Snubbie recommendation

Just remember that while buying a Taurus. You are buying an inferior revolver with a built-in, non-removable gun lock (an elemement of the UNENFORCED SW Agreement). Taurus also tried to force other handgun manufacturers to install it's built-in, non-removable gun lock. How a non-removable, built-in gun lock is pro-gun is beyond me.

Taurus offered their integral attempt to force anyone.
Ol' buddy...your comment was ludicrous, at best...

I've owned several Taurus revolvers...mostly nice, but some problems. Also had problems with colts and S&W's. The only gun I've never had any problems with were Glocks.

My most carried CCW is a Taurus 85 Multialloy. Although I had light strike problems initially, a 3 week trip back to the factory did it right. It's a very reliable little handgun, eminently suitable for concealed carry.

As far as the integral locks...well, you don't have to use 'em, do you? And really...what's the difference between an integral lock (Taurus)...a loaded Chamber indicator (Beretta)...and a manual safety (many others).

You don't like Tauruses...fine...but blasting the reputation of a good manufacturer who publicaly supports RKBA just because...well, for no reason, really...that's pretty ignorant.
Based on the list of specs in your post, recommend looking around for a Colt Cobra. Six shots, aluminum frame, and ok for occasional use with +P ammo. I carry a Cobra 95% of the time and have no complaints.
Take Care
I purchased a taurus 85 total titanium a couple of months ago. I've put approximately 800 rounds through it. Had a few problems initially but a gun smith did a little trigger work and now everything is great. I have no trouble hitting a 4 inch spot at 25 yards consisently so the small size is no big deal,besides it's ported and that really helps hold down the muzzle flip on follow up shots. Highly recommended.
Ported revolver for defense?

I would not recommend using a ported revolver (or semi-auto) for defense.

For one thing, the bright flash escaping from the ports will cause temporary night-blindness.

Another thing, you do not know what position your hands and face will be in, relative to the gun, when you have to fire in self-defense (you may be in a struggle for the gun, for instance.)
You may be burned or blinded as a result of the hot gas and powder escaping through the ports.

Please reconsider using the ported revolver for defense.

Taurus is inferior? Doh! really????? Here I thought of Taurus as a refined and improved #&# The unbreakable firing fin in the frame instead of the hammer mounted prone to breakage model #&# uses. Check them out. I would rate the Taurus as a sweet shooting top quality lightweight pocket gun. I would rate the Ruger as a slightly heavier gun but the stoutest of the lot able to fire full house magnums if that is a consideration. The old colt ain't bad either. After the frame cracked under the barrel on my first chiefs special I never bought another #&#. #&# is dead to me.
Thanks for the replies. Sorry I started a mini-flame war. I have had some bad luck with S&W in the past, and have heard good and bad about Taurus reliability.

I think I will stick to my G19 or head for the Ruger SP101 hammerless aisle...


I'm glad to see so mant Colt snubby fans. IMHO they are great guns. They handle great and feel right. Wouldn't trade mine for anything.
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