Snakes Vrs. Hunters

Around the house, dead rattleworm. Out in the boonies, I mostly leave them alone. Non-poisonous snakes are for teasing--bull snakes are great fun! They go totally bonkers, buzzing their tails as if they have rattles, rearing and striking...

I recall an end-of-semester party thrown by the U of Fla Art Department folks, years ago. There was a truly gorgeous young lady who went as a sort of Nature Girl. Bikini, with Spanish moss covering it. A garland of blossoms around her head. Guys would very cooly ease up to hit on her. And realize that the "stole" she was wearing was a six-foot blue indigo snake...Made me glad I was not afraid of snakes. My main problem was preventing the stealing of the snake--by my wife.

:), Art
Ron, from looking over the posts wherein either self-defense or raw terror is/was a factor, I'd say there's very little sport-shooting in this thread..."Fun, Hell; where's the toilet paper?"

:), Art
I don't kill for sport. I kill to control the population. The horrible, horrible byproduct of all this killing, it is an enjoyable experience. Man, I can't sleep at night thinking of how horrible it all is. :eek:
LMAO...sorry about stirring the pot. BTW, I enjoy killing snakes and I sleep better at night knowing they are scattered about the prarie in little bitty pieces instead of coiled up in my boot.
Yesterday, we had an emergency with our pet cat. While we were at the emergency vet hospital, two brothers came in with their pet Lab, who was about four years old.

They had been camping in the mountains about forty miles east of Boise, Idaho, when their Lab got too close to a rattlesnake. The snake struck the dog just at the point where the neck joins the shoulders.

One of the brothers killed the rattler with a .45 and they carried the dog in their truck, to the emergency vet. (Had the dead snake in the truck bed and it was about four feet long... what was left of it.)

The dog's upper neck and face were very badly swollen, and the dog was very disoriented, when I saw him.

We left before I found out what the vet was able to do, but that was definitely one very sick pooch.

Anywhere near my home or camp, I kill rattlesnakes. (I carry either a .41 Mag., or a .45 L.C. with the first two rounds being my homegrown snake loads.) FWIW. J.B.