Snub 38/357 for HD for me

Can't shoot a revolver from inside a pocket or from a close-to-the-body retention position ....... that side-blast from the cylinder/barrel gap can be nasty.
WARNING: DO NOT try this at home !!

as a teenager I did this and it was not as bad as you would think. I shot a 38 special from my coat pocket trying to impress my Idiot brother (I think I was the bigger idiot) there was some minor burns on the inside of the pocket but it was not too bad. The major problem was the hole in my coat that my mom saw very quickly after we got home. :o

My friends at school thought it was cool when I explained what happed to them (of course stretching the truth to say I was shooting at a crow instead of just shooting at the air.)

And my own advice, if you pack a revolver.... carry two. 11 to 12 immediate shots should cover most situations, but 5 or six might not.
I own a S&W revolver in 357 magnum that holds as many rounds as my 1911 style gun (8) Granted reloading the 1911 is faster if the magazine is handy, If its not handy reloading the revolver is faster especially with moon clips.
Snubby is better than nothing, but if Bubba and his friends crash thru your in the middle of the night and you have to settle things with 5 shots, while standing there in your shorts (if that:D), then that's your call.

I'm more comforted with a SIG and 20 rd. mag. about 2 1/2 steps away next to my shotgun, and my daily carry gun on the night stand.

Guess we're both comfortable with our HD arrangements.:cool:
A snub nose is great for all the reasons you mentioned. They are loud, especially .357 or 44's but so is a 1911. The muzzle flash blinding you is a problem, if it's dark any flash snub or othewise will effect your vision, briefly, so 1911 will to. If you have a 10" barrel maybe but a 1911:rolleyes: Reloading, yes if you are expecting the need for a reload, a semi-auto is way faster. I personaly keep a snub .38 Smith&Wesson on the night stand and a 20 guage coach gun next to the night stand; that would be my reload. If that fails then I guess it is a .357 lever action henry rifle loaded with .38 +p. It is good to have options, but I am guessing, should the very unlikely event of it's need arise, the snub will do
If a bad guy is close enough to grab a 4" barrel, he's probably close enough to just grab the gun itself. If he does that, you might have a little trouble getting the cylinder to rotate.

I'm a bit more comfortable with a longer barrel and one extra round. But hey, different strokes.
At first I thought "It's kind of hard to grab a homeowners 12 gauge when you get shot in the gut or the chest and 12 to 16 projectiles are peircing your body and the wad goes down the same wound channel."

But now - hey, you've made a beleiver out of me!

It's snubbie all the way for me from now on !
Judging from your photo, you seem to have a good selection of handguns there. I don't know why you choose to use the 5-shot (looks like a model 638) as the primary HD gun when you have an 8-shot model 327 that was built expecially for that.

Seems to me that the 8-shot 327 would be perfect and the barrel is still not too long for close quarters defense. The J frame would by my carry piece and HD BUG but not my HD primary.
OK, here is what you do... you buy one of those S&W 50 cal magnum revolvers... are you with me?

But.. you don't load it.. are you with me?

You keep your snubbie in your pocket... are you with me?

So the bad guy grabs your S&W 50 cal magnum and turns it on you... but it's not loaded !!!! are you with me?

In the time it takes the bad guy to grab your S&W 50 cal magnum, you whip out your snubbie and BLAM!

Not only is this plan sheer genius.. it's also fool proof.
Agree that revolvers are less likely to fail you in a moment of need ... but ... the ease of reloading a semi, especially if your alternative is a 5-shot snubbie, can't be discounted and is the main reason I keep a 4-inch 1911 and a spare mag in my nightstand, not a revolver. Plus, in my experience unless you practice constantly with a lightweight revolver, you will be more accurate with a semiauto, given the reduction in recoil ... love shooting my revolvers, but unless it was all I had, I'll stick to the 1911 for HD ...

Hey, Wild, I love my NAA Pug, carry it all day at home ... just got some of the new Speer 40-gr Gold Dot ammo designed for short barrels (blv one inch qualifies) ... very accurate, probably hurts like hell if it hits you ...
If all revolvers and all simi-autos are lumped into the same category, yea revolvers are more reliable as a whole.

BUT, if talking about the top makes of each kind, no.... Simi-autos are more reliable.

The Glock .vs. 1911 matches proved that with Glock 17s consistantly going over 1000 rounds WITHOUT ANY CLEANING. Not just one Glock 17, but for years EVERY Glock 17 used in the matches. The Glock 19s did the same to. Only the Glock 21, in .45, seemed to have about 3 stoppages consistantly.

But now - hey, you've made a beleiver out of me!

It's snubbie all the way for me from now on !

Yes, I agree! If you can't handle all home self defense situatations with a 5 shot snubbie---like Bubba the Door Buster and his 3 friends, then you can't handle it with your SIG P226, P220 Glock, XD, etc.

And we all know that, during times of extreme stress, fear, and adrenaline filled emotions, you'll have plenty of time to retreat to your long gun, if need be. Not to worry. Just make sure your primary hand gun has that short bbl. that Bubba and his three friends can't grab.

And, as an added bonus, it would be easy to run dry so that if Bubba did get it away from you, it would be empty as you sprint for your long gun---or the semi-auto that you could have had to begin with. :p

OK, I got carried away a little---just had a Red Bull. :D
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OPr Thanks for your responses

This is a great discussion of HD, my point was/is try to take my little pee shooter AKA S&W 38spl +P Airweight out of my hand at 3am in the morning.

It's easy for you/them to take that 21ga and shove it up your arse.

Pull back your little tiny baby (snub 38+p) and dump a load in them.

Well now I only have 5 shot's(!), Right:mad:? Did you ever hear of a NY reload:D? A SP101 (3") with .357 Rem 125g SJHPs. Then the rest is history. If they're not dead enough I pull out the serious stuff. :D

Them or me!