So I’ll be the one to ask: What will Space Force’s individual weapon be?

Space Force = satellite defense and offense missions.
None of the weapons proffered above are suitable for either mission.
Handheld weapons won’t cut the needs.
The F-35 will almost certainly be the last manned fighter aircraft produced by the US.

Disagree. 6th gen fighters are already in development and they are manned.
ALSO, As long as there is a need for CAS, there will be a need for manned aircraft. NO unmanned aircraft will have the situational awareness of a pilot in the aircraft, real time.

PLUS, the days of swirling air battles 'might' be over but the era of large standoff airbattles isn't quite here either. There's a REASON most the F35s still has a gun and Sidewinder-type, short range missiles.

I guess not a 'fighter', regardless of how the USAF designates their aircraft.

Will unmanned aircraft become a reality? Probably but not to replace the F35 anytime soon. Nor transports, helos, CAS(mentioned)...or self driving cars...

I suspect a unmanned commercial aircraft will be a reality way before any military ones.
I for one, will not support any fully automated weapon system. The decision to take lethal action must be made by a human mind. This is a moral/ethical issue for me.
A light saber and a phaser, what else would they have............... I can't give Trump an A on this.
In reality they will use whatever the AF uses. We are a long way from individual particle beam weapons terresterially or in space. Primary focus will probably be on satellite self-defense by hardening or ground based or aircraft launched intercept of threats. Physics pretty much rules out conventional munitions in zero G environment.
Considering the OP was asking about individual weapons, weapon systems control for use against ships, missiles, satellites, ect., are not on point any more than today's AA , anti-tank, and other systems for targets above the level of individual firearms.

Earth bound components of the Space Force (security, etc.) will for now anyway, use what the Air Force uses. People in space would be armed, only if there was a possibility of individual combat against other people. I'm sure there will be some weapons available, but people who aren't "security forces" won't be floating about armed as part of normal duty.

I believe that those performing the duties of police will be armed, but with something other than conventional firearms.
Since most space vehicles have weight limitations, and thus no or little armor, a frag grenade would probably destroy/damage just about anything up there. Might cost a fortune to get one up there, or they could do some space walks to retro-fit all the satellites with grenade launchers.

But would the recoil do???
I for one, will not support any fully automated weapon system. The decision to take lethal action must be made by a human mind. This is a moral/ethical issue for me.
10-4..the biggest 'disadvantage' to ICBMs, or missiles/land attack weapons, like Tomahawk, regardless of land, sea or air launched, they cannot be recalled. Manned bombers, can. BUT, 'unmanned', these days, means no person inside. They are still controlled by somebody on the ground(or on a ship)with a bank of TV screens and a ton of sensors, flying these things..Not like a self driving Uber.

*BFG9000 (name the game w/o peaking)
*Any hand-held laser in the gigawatt range
*gom jabbar (name the book w/o peaking)
BFG9000 = Doom2.
Gom Jabbar = Dune [altho' that was just a test w/ a poison needle for the loser., not really a weapon.]

Since any kind of mass-thrower is going to suck for a space cadet in EVA, I'm going to second the poster who said "an updated version of the GyroJet."
Thinking a little closer to the ground... If the branch gets their own installations, they'll have their guard forces, reactionary teams, check points, probably the same as the AF MP's that patrol AF bases and nuke fields. Maybe Chiappa will design and sell them a Super Badger.
Phaser is the way to go. It can be carried concealed or openly. A phaser is small and lightweight. It recharges in a couple of hours using the proper plasma conduit. Its output ranges from stun that knocks you down on your posterior to OMG vaporization.

The rifle model fires 100,000 watts of pure energy at mountains, small moons, and assorted Klingons, etc.
"...punch through a space suit..." That'd have to be recoiless or energy based(that doesn't exist) as physics applies everywhere.