So Have We Got The 10 Round Limit Forever ??

Mike H

New member
Does anyone know what moves, if any, are afoot to have this ridiculous legislation repealed. I'm sick and tired of looking at new pistols like the SW99, USP Compact and Beretta Cougar - all on my current wish list and pulling the mag out to find those stupid **!!!** plastic spacers staring back at me, what makes it worse is that a lot of them have to be forced to the point of bulging to accept that all important 10th round. Yes this is a rant because I've just got back from my SW99 examination and I'm more than a little p****d, even if you can get a pre-ban for other gun types, some jerk in Kentucky wants 100 bucks for a H&K or Glock original.

So rant over, are we stuck with this forever or are there moves being made to consign this to the same trashcan marked "STUPID" that Prohibition and wearing offensive cologne (in Ca I believe) went into. Saying we'll be OK when the Repubs. get back in isn't what I'm looking for either. Help me out here my blood pressure is about 200/200, I may even have to stop handling new autos ;)


A Person Is Smart
But People Are Stupid

Mike H
Well, the crime bill has a 10 year "sunset" provision, but you can pretty much guarantee that the bill will be renewed. Congres and the President couldn't stand the pressure to do what is right, especially when facing the onslaught of our liberal media.

[This message has been edited by Joe Blacke (edited January 14, 2000).]
Well, I heard hearsay that the NRA was able to force an automatic "sunset" clause on the 10-round limit portion of the 94 ban (argument being "let's try it to see if it reduces MPS's"), but I've never had this confirmed. I could look this up, but (a) I'm lazy, and (b) don't have the books here in the office. Does anyone know if the United States Code may be found anywhere free on the internet? I'll look at it when I get a chance. Also, there have been at least two tries I think to repeal the "assault" weapons ban of the 94 bill. First one passed the house but failed the Senate. Second one I'm not sure, but it might still be pending. Helen Chenoweth (bless her heart) and Bob Barr were the leader of these, I believe. Also don't know if the proposed "assault" weapons repeal included the separate 10-round limit repeal as well. Good questions, and sorry I don't know the answer. I guess I was hoping someone else would be following it or looking at it more closely than me.
Joe, if the sunset is in place, then I strongly disagree. Inertia is a very powerful force, and it is far easier to stop a new act of Congress than to repeal an old. Our chances of stopping a renewal would be very very strong in my opinion, based on how hated this stupid provision is, not to mention that the stats show it has done nothing to reduce crime, and the fact that if it's not on someone's specific current political agenda, then it may not even be brought up again (I said "may"). This of course depends in turn upon the general political climate re "gun control" (i.e. any recent MPS's, etc.).

Also, if Emerson or some other case actually establishes our RKBA, then it's high time somone challenge the 94 ban as the next step - maybe me if I'm not busy for a few years.
Asan amusing side, I am considering getting a .45 since 10rd mags for .45acp aren't that expensive and I get no advantage from a smaller caliber. Guess the antis wouldn't be amused to find that they have motivated people to get into bigger calibers.
The Assualt Weapons bill didn't give us the ten rounds limit, it was the Clinton Crime Bill that did. There's no sunset on the tens round limit. Some Republicans with intestinal fortitude did their best to repeal the ban but of the whinning of the Kennedy brat that equated gun owners with satan damaged the attempt. It was tabled. Make no mistake, if we pressure our representatives enough, especially this election year, we just might get the ban repealed.

So many pistols, so little money.
The Assault Weapons ban was part of the Clinton Crime bill. I spend most of my time with 1911 single stack pistols and AR-15's, so for convenience sake I refer to it as the Assault Weapons ban. Sorry if I confused anyone.

Futo, I would like to believe that the Crime bill would sunset, but I don't think it is realistic. A good look at our current politicians convinces me of that (McCain who gets an "A" NRA rating proposed the Juvenile Justice bill, along with Hatch). Very few of our elected officials will do what they believe in, rather than bowing with the political winds.
Not forever.
The 10 round limit is only a temporary compromise. Neither side is happy or satisfied. Either we'll win back what we've lost, or the Antis will eventually turn us into outlaws. It's all or nothing I'm afraid....

------------------ the 2nd. No fate but what we make...
Pathetic how they sneak in their BS huh? We all know they would ban guns right now if they thought they could get away with it. But they do what they do so well, quietly as they can sneak in these laws without rousing up too many people. You can count on more things being considered dangerous and getting banned. If they went after criminals and low morals society has, they would get much further than imposing laws on honest law abiding citizens. It is truly upsetting to hear about new gun control ideas, without any new ideas to make crime not pay, to raise our childern to have morals and a heart, or anything else related.

Id rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6.

Shooting true with my .22 beats him giving me jive with his .45
Pathetic how they sneak in their BS huh? We all know they would ban guns right now if they thought they could get away with it. But they do what they do so well, quietly as they can sneak in these laws without rousing up too many people. You can count on more things being considered dangerous and getting banned. If they went after criminals and low morals society has, they would get much further than imposing laws on honest law abiding citizens. It is truly upsetting to hear about new gun control ideas, without any new ideas to make crime not pay, to raise our childern to have morals and a heart, or anything else related.

Id rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6.

Shooting true with my .22 beats him giving me jive with his .45
Having been restricted to 6 shot revolvers for my whole career, I have no problem carrying a .45 Star with a 6 round mag or my Browning .40 with 10 rounds. In the summer, my D/S with an extra 6 is fine. I don`t care for double stacks anyway. Is it a stupid law? Sure but I`m a realist. Adapt but don`t accept.
Unfortunately I find myself agreeing with Jeff, I feel that the next big "push" will be for revolvers only.

This isn't to say that we won't resist like hell, but the strategy that the antis have decided upon is creeping death, another possibility would be a restriction on military calibers 9mm, .40S&W, .45ACP etc leaving .380 ACP as the most powerful available, certain other countries have already taken this route, France for one.

Maybe one day we'll all take our kids to see a hi-cap magazine in a case at a firearms museum...........

A Person Is Smart
But People Are Stupid

Mike H
Theres no doubt in everybodys mind that every year we'll be giving up something in the name of compromising - and receiving nothing in return. Mike H, instead of planning on taking your kids to a museum some day to show them what a high capacity magazine looks like, why don't you do what I'll be doing. Which is taking them to my gun safe and showing them my own - and theirs - I won't give up a damn thing concerning my guns. I just wish everybody that owned a gun had the same attitude and said screw them and their unconstitutional laws.
my point is that the politicians are stupid to think that having a 10 round limit will stop any crime, A) criminals dont give a f%&k about a 10 round limit, and they can still get 17 or 19 round clips for 9mm glocks on the black market or any gun show, so who is this law really hurting? the law abiding citizens that are the criminals prey.
I see the 10 round limit as a very, very long term problem. Because of it, I have stockpiled a strong collection of hi-cap magazines for guns I own, or will own for the future.

What I did was get a big thick plastic can, put all of my spare hi-caps in it, (except for the very few I use for carry) and then hosed the lot down with clp and sealed it up. My goal was to be able to give my kids hi-cap mags that have never been used and were fresh.

Any comments?
The mere fact that this debate exists is proof of how far we've fallen from heaven on earth. As I read the posts on this thread, I kept thinking how perverted out thinking has become about a politician's place in our country. We now have to hope, kowtow, beg, and kiss the a**es of our elected whores just to have any chance of retaining a smidgen of our God-given rights. When did we start living based on the approval of politicians?

If there's anything I've learned in my time on earth, it's that you shouldn't depend on other people to take care of you because there are ALWAYS strings attached. This is especially true of politicians. We've all become so lulled into complacency by the federal government's redistribution of wealth (college loans/grants, socialist security, AFDC, farm subsidies, etc., etc., etc.) that the slaves have become our masters.

Why stop at 10-round mags? Only because an outright ban on all mags. would have been too drastic. But later on you can bet an even more restrictive law will be proposed, and eventually passed. Those of you who are depending on Republicans to help you, forget it. In the end, they'll do what's politically expedient, and nothing more. Oh sure, a few may vehemently resist, but the majority of the GOP will cave. This is what happens when you place your trust in politicians, who, by definition (mine), are unprincipled people. If the GOP would have really been on the side of freedom, things would never have become this bad.

To paraphrase Vin Suprynowicz, we're going to end up at the same destination in the end (tyranny), it's just that the Democrats are heading in that direction at 80 MPH, while the Republicans are tooling along at 55.

Pleasant dreams.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.