So a store is getting held up... hypothetical

I think you also have to consider the mechanics of this. If you are sporting a Keltec .32, and are 50 feet away, taking a shot is pretty moronic.
Remember, all those discussions of 'one shot stops' point out, if they are honest, that the chances of ending it with one shot are sometimes slim. If he does not drop dead from your shot, then the perp is very likely to shoot also, killing you or someone else.
Sometimes it scares me to see all the folks nowdays running around with a gun. Training at the range does not teach mindset, or common sense. Getting all your knowledge of what/how/when from a discussion group is pretty scary too.
"hypothetically" speaking

Sometimes it scares me to see all the folks nowdays running around with a gun. Training at the range does not teach mindset, or common sense. Getting all your knowledge of what/how/when from a discussion group is pretty scary too.
Funny you should mention that. I did a while back in another thread and almost got my head torn off! Like I've always said, shooting at a paper target is one thing, shooting at a live target is another and that's not "hypothetically" speaking.
I have thought similar over myself ---

If the shot presents it's self and is clear and clean I'd take it as armed robbery is explicit threat of deadly force can can be met with such where I live. How much activity I take in trying to get to a point to take that shot will depend on the situation

In a large store situation as you mention with 1 robber I am highly unlikely to do so as tactical advantage is going to be hard to gain, I am unlikely anywhere near the action, by the time alarm is raised event may be over, I do not HAVE to neutralize the robber to secure my well being and I'm guessing one guy does not plan to take / shoot the whole store full of people,

What I would be doing, provided I am not in the immediate area of the BG and some may argue with this, is I would have my weapon unholsterd with the safety off and held low and at my side to reduce alarm from others, (who if they are panicing will likely not even notice) and I will be rapidly going to the back / exit to extract from the situation. Drawing at this point is debatable but I would rather have that extra second or two of concentration and speed to aim and make decesions if force becomes needed than to have to draw and engage.

The situation in a small convinence store is totaly diffirnet i my estimation as egress is much harder and is it's late night with you and a clerk with a robber the potential for badness happenign to you is much greater so your best defense may be a good offence --- i.e. engage the BG immedialy as he is armed and near perhaps the only exit --- but that is a whole diffirent thread.
What to do?

:eek: Firepower426 drop back 10 and punt! Sounds like you need to join law enforcement. Do you people sit up at night and think of ways to be involved in gun battles? My best advise is IF YOU ARE NOT carring a badge to go along with your conceled weapon then keep it conceled. YOU ARE NOT a sworn law man so why put yourself in harms way. Like I have stated on other threads if you people are itching to be in gun fights join the largest team in the world the U.S.Army or U.S.M.C. and they will train you, supply the weapons,the ammo needed, and plenty of targets in the middle east. Have at it, and the only draw back is they shoot back!. Enough said.:cool: