So I did it again..


New member
So I recently went to all Wilson Combat internals and did get a C&S Duty trigger and it worked fine but decided to pull it out and just run the Springfield ignition system but had Wilson Combat pins and rebuild kit (spring cup/MSH parts/new #23 hammer spring...but then I ordered all the same parts in Ed Brown and nothing against Wilson Combat but the Ed Brown rebuild kit; all the pins were much nicer and fit a tad bit tighter. Replaced recoil spring with 16lb Wolff spring after only 2000 rounds. Weapon functions great as it should.
Not only do you have us lost, but you really need to learn sentence structure and punctuation. Either that or stop drinking so much coffee. :rolleyes:
QUOTE: "What are you talking about? You have us entering the theatre with the movie half over."

And no popcorn to boot. :mad:
Which way did he go George ? I am totally lost . You and my wife could get along. She make no sense most of the time . When she talks :rolleyes:
After reading a few of your threads it sounds like you enjoy working on 1911s. However, it sounds like you’re doing all the work on one gun. Correct? Maybe it would be more rewarding to save you pennies and maybe buy some new guns to customize/modify instead of adding and removing parts from the same one. Either way I think it’s great that you enjoy what you’re doing, so keep it up.
I have only replaced a handful of parts on my springfield, but Ed brown parts are my go to parts. They are cheaper than wilson combat "bulletproof" and seem of really amazing quality to to me.

I have the following Ed brown products on my thunder maker

-Arched grooved MSH
-GI type spring guide
-GI type spring Plug
-And an extractor ready for whenever the stock unit kicks the bucket.

I also have a single side Colt teardrop thump safety and a Harrison designs Extreme service ttigger in Black DLC, short and smooth.

Love this setup, in the future will buy more parts one at a time, and will probably go with Ed brown for most, maybe C&S for a couple
Only the OP can say what this is supposed to be discussing, anything else is just a guess. Come on back Gunslick and share with the rest of us what information the original post was to provide and in a bit clearer format.
Sorry for making light of it but the post seemed like so much gibberish.
Okay I'm sorry. Yes too much coffee. So basically all parts I listed as ed brown installed in my springer, I had Wilson combat but I started reading about how ed brown pins were better fit and finish. So I removed the WC parts and installed the ed brown. That includes all the MSH parts. The spring cup is way better than stock and WC in terms of fit and finish. I have a question, I haven't replaced the hammer strut. So is it okay to use the springer hammer strut in conjunction with the ed brown spring cup? I ask only out of curiosity like the end of the hammer strut should be fitting in the cup good right? It looks like it and the hammer cocks smoother and I can tell a difference with the ed brown rebuild kit I reccomend it to anyone. I tinker with a lot of my firearms but 1 at a time I get em all perfect the way I want them then move on to the next one.
The OP has an unknown model Springfield-Armory 1911.
OP first bought a Cylinder & Slide "Duty" trigger kit, but for an unknown reason didn't use it after trying it.
OP also bought Wilson-Combat parts, but didn't use them when he heard about Ed Brown's parts looking better.
Now having bought the Ed Brown parts, the OP definitely noticed the pins looked better and also used Ed Brown's mainspring housing parts, especially the spring cup (which I think is aka the mainspring cap).
For some reason, even the Ed Brown spring cup is superior to the Springfield-Armory and Wilson-Combat part.
The OP is now wanting to know if a new hammer strut is advised as the hammer strut was not replaced.
Personally, I wouldn't think a spring cup or pins would make much of a difference to me. I admit, I've not directly bought Wilson-Combat or Ed Brown pins or spring cups and wouldn't be able to determine the differences just by looking at what I've got in my parts box. I'm also fairly sure I couldn't feel the difference between spring cup brands, but that's just me.
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No please all comments welcome. I originally installed the Duty trigger to replace the MIM parts and to see if it was true drop in with my safety. It was, then I read a little more on todays MIM parts and even HK uses them. So I removed the Duty trigger so now I have an entire ignition kit for when my stock parts fail, if they ever do-you see, after reading about today's MIM parts I wanted to re-install the stock ignition parts which are in fact MIM and see how long they do last, I shoot a lot so I will find out eventually, I will tell you after a few thousand rounds the sear has no wear with the exception of finish wear and the angles have held with no change in angle what so ever so I would say Springfields MIM parts are of high quality.

Reading the article on the Springfield Loaded (I think it was a Loaded model) it ran IIRC 150,000 rounds with the stock MIM parts with no issues, just spring replacement and a couple other small parts.

My Springfield as stated in previous threads is a Springfield 1911A1 Stainless. Now here is something that is interesting. I read somewhere online recently that FBI, Special Forces, etc. etc. put in an order for Stainless Springfield 1911A1's. Springfield overran the order by a couple thousand or something, so they put the extras into the civilian market to circulate them out. I called Springfield to confirm this, gave them my serial number and I was told that I did indeed purchase one of the overrun special ordered Stainless 1911's, they wouldn't really tell me what was different other than the trigger was a little different in pull weight, and it will be more accurate than a regular Stainless Springfield. So if this is all true, that is pretty neat I think. I have a 1911 that was specifically made to certain specifications for the feds/military.
What are you trying to accomplish by swapping all these parts?

The only Springfield I'm aware of being built for the feds is the Professional for the FBI. You can order one from the SACS for yourself. They're built one at a time, no overruns there. Never heard of any recent Springfield 1911s going to the military, have you got a link to the article? And, if your gun is one of some special run, perhaps you'd have been better off to leave it alone.
It just has ed brown pins BP Extractor wolff mainspring #23 and wolff recoil spring#16 and wolff firing pin spring. And that is what Springfield told me. That my serial number came up as one of the fed pistols. Maybe they made a mistake but that is what Dawn told me.