Snap Cap modification to try

For many years I made my own dummy rounds by loading sized cases with a piece of plastic (to fill the powder space) and a bullet. I used pieces of nylon rod for primers to protect the firing pin. If necessary, I also ground off the section of rim the extractor would engage so the case would not be ejected when the gun was operated to recock the hammer/striker. In many "shots" fired in practice, I never accidentally loaded a live round (how?) or shot holes in the wall.

I have said this at least a hundred times on the forums-

Using silicone, hot glue, rubber, etc. in a primer pocket gives you absolutely NO protection for your firing pin. Use real snap caps.

And I've read a good portion of those posts, Bill ..... still have yet to break, or even hear of, a broken firing pin due to using homemade caps ..... and been doing it for years .... in fact most, if not all of the broken firing pins I read about are recent new production guns just out of the box ....
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