So much for that SW342 Ti!

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Today, I fired five wadcutters through it and refused to ever fire it again. My hand was pretty much numb where it wasn't hurting. .44 mag single-action cowboy revolver wasn't as nasty by far. Will have to see if the store would let me trade it back to them for something more reasonable.
Quiter, go get a Raven 25, they don't kick much. :p

It is a serious gun, hurts to shoot, give it another try, it will grow on you.
Change to a grip that covers the backstrap. Try that before you get rid of it.

I wouldn't jump on Oleg that fast folks. I own and shoot a number of big bore revolvers (.44 Special, .45 Colt, .44 Mag, .44-40). All but one are N frames (the 696 is the only oddball in the bunch). None of them give me any problems (at least they don't when I don't try to shoot the 300 grain .44 Mag loads in sub freezing weather - ouch). I tried a 296 (Ti version of the 696) ONCE. Ten rounds of factory 200 grain loads. My hands were aching for two days. There is something about the way those little lightweights recoil that is just painful. (I do have arthritis in both hands - mild, normally not a problem - at least when the weather is warmer)
They have crossed the line

These super lightweights are not meant to be shot they are meant to be carried. Get a normal J frame and practice with that. Practice dry firing the light one. Then carry the light one and forget it is there. That is the reason for their existence. Put it in an ankle holster. It is not a combat weapon, it is for a last resort. Just my opinion.
My solution would be to acquire a Colt Mustang Pocketlite

No pain at all, more accurate (148gr wadcutters were 3-4" below POA at 15ft) and an extra round...weight difference: 1.5oz. Flatter than the snubbie, too.
WOW Oleg....
I honestly do not find recoil any different from my alloy mod.37 with standard pressure loads. What were you shooting? mild wadcutters should not give you a problem unless they were over 130g. seriously stick with 90g-110g standard pressure jhp's for carry,fed.pd or win.sthp's and you'll be fine. fed nyclad 125g jhp is also a nice round but slightly stouter. bullet weight makes an unbelievable difference in these guns.
Man, I hate that for ya! Since I'm such a nice guy(Really! Just ask me!)I'll take it off yer hands fer...a hunnerd dollars! American cash money! Okay...a hunnerd an' fitty dollars, A.C.M....but that'a my final offer!!!....mikey357...p.s.-I'll also throw in some LINAMENT for the sore hand/digits, if that makes a difference?!?!?

Thanks for the offer, man...but that scoundrel, err, nice lady named Tamara just traded me a Rare Ottoman Mauser for it (made to a special order for the Sultan's Harem Guard in 1938). If that rifle could talk, what tales would it tell!
Pocketman, your alloy model 37 weighs 8 ounces MORE than the 342 Ti. Half a pound does make a difference. Especially since the 342 doesn't even weigh a pound to start with! The 296 I tried is about 4 ounces lighter than your 37 (in .44 Special though) and half the weight of my 696. No fun at all!!
sw627pc, your all fired up!your weight figures are slightly off. my alloy mod 37 weighed 12.9oz with houge's new bantum grips and even slightly less (about 12.7oz)with eagle secret service grips, the difference is only about 2 oz between my 342ti and 37 acording to my postal scale.The 15oz weight of the mod 37 listed in the S&W cataloge is with uncle mikes boot grips which weigh about 2oz. 2oz is substantial for pocket carry but not that much of a difference in felt recoil,it is by no means a pussy cat to shoot, I find recoil stout,but very controlable. I have never put more than 120rds through it in one session though. again bullet weight makes a huge difference in this gun. not tring to offend anybody just giving my first hand experience with the 342.

Oops, wrong line in the book. You're right. I was using the weight for the steel M37. My bad. I haven't tried any of the Ti .38/.357 guns. My one experience with the 296 convinced me that I wasn't that interested. (besides, if I carry a .357 I use the 627 anyway - and it certainly doesn't qualify as an "Airweight"!!) :rolleyes:
What's a nice girl like Tamara doing with a Turkish Harem Guard's rifle? Did she capture it while escaping? Was it a gift from the Sultan for teaching his guards to shoot straight? There must be a fascinating story there.
Crud, I was looking for a used Titanium J-Frame, too. Oh, well, time to go peruse again...

Maybe Tamara's motorcycle wrist won't appreciate Oleg's old 342? (Wishful thinking...)
In all seriousness, I still have it.

Was going to bring it to the store tomorrow to exchange for something. If you really want it, email me (it was $440, has all the box and trimmings and looks good). The store might be happy to have a buyer since I'd have to send it through them anyway, you'd save $20 FFL fee if the handle it.
Okay, okay...I'll admit it...I WAS tryin' ta' low-ball ya'...I'll go TWO HUNNERD DOLLARS A.C.M., but not a penny more...whattayathink???....mikey357
First, how do you code those little agate remarks in your text. I wanna do it, too.

Now, on topic: I suffered pain and a blister in the web of my thumb when I fired a few cylinders of +P in my 442. Now I wear a shooting glove that absorbs much of the shock. I bought the glove for my M29, when I was shooting full-charge loads, which damned near blew my arm off with the Bill Jordan grips I'd foolishly bought from Pachmyer. Much less felt recoil with the combat grips and the glove. There's really no comparison with my SA .44 Mag, which rolls up in the hand.

Anybody want a hardly used set of N-frame Jordan grips?

I keep reading about people complaining of the harsh recoil on the S&W Ti's and .380 PPK's

I have both and find neither to be as bad as people make it seem. The .380 PPK is nothing worth mentioning recoil wise. And the S&W while it does have a good amount of recoil, it is not harsh enough not to practice with +p's or carry it.

I think more people scared off who wouldn't mind the recoil than would.

If I had read these type of posts before I bought them, I might not have either and lost out of owning my primary carry gun (a 339 Ti). Heck, I sold a Glock G27 for it.

Try if possible before you discount either (BTW, my S&W is pre sell out)
Happy end, sort of

Brough thte gun back and did a straight-across swap for a very good (used) second-generation Glock 26 with two 10-rd mags (one with Scherer finger rest, one with Pearce). My G17 mags fit, too.

It isn't as light or all that flat but a good gun anyway. I will re-visit the P32 when I recover from this purchase and thew weather gets warmer.

Guess I am not much of a revolver person after all. The G26 weighs just over 20oz (vs. 342's 11oz) but it is a joy to shoot rather than a pain. Since the sticker on the Glock was $424 and the extra mag finger-rest wasn't that much, I guess I have an expensive Glock (I paid $492 incl. tax for the 38 ammo, holster, speedloaders and the 342)...but I am still happy.