So Have We Got The 10 Round Limit Forever ??

Here's what will be said.

Crime is decreasing and the ban contributed to it.

We still have problems with loonies, Columbine -Waco-whomever, who have hi-cap magazines.

Can you show me a situation that a civilian died because of only having a 10 round mag?

Hi-caps attract and stimulate lunatics.

-- Thus, the Democrats will easily get enough GOP votes to pass the bill if a Dem is president. If McCain is president, he will sign it also. Bush might night if there was
a considerable RKBA effort. If Bush opposed then some of the GOP might support him.

Forget Keyes, Forbes, Hatch, etc. - no chance
Someday, probably in the not-so-distant future, we'll be at again stocking up on 10 round mags. Then it will be 6 round mags and so on...

All you have to do is vote, let your voice be heard. We'll get our mags and guns back.
I am depressed to see the defeatist attitude here.
MOST of the country is on OUR side. We have been BULLIED by a smaller foe.
There are fights we have WON. I never thought the day would ever come that I could get a CCW and carry a gun legally under my shirt. It is everywhere now. I consider that a HUGE win for our side.
People do see logic, and when we point out that the 10 round limit has not helped one bit etc, we can change it.

I think one thing has to happen: Diane Frankenstein of California must go first. Her bread and butter is hi cap mags. Once she is gone, we will have a very good chance of repealing the laws.

I think the next move on "their" part is to register mags and limit people to two a piece. I don't want to go into any details and give them ideas, but I think this is what we will see next rather than more capacity limits.
Their ultimate goal is to ban all semi-autos.
BUT, it will never happen if I have anything to say about it!!!! Do something! Vote! Join the NRA, GOA and JPFO. Speak out. Write letters. Educate people. There is no reason for us to lose this fight. We can win if every one of us just does a *little*.

I have never seen such a group of complacent defeatist whiners as I have in gun owners. There is no reason for us to lose. We have EVERY reason to win. We have greater numbers on our side, we have logic, we have truth and history and proof on our side, we have the constitution, we have the law already on our side until it is changed. All we have to do is defend our turf, they have to conquer it against huge odds. We CAN defeat them easily if we all just do a little something each.

My personal goal this year, besides writing lots of letters and educating people with words and flyers, is to sign up at least 10 people to the NRA, GOA, and JPFO. I am a very poor person, considered "impoverished" by the national standard, and I can afford to sponsor people for $25 because I am willing to go without food to do it if I have to. I have at least 5 people that are already signing up. I am offering to pay their way, lick the stamp and sign them up. All they have to do is say "okay", and Iwill do it all for them (because people are too lazy to mail in the check themselves). Usually they end up paying me back, but I don't care. If every member could get a few other members to sign up this year, the NRA, GOA and JPFO would be UNSTOPPABLE influances at three times their member count by the end of the year. Stop pouting and DO SOMETHING.
The 1994 ban cost the libs the House and the Senate. I DARE them to try the same crap again less than two months before the 2004 elections. This thing is DOA in September 2004. Bet on it.
It is forever only if we sit on our butts and let it happen!!!!! Support your Pro-Gun candidate. Join the NRA!!! Burn up your Representative's phone lines, and E-mail server!!!!! Fill up his/her's mailroom!!!
Keep Algore,or Badly the HE!! out of the White House!!!!!
jdthaddeus!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE RIGHT! I hear it so much from my shooting friends and fellow co-workers, about how gun rights are going away, when almost 2 years ago here in Washington State, the PEOPLE defeated an initiative that would have restricted gun rights even further. The initiative was defeated almost 70/30, which to my recollection was the worst defeat of an initiative in this state's HISTORY.

Rather than become a "nay-sayer" I have involved many new friends into recreational shooting.

BTW, I think the most significant result of the 10 round limit is that it created a market for people to sell their magazines at inflated prices. On a more positive note however, we have seen a development in smaller handguns built on a platform surround 10 rounds, and they appear to be very successful.

"my point is that the politicians are stupid to think that having a 10 round limit will stop any crime"

I don't think the pols think that at all. Schumer,Nadler,Boxer,Feinstein, et al are not stupid....they are fiendishly clever. Their aim is not crime control, but citizen control.

Begin Rant:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>My personal goal this year, besides writing lots of letters and educating people with words and flyers, is to sign up at least 10 people to the NRA, GOA, and JPFO. I am a very poor person, considered "impoverished" by the national standard, and I can afford to sponsor people for $25[/quote]

You all know how much we spend on ammo! Hundreds/thousands per year EACH. Yet we sit on our big butts bitching about people taking our rights away rather than writing letters and making the system work the way we KNOW it works - through contributions to candidates and lobbyists. But we'd rather spend it on watered-down beer and keep peace with the spouse.

If we all gave a LOUSY $25 each to a targeted politician or lobbying group, we wouldn't have a problem. Why? Cause the anti-guns aren't convincing Americans that guns are the problems. They have lots of doubt about banning guns because it is not an American trait to trust our leadership. We want to have an alternative if TSHTF.

You pick your target, Bush or McCain (NRA gave him an 'A' on gun-owner's rights). Even Al Gore will respond if a million shooters sent him $25 each.

Go with the NRA, if you've a mind to, or GOA. Just do it.

Or sit back, suck a cool one, and become the Simpsons.

:End Rant

The 1994 "Crime Bill" has a sunset date of Sept. 13, 2004 (This was signed into law on Sept 13, 1994), as the law has a sunset date of 10 years after it becomes effective.

This was listed as Sec. 110105 of the Act. I have used David Kopel's book "Guns: Who Should Have Them?" as my source. This can be found on page 208 of his book. If there has been some modification of the law, I too, would be interested to know about it.

Maintain eternal vigilance. It is the people who are prisoners of their own ignorance about firearms that pose the greatest threat to our 2nd Amendment Rights.
While the Hi-cap ban is a problem...the major problem is that we are still not organized enough to resist all this anti-gun posturing in the media and Billy-Jeff's administration (to make things easier for Al, of course!)
If you're not an NRA member...JOIN! if you don't like NRA...Join anyway, and then join GOA or JPFO, or whatever flavor of pro-gun organization suits you. Just don't sit there and expect 3 million folks to carry 70 million gun owners!