Greg, I'll certainly not disagree with your points!
But aren't we all sorta talking around the issue of the psychology of today's world? Folks have ideas about what's needed to do a certain job--police sniping, in this case.
Anyway, for this discussion, it seems an adequate generalization that somewhere between 50 and 100 yards is the probable distance. I won't argue against 150 yards, and infrequently even farther.
Can you distinguish the difference in color between brown, black or camo at 50 yards? From looking at a front view of a rifle?
Can you envision a scenario where the target is so hidden behind a hostage that 1/4 MOA makes a difference? Or a real world situation where the shooter is given a "Go!" signal requiring a shot through some tiny hole or other opening--where benchrest accuracy is an absolute necessity?
I have a raised eyebrow about the stock, to some extent, in that I can't really envision a nice, flat comfy spot to lie down "just so" and await the appearance of a Bad Guy. More likely, one is looking over a parapet, or out a window.
Now, if a shooter is more confident because of his Specific Sniper Rifle, hey! Right on! A few hundred dollars is a trivial concern, as well.
I dunno. I've just shot too many different rifles over too many years at too many different sizes of targets to be impressed by this notion of absolute "need" for a "Sniper" rifle. It strikes me as a "need" for a Ferrari over a Chevy, or latte over a cuppajoe.
Sure, it's just Art's opinion, but I give specific reasons for my opinions...
, Art