable according to "gurus", it might be compromise. All the +P and 357 mag snubbies are bears to shoot. So you trade for comfort of carry.

In any case, I've stayed with my 442.
It's the field that says "Post subject" on the reply screen

Hit "Reply" and look at the "Post Subject" field, it says (optional), but if you type something in there, it shows up as those little bold letters.
Oleg: you will enjoy the G26, lots of firepower in a small package and very accurate. It is a little on the wide side, but I find that in a good pocket holster(I use a Galco) and in chino style pants with deep pockets it conceals well and after a short time you don't notice it. Try it without the grip extention, believe or not, the two finger grip is comfortable in the G26.
Smithnut, I knew I could count on ya, bud.

I wondered where'd you'd gotten off to. Haven't seen you on that other board for awhile. What I'm awaitin for is one of those inordinately expensive titanium Centennials with the blue finish and front-sight insert. I'm awaitin for someone to put a used one on the market at a time that corresponds with my winning of a lottery or selling my novel to the movies, the odds of which are about equal.
How's this for yikes...

At least he didn't get one of those S&W Scandium alloy snubbies that weigh alarmingly close to 10oz empty and are chambered in... get this... .357 Magnum (!)
