Sounds like the type of security on the military base where I work as part of security. If your weapon were to be discovered in the vehicle, I would be forced to conduct a felony vehicle search and arrest type of action, with much back up! You would be detained for the remainder of the search, and you would be smacked with federal firearms charges, as it is federal property and firearms restrictions are clearly sign posted.
Does this sound familiar? "Entrance of this facility constitutes consent to search of vehicle and all items under personal control"?? Legally, that means that just by showing up at the gate with intent to gain entry you consent to search-vehicle, personal, whatever. You've voluntary (if non verbally) waived your rights that necessitate a search warrent. Trust me, I go through this all the time. Try and fight it in court, and the judge will ask you if you can read the signs and why you felt that you were special? Then you're done for. I've seen it on both of the two occasions that it happened here in the last 6 years that someone knowingly and without authorization brought a handgun onto our installation.
If they don't provide lock boxes, your only option is to leave it home, and travel only form home to the installation, and straight back again. Forget the Inspector Gadget hat, the planner, and any type of carry that conceals it on your person. If you were discovered just carrying it around, as in normal concealed carry, you would learn new meanings to the words "Man with a gun" response! Intent to conceal a weapon in these types of facilities is the next best thing to intent for terrorist activity, and security forces train and respond accordingly. Don't bring it!!
Don't believe me? Just ask your lawyer how much it would cost you for him to even begin to get the paperwork together to face charges associated with having an unauthorized firearm in such a place!!!!!!
A "Miss" is the ultimate overpenetration!
[This message has been edited by Banzai (edited March 03, 2000).]