Snubbie Gun Porn

Anyone want to trade a 6-shot speedloader for a 5-shot speedloader? The 6-shot I have was for an S&W pistol and should work in most any comparable revolver. :cool:
Just a 2" M15 that has had the hammer bobbed, trigger smoothed over, front sight removed and replaced with fiber optic, and hard chromed.

The previous owner did the hammer and trigger part. He also milled down the front sight and replaced it with a hacked Patridge blade. The finish was pretty trashed. I sent it out to Tripp Research where they replaced the front sight, tightened up the cylinder, and hard chromed it. I slapped on a T-Grip and some nice silver wood grips. With everything including the pistol, I'm into it for about $400. A bargain for a solid pistol.

Nice shooter and it's my wifes house gun. If we ever relocate to a place with real CCW laws, it will absolutely become a carry piece.

And no Tamara, you still can't have it. ;)
Wow, that's a steal for what sounds and looks like a fantastic snubgun. Nice job building an appealing, out-of-the-ordinary, and surely fun-to-shoot little S&W.
642, soon to be 942 with my 65 pencil barrel