"Sniper rifles" are next...NBC Dateline


Moderator Emeritus
NBC Dateline is doing a rather graphic documentary on the UTA Tower shootings by Whitman back in '66.

Lots of interspersed comments about how good a marksman he was, how far and accurate he could shoot, how a determined killer can do alot of damage for a long time, how helpless the cops and everyone else were, how the cops couldn't match his firepower, how civilians had to bring hunting rifles to even it out, etc.
Interviews with survivors...the "horror and terror".

You watch...this is a prelude to going after hunting rifles.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Civilians had to bring out their hunting rifles to help even the playing field, huh? Hmmmm...to sensible people, which the antis aren't, this would seem like one good reason to allow law-abiding folks to keep such rifles.

Well, if they want to go after hunting rifles, I say go for it. That ought to wake up a large segment of the gun-owning population who own such rifles and engage in hunting and who aren't currently in the fight to preserve our rights, as many of them don't see *their* guns and *their* activities threatened at this time.
I agree with BAB. I know it sounds terribly divisive, but it's quite the opposite. If more "mainstream" gun owners feel the squeeze, maybe they'll finally squeeze back. Maybe.

No. They'll do what American Politics dictate them to do: Compromise.

Want to guess what they'll compromise on?

"Well, I don't mind registering my weapon and being constrained to only 2 guns; I've only got Grampa's double barrel and this M-70. And why would anyone really need a semi-automatic firearm with a capacity of more than 3?
"Ah! I can still have mine? Good! Well, I've got mine. All's well that ends well."

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited July 29, 1999).]
I live in Austin and watched the show. They played recordings of calls to the police dept of citizens offering to bring guns to the tower to help. The police took them up on the offer and as the show stated, 'the people formed a citizens militia'. The shooting was what began the formation of SWAT teams nationwide. I found it to be very positive coverage. I was initially concerned that it was going to be a slam of scoped 'sniper' rifles but they went into his Marine training background and were saying that not just anyone could make those shots. I really liked to see the term 'citizen militia' used in the national media in a positive light.
Well, the real problem is with .22 semi-automatic, scoped 'plinking' rifles. Disguised as tools for pleasure and competition, these are actually powerful weapons designed only for killing. And, they do so with much less warning than higher caliber rifles used for legitimate hunting. Literally thousands of rounds of rimfire cartridges can be stored by people who only listen to the voices in their heads.

No, the real problem is the insidious .22 rifle. Often used like candy with a baby, these dangerous weapons are often the 'gateway' firearms for children to become familiar with even more dangerous handguns and 'assault weapons'.

I get goosebumps just looking at a Ruger 10/22, knowing it can lead a good kid to become a Charles Whitman. shudder ... ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 29, 1999).]
I also agree with BAB.

Jeff: 10/22's are scary--but I feel the next segment the anti's will target are those who own and shoot... SHOTGUNS. Those can really be scary. :D
Lucas, you are 100% correct. Shotguns are tantamount to automatic weapons - only worse. Think about it ... multiple projectiles, delivered with deadly force with not only one pull of the trigger, but at exactly the same time! Why oh why didn't we see this before? Shotguns are the equivalent of a platoon of Timothy McVeigh's, delivering their deadly load with every shotshell.

(I'd better watch this stuff ... I'm even beginning to get me worried ... ;) Once you start, it is so easy to demonize anything! Perhaps we could have an entire thread dedicated to the demonization of everything in everyday life ... ;) )

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 29, 1999).]
Well what I have been wondering about lately with the new law in California is how LEO will respond to the "Terminator" bank robbery scenario. Seems to me if no one can sell/own semiautomatic rifles that there will be no availability to borrow any from the friendly neighborhood gun store.
As for the Texas incident it is my recollection that the man in question had an organic problem with his brain which was revealed by the autopsy. Or (as is often the case) am I not remembering this correctly?
I believe you're right about the sniper. Didn't his Dad try to explain to the public that his son's problem was physical (brain tumor or something) rather than psychological?

Long Path,
I believe *you're* right, too. I think the toughness has been bred out of so many Americans to the extent that they will choose compromise - a "safe" tyranny rather than come together for the Second Amendment.

We can't even get together at the voting booth, why should anyone expect any other form of unity?

Among Second Amendment advocates, the atheist can't vote for the Bible-thumper or vice versa. Abortion (pro or con) is more important than our freedom. Too few people with guns care about other people and their guns, etc.

Therefore, "your" sniper rifle, "your" Saturday Night Special and "your" Assault rifle, "your" "machine gun" don't mean anything to me. We don't need all those damned pistols (handguns) on the street with all those poor kids killing each other. All I need is Grampa's single shot 21ga to protect my family, the government can take everything else.....

Look at the rally on August 21st. (Sorry to cross threads here, but it IS the same subject.)

Those of us who work, don't have the time, don't know who to call (it's posted on another thread) or we're "cowards" (me, I suppose). Those who have the time, don't want to be involved.

Even a fellow who wants to be in politics says it's too complicated because of campaign finance laws.(?) Even with nearly a month lead time....

So, since we're all cowards (like me), or too busy, or don't believe in becoming "known", or care about the other guy's guns, etc. etc. - I think it may be all over but the shouting.

HCI has won.
The government has won.
Our guns are as good as gone.
We're brave and macho only among ourselves.
You know, if it wasn't for that demon-induced WHEEL, we wouldn't have nearly as many deaths in this country! Think about it! By eliminating the wheel, we could save thousands of lives every year, save billions of dollars in medical costs and property damage, and bring communities closer together! Just think what eliminating all those machines would do for the environment! Think of all the tax dollars that wouldn't be spent on roadwork and could be better used on welfare! Isn't that worth sacrificing a little convenience for??

(I really do hope everyone realizes this is completely sarcastic, I'm not going to move to california and start an anti-wheel cult or anything like that. Of course, if you do wish to financially support the fight against the demon wheel, you can send your checks to my e-mail address.:-))
The tone of these replies reminds me of what those kids at Columbine High School must have been thinking as they scrambled under desks and behind chairs as the two teenage nut cases walked through the school shooting at random. They had nothing to defend themselves with, not even bravery, not an ounce of strength to throw a chair, or fire a fire extinguisher. They felt helpless.

This line of similar impotence by assumingly healthy American patriots is exhausting. For those that feel "we" have lost, listen up.

Look into the eyes of your children (or your buddy's children or your brother's children) and tell them that their freedom as Americans will no longer be available due to your cowardess. Say it. Hold the Bill of Rights in your hand and tell them that their rights are meaningless, because you could not defend them. Do it.

The truth is, this fight hasn't even begun. If you are cowerly giving up to the repeated lines of propaganda belched out by the left wing at this point, maybe we don't want you on our team. Because if this plan to disarm civilians in America takes off with any amount of vigor, I assure you, we will need as many brave and courageous souls to not just spew retaliatory vocal ammunition, but to actually stand firm and strong with every ounce of your gonads and possibly a full tactical vest of your favorite doodads.

Don't let the repeated attacks to various domestically held arms get you down. Believe me, "they" want every last pee shooter out there, not just assualt rifles, handguns, and "sniper" rifles. The problem is, their plan is failed. They have misread the pulse of this Nation, and haphazardly wade through their own utopian ideology without a clue of what they will face.

My friends...stand tall, and do not listen to the opposition's swan song. It will hypnotize the masses into complacency. But you must be their savior, above all of the repeated propaganda. It's your turn to protect freedom.
I WILL stand in the gap. I WILL not, under any circumstance, give up my guns. Period. Not because of what the are, but because of what they represent.

As a matter of fact, I will do my best to purchase a gun every time I hear of some new gun control measure. I believe that this is one of the best ways to support the ownership of firearms.
When we finally have all the duck hunters, pheasant hunters, quail hunters, deer hunters, prairie dog shooters, target shooters, ect. feeling THREATENED by proposed legislation, then we will have the numbers to stand up to any new proposed laws. Until then those of us that already understand the threats will have to be loud enough to keep the truth alive. That is why I am promoting the March on Aug 21, and sending copies of the "BANNED" video. We have to wake up the uninformed! We have to do more than "preach to the choir" here at TFL.


"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to
enslave them." George Mason, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788).
I think that show was great in showing people how guns can and did help. The police didnt even have the right guns that they needed. Who came to help out? The citizens. What a perfect example. If guns were banned at that time, that guy would have been up there shooting alot longer than he already was. There would have been many more victims also.There will always be idiots out there like that guy and that is so much more a reason to keep your guns. I for one will stand by and fight right along with you guys! So count me in! :)
We have not yet begun to fight. A fitting paraphrase, I believe. Sure, there will be many Americans who will hide in their cellars rather than fight. However, there are plenty of *us*, spread out over the country, each of whom is quite capable of talking up a howling mob. Civilian resistance may be lukewarm at first, but the bad guys will soon find themselves in very unpleasant territory. We like to fight. We are *good* at it. And as a bonus, there is a general anti-government mood in this country (despite the media puppets report). That's why the gun-control issue is so hot; for every weapon the government can ban, the "Powers That Be" feel a bit more comfortable.

Moreover, I don't buy into the "I got mine" mindset that hunters are often accused of having. Just because a man is not interested in military-style firearms and has just one "deer rifle" and perhaps an old shotgun, that does not mean he could care less about the gun rights issue. Those guys keep a low profile, but will be an asset. If a man has only one rifle, you can be damned sure he can use it to good effect.

The "sport shooting" community is like a hornet's nest in the winter. Little activity can be seen, but wait until the heat starts rising...
Paul Revere,
The kids at Columbine were following their teacher's orders - as they had been taught to do, trained to do, etc.

Awww, let me quit here. I have nothing "new" to say.