
30’ you got to be kidding me. Unless you have choke system where they come out single file.At 30’ a sure fire kill on a snake would be very iffy with a 12g trap load out of a open choke barrel.
38/44 shot loads have never failed me, all shots were probably well under 15'.
We had a pretty good lunch time argument years ago when this engineer said his favorite home defense load for his wife's Python was 38 snake shot.
I don't think he liked his wife very much, probably wanted to inherit her Colt.;)
I wouldn't want a 12 Ga trap load shot at me from 30 ft!
I have patterned may shotguns for trap, all were full choke. Also have patterned sawed offs and slug guns with trap loads for Grouse. Take A trap load and shot at 30’ with 11/8 load of 7.5s or 8s. Then shot another with your handgun shot loads and then think about how many snakes you are going to kill at 30’. Has nothing to do with a trap gun. The S&W Governor with 410 shot shells practical range to kill a snake is 10’. That’s a lot more shot than a shot capsule.
I find my wads at around 30 feet from the muzzle, not yards. 30 feet is a lot for handgun shot cartridges. That said I was not there.

Velocity should be about ballpark with shotshells so plenty of energy at either 30 feet or 30 yards one pellet in the head will be a bad day for Mr. snake.

I regret not skinning the big one my neighbor killed at my place when I was at work. Left him in the gutter out front, animal control picked it up. I still have the rattle 14 buttons the snake was as big around as your forearm.
Drm50, you brought up Trap loads, not me. No snake is getting by a trap load at 30', you you think that is "iffy"...just stop.

Read up, I am not shooting factory shot capsules either.
So many Swimming Rattlesnaks in the river that he has to "Clear the Banks " with rat /snake shot ? ... C'mon Man ... that story's a little hard to swallow if you know anything about snakes . He's probably like my old man ... terrified of any / all snakes and a tiny Garter snake is in his eyes a 6' Rattlesnake or if around water a Moccasin ... he doesn't know anything else ... Once you learn to I.D. the few that can do you harm and learn to I.D. the benifical ones's easy to not be afraid of snakes .

Once when fishing me and Dad went under a some low hanging branches and a little common watersnake about 12 inches long falls into the boat ...Dad eyeballs the snake and jumps out the boat ...fully clothed with rod and reel in hand .. I asked "What the heck are you's harmless".. " he says " I don't care ...the boat is his now "
He realy got mad when I picked it up and tossed it back into the water ...Him trying to scramble back into that aluminum bateaux fishing boat was a sight to behold ...him hollering that he was going to beat me when we got home ... We still laugh about the water snake owning the boat !
So many Swimming Rattlesnaks in the river that he has to "Clear the Banks " with rat /snake shot ? ... C'mon Man ... that story's a little hard to swallow if you know anything about snakes . He's probably like my old man ... terrified of any / all snakes and a tiny Garter snake is in his eyes a 6' Rattlesnake or if around water a Moccasin ... he doesn't know anything else ... Once you learn to I.D. the few that can do you harm and learn to I.D. the benifical ones's easy to not be afraid of snakes .

Once when fishing me and Dad went under a some low hanging branches and a little common watersnake about 12 inches long falls into the boat ...Dad eyeballs the snake and jumps out the boat ...fully clothed with rod and reel in hand .. I asked "What the heck are you's harmless".. " he says " I don't care ...the boat is his now "
He realy got mad when I picked it up and tossed it back into the water ...Him trying to scramble back into that aluminum bateaux fishing boat was a sight to behold ...him hollering that he was going to beat me when we got home ... We still laugh about the water snake owning the boat !
I believe most people suffer from Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes) than the actual danger of them. I have seen them so often in the swamps I hunt and hike, I do not even pay much attention to them. However Claustrophobia for me is another matter.
Snake loads out of handgun are play things. To kill/ stop snake you have to be 3-4’ at most.
I have hunted snakes for skins to sell. I didn’t like to shoot a snake and dock value. Shot has one purpose. To shoot a snake where you can’t use a bullet. I have never shot a snake as a have to because it was going to strike. A wad cutter is more effective. A striking snake is going to coil. Easy target even as reflex.
Snake shot may be play things but they sure do work well on snakes and mice. I have problems with chicken snakes eating my hen eggs. I don’t bother them unless they get in the hen house, but if they do I give them a load of CCI 38 caliber snake shot. It has been one shot kills every time. Lot further than 3 or 4 feet too. Most of my shots were 15 feet or so.

Don’t depend on a snake coiling before striking as a preventative measure either. You’ll probably wind up snake bit. I’ve been struck by uncoiled copperheads and cottonmouths.
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There has been many articles, tests and variations of shot loads
I suggest getting your measuring tape recalibrated. While at 30’ it is possible that one BB will hit mister snake between the eyes and kill him, it’s not very probable. Also put up a scrap of new framing lumber and shoot from 15’. You will find most shot to have bounced off. You have to get into #6 and bigger to have the weight for penetration. The bigger the shot the sparser the pattern. I’m not calling anybody a liar. If shot was made a 15’ or farther it was a one off luck shot.

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Here in KY I've dispatched several using .40 and .45 shotshells, and they both worked great. The only ones I still have left are .44 shotshells, but as rare as I use them, they'll last forever. That said, I've personally never seen a venomous snake on my property and for the most part if I do see a snake outdoors, I'll leave it be. In the event I find one in the house, which has happened about 3-4 times that I can recall, then sure I'll kill it, but I think I've used a machete more than anything else.
A time and place for Shake-Shot

While Snake-Shot may be a novelty to some folks, they are too expensive and impractical to shoot for recreational purposes. There are times when they come in handy. I am fairly knowledgeable on snakes and most are not harmful to people. However, my wife feels that the only good snake, is a dead snake. If she sees one, in the yard she no longer informs me as she knows I give most of them, a pass. The snake-shot is quite useful, when hunting western states. I no longer hunt out west and still have some left which will probably never get used....:rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
Where I live, most of the snakes we see are harmless Garters who help keep the rodent population in check. However, I have a little cabin out in the country where Copperheads roam, and whenever I'm out there I bring this along with me.


Taurus Judge Magnum -- A 3" 410 shotshell will make short work of any dangerous snake.

I'd like to see Colt make a .410/.45 Revolver marketed specifically for Snake defense, they could call it the Colt Mongoose, and give it witty tagline like; "When it comes to Snake Guns, leave it to the experts."
.410 Shotshell offers greater service

The OP wrote;
Is snakeshot really useful or is it just a marketing gimmick?
Most replies are referring to them. However, a .410-Shotshell is just as valid and even exceeds the purpose or service. I know of a few folks that use and own snakeshot but many more that use .410-Shotshell pistols, most use #6 shot. ...... :)

Be Safe !!!
The only times I have been worried about snakes here in USA was when I was in water with Cotton Mouths. I don’t think I had anything to worry about but I didn’t know any better at the time. I’ve had them climb sides of boat. They were just looking for a place to hang out.
They weren’t in attack mode. Ornery snake in these parts is common water snake. There is a college kid with videos on You Tube about snakes and it’s well done. He dispels a lot of these wives tales about snakes. 99.99% of snakes shot are unnecessary. You can’t leave a venomous snake where it will be a danger to people or live stock. Other than that shooting them for no reason is stupid. On top of that most snakes killed are harmless varieties. K
As I mentioned in a previous post, I have run across them thousands of times and never once had to shoot one. In the wild it is disgusting to think people kill them for no reason. In the suburbs where I live, you see reports from neighbors all the time, screaming because a Water Moccasin is in the yard. Fact is almost all the time they are harmless water snakes. Even in the swamps, there is a water snake that resembles a Moccasin to the point that it will mimic the same opening of the mouth with the Cotton like look. It is harmless. Every single snake bite reported in the Urban area has been because someone handled on. A kid playing with one was the last time I heard of one. And he had the snake by the throat and it was able to reach around and bite him. Someone has me by the throat, Hell, I would just shoot them.

I have been a avid Runner all my life since a kid, later a competitive runner and coach. I actually moved close to a swamp to run along a trail that was 6 miles out and 6 back. Use to run it twice a day. On season we had some crazy Population explosion of Black Snakes. All along the path I ran on, I would go about every 20 yds and and would step on what looked like a tree branch of about 2-3' long. Just like the other branches that were on the trail. Except this time it would be a Water Black Snake. It was annoying. Every time I stepped on one the dang thing would go crazy and start squirming etc. Not at all dangerous, nor did I even get Bit. It was annoying because I had to keep adjusting my stride every time a Branch came on the trail. I am sure it was more displeasure for the snake. They were just enjoying a good nap in the sun. Minding their own business in their own home.

This is NOT a water moccasin.

In part of the Dismal Swamp DO NOT KILL THIS GUY. you might get a good fine and your Shotgun taken away.


And, it's illegal to kill a snake in Virginia.

"You can dispatch a snake only if it poses a threat to a person or livestock – say, if there’s a copperhead in your garage or a black snake in your chicken coop," said Virginia Wildlife Management and Control.

Illegally killing a snake is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and six months in jail.
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I leave em alone and move around. Remember that if you have snake shot in a semi-auto, it may not cycle the slide. My experience is most of the time it won't.
When I was a kid I lived in Texas,Arkansas,and Oklahoma. We had mocassins,copperheads,and rattlers. I've seen some aggression from mocassins. While you are messing with snake #1,snake #2 might be interested in you. But mostly,they all want to slither off. Copperheads can be bad because they will live around your house and they hide where you don't expect them.

I've seen a lot of rattlers in Colorado.

If I run across one in a ranch yard,or behind a shop,or where they represent a real hazard,I'll eliminate the hazard. Snake bites can be an awful experience.

If I'm in a prairie dog town,or walking a trail.etc I just leave them alone. Its really no big deal to walk around a snake. Its easy. Just seeing a snake does not require a confrontation.

I've seen folks go into some primal hysteria over the sight of a snake. I don't get it.

40 years ago,when I still killed them, I figured out to just pin their head,a rifle butt will do,then with my Buck 110,I'd just cut the head off.

If you can't head shoot a snake from 6 feet with a ,22 shooting lead bullets,you ought to get some practice.

Its not hard.

I sometimes walk a trail I expect to hear tails buzzing,and I can generally see two or three rattlers. Part of the scenery.

When I was walking that trail regular I had every chamber of my 44 spl snubby loaded with 200 gr jhp. No snake shot. I saw a mountain lion on that trail who showed no fear of humans. I'm not interested in hunting mountain lions,but I do have a line the lion ought not cross. Scared people can be dangerous.
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Local Law used to call me for snakes & bombs. Every time I went on Copper Head call it was a harmless species. Every Time, like 25-30 in 5yrs.
Somebody would be cleaning out Grandpa’s attic and find a “bomb”, closest to that was a live 50 BMG round.
It’s like trees around here. Pine trees and walnuts. If no pine cones or walnuts it’s a maple.
I figure snakes are the same, most people have never seen a Copper Head and there are no Rattlesnake here. So if it isn’t a Copperhead it’s a Blacksnake.

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