Snakes Vrs. Hunters

First let me state that I like my snake lightly breaded and fried.Guess it's because I'm from the South. Remeber that copperheads are very "musckie" and are not good to eat. Cottenmouths are very aggressive and want your boat and everything in it. The best way to avoid a snake is to be hungry and not afraid. Lived on a farm for two years with two snake dens. Never saw one. Everybody else who was afraid of snakes saw them. The critters must have known I wanted them on the menu. Ecept when cornered/mating/shedding skin snakes will generally slither away. There are always exceptions. Never stick your hand in a hole to check it out and never step over a log without checking.

BTW to load a shovel you must first find a good cowbarn/pigfarm/horse stable.



rule #1

when the 7 foot Black rat snake you brought home in the pillowcase, gets 1/5 of its length around a dogwood tree, the bond becomes permanant

rule #2

7 foot black rat snakes in dogwood trees scare housecats

I live out in the country, and if I see a poisonous snake on my land, I kill it. If I'm out hunting and I see a poisonous snake, I kill it. End of story. Yeah, I know about the arguments that poisonous snakes have their place in the ecosystem, etc. I still kill 'em. I have three children and am not willing to risk their getting bitten.

Now, a non-poisonous variety has no fear from me if he stays out of my house. (And to my surprise, my wife even spared one she found in the basement one day last summer.) But a snake that has the potential to kill me or a family member should have good E&E skills. Sorry if that makes me a bad person.
Should we ban guns because they can kill too? Get rid of all of the guns and no one will get killed? Snakes are not going to kill your children. Teach your children what snakes are, teach them to respect snakes and not to mess with them. See a snake, calmly leave the area, tell dad or mom.

I am sure your method works too. I feel the same way about ground squirrels. All ground squirrels are conspiring to overthrow man's God given right to rule this planet. As a result, I engage in frequent firefights with these vicious murdering vermin. Maybe that is why I am partial to snakes, they are my allies in this war to save the planet from eventual ground squirrel totalitarianism.

That is just my two cents. I would rather save my time for coyotes and squirrels than waste it on snakes.
The only good snake is a dead snake. All the tree huggers can say what they want. I shoot'em and leave them laying there hopefully as an example to others! I have two natural fears in life.
1. Snakes, my philosiphy is that ALL snakes are poisonous, and will chase you down and bite you just to be mean! No arguing, I believe it, that settles it!
2. Lightning, horrifies me, funny that I live in the lightning capital of the world (Florida). Comes from 1 of my 2 near death experiences. I was walking from my house to the neighbors to get a cup of sugar for some cookies, I was about 6 at the time, and lightning hit the power drop on our house not 10 feet from me. Singed the hair on my face and knocked me unconcious! I feel its a justifiable fear.

I thought I'd seen it all, until a 22WMR spun a bunny 2 1/4 times in the air!

I'm not sure of the caliber, but I think rubber bullets may finally have a place! :D

DOCSpanky said "I shoot'em and leave them laying there hopefully as an example to others!" This gives snakes way too much cerebral credit. To most snakes, seeing a dead snake would cause no more of a reaction than seeing a stick. Capital punishment rammifications are just beyond their abilities.
Living on a lake in Florida I see a lot of snakes. Non-poisonous snakes I see are left alone but I'll kill every water moccasin I can. For those of you who has not had the pleasure of meeting one I can assure you that they are the most aggressive and mean snake in North America :mad: . Few years ago we had one join my wife and I while fishing in our canoe (I found out that 22LR even when fired from 2" revolver will penetrate kevlar/fiberglass canoe :( ) and just last summer one almost got my lab puppy. Any moccasin that I see around my house gets wacked in the head with a 7" PVC pipe and are thrown in to the lake for the turtles to feast on. Never had problems with Rattle snakes around here.
It sounds like I am fortunate to only have to deal with rattlers. Moccasins and copperheads sound like a much more aggressive bunch. And just two nights ago the rattle re-appeared in a dream. He only chased me once and I easily got away, but what business did he have in that dream anyway? I guess I do need to find me a good woman.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by El Rojo:
It sounds like I am fortunate to only have to deal with rattlers. Moccasins and copperheads sound like a much more aggressive bunch. And just two nights ago the rattle re-appeared in a dream. He only chased me once and I easily got away, but what business did he have in that dream anyway? I guess I do need to find me a good woman.[/quote]

Get a pet Mongoose! Read more Kipling :D :D :D

(I know rattlers and cobras are not the same to a mongoose)
"A good woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke."

I do remember that one from Kipling. What else were you wanting me to receive from his words?
Copperheads are not agressive.The chief danger from them is their habit curling up in wood piles, under poarches, etc. I would agree wil getting rid of ones that come near you home, as I think they are creatures of habit and will not leave once they have set up shop, but ideas of getting rid of them is hopeless. They are all over the Midwest in absolutely massive numbers, but are so retiring in nature that most people who live here never see one except in a blue moon, and most city dwellers have never seen one at all.
Ditto to Herodotus on copper heads ... unless they're mating - big, rolling, swimming, ball of ugliness.
My B***h is with cottonmouths. When one comes lunging at you with mouth open (It really is very white) and smelling like 2 week old horse pee you get the idea that he really doesn't like you.
Moccasins? Ain't no such animal. It's either a copperhead, a cottonmouth, or a water snake. Water snakes look a lot like copperheads but aren't poisonous. Leave 'em alone.
Animal, you are correct sir. There is no real water moccasin, instead they are cottonmouth but areound here we commonly call cottonmouths water moccasin or just moccasin. I can assure you that I know the difference between cottonmouth and common water snake and there are plenty of cottonmouth around my lake and I kill everyone I can.
Hunters with juevos catch 'em live, or walk around 'em, IMHO. ;)

No kidding ... most of the guys I've met who make a big deal out of telling folks about killing snakes are just wowing the tourists ... and / or the fools.

I can understand if you kill poisonous snakes around your home. I don't think it's entirely necessary, but I can respect the concern.

Regards from AZ ... where, as I recall, we have about 16 different rattlesnake species.
We don't have snakes here in Alaska but I promise you this: I see one, I kill one.
I don't care if its deadly or not.

Now if you guys will get with the program and kill ALL the snakes in Florida I'll move down there when I retire.