Snake Shot ??

You can kill a snake with a hoe...don't need no gun
If you really need to kill a snake this ^^

Anyone know of a good holster to carry a hoe in?
Duh, if-ins me downs in the lower field and I see a rattler, I ain't goin walk way up the hill 80 foot rise just to get a hoe. By that time, the snake will be long gone. And I don't want to use a stick to bop a coiled up rattler under a pile of wood. I gues all your snakes lay out in open ground waiting to get bopped!LOL:D
We use .22lr rat/snake shot around here for indoor shooting matches during the winter.
They normally shoot about 18' at an + on a card.
Think it would be impossible for that shot to damage your barrel.

Since I reload, I make my own using #11 shot and gas checks in .357 brass. Practice a little....I need to aim just over the target at "minute of snake" range to be effective. Carry it always on the ranch so I have it if no shovel available or rattlesnake under bush. All rattlesnakes on property have death sentence; gopher snakes get a pass for rodent control.
Snake shot will absolutely not harm a barrel. It could leave lead build up, or plastic from the shot cups, which does need to be removed, but it doesn't harm the barrel.

Scraping it out with a stainless steel brush, on the other hand, will!! :eek:

Some guns will produce a distinctive "donut hole" pattern, the size, shape and location of which will vary gun to gun, and maybe load to load, so pattern the shot load you will use at "shoot the snake range" and see where the hole is.

Then just aim so that the snake is where the shot is, not where it isn't..
Used many to eliminate pigeons in the loft of a barn. If that tiny shot shell and its contents ruin your bore, it was a junk gun to begin with.
Never had an issue shooting them out of my Ruger 357, even some of my own reloads.

But they were pretty useless against snakes, except very close range. What really worked was a single shot pistol shooting .410 shells.
"...would ruin the bore..." Nope, but like darkgael says, shot fired through a rifled barrel flies in a spiral and makes big holes in the pattern.
Just seeing a snake isn't a capital offence. If you leave Kaa alone, he'll leave you alone. Kaa was out looking for things that carry diseases like rats, to eat. Kaa is your friend. No need to kill him due to his unearned reputation.
"...not the suburbanites..." There's an estimated population of 20 million rats in NYC. Approximately 8,622,698 people.
"...good holster to carry a hoe..." Across your back like a Great Sword.
I carried CCI snake shot in my Smith Model 60 38Spl snubbie, decades ago in my camping days. Never shot any snakes. (I leave snakes be, unless directly threatened by a rattler.)

But I am proud to say that I took a monarch butterfly in mid-flight once! :D

Sorry, I digress . . .

Capped off a couple 10 round boxes worth - no bore damage.
I remember

I remember hearing this mantra about "rat shot will ruin the bore in your .22 rifle" as a kid. Wasn't true then and not true now. A bunch of it may lead the bore, but a cleaning should solve that, and who would shoot enough shot to get to that point anyhow?
I have used .38spl snake load to take out a lot of copperheads in my area of KY. One summer I killed 15 copperheads, 2 black snakes and 1 yellow timber rattler around my house and my mother-in-laws. One particular spot was drawing them in, an area on the small bridge to our road that was a rock pile covered with wiring to hold it in place and the leaves would fall in the wire and get stuck and the snakes would coil up and hide in the leaves and sun themselves and woe unto you if you walked by too close. I killed probably a dozen on that bridge and the county put a concrete type substance over it and that took care of that area and snake issues tapered off except for the occasional black snake sighting. Currently I am on black snake patrol at her house lol! She saw one in her garage and took a box of moth balls and laid out to drive him out. She wants him dead!

That summer my MIL was having a cook out and went to turn the water on behind the deck where I was sitting and she bent over and jumped back and whispered to me not wanting to draw attention of the kids until I could kill the snake, do you have your gun? Yes it is on the ATV I drove over and she went and upholstered it and circled around and handed to me and said there is a coiled up copperhead below the deck right behind you. I stood up and bent over the rail and sent him to a better place with a snake load from my Model 19-4. A couple of years later I get a call from my MIL saying bring your gun and kill a snake for me, it is between me and my pool house and I can't get back inside. Sure enough a big black snake was sunning himself right by her house sidewalk. I asked her to bring me a rake to hold him in place and the answer was come and get it, I am not going over there! I got it and held him in place and dispatched him.

My brother was going fishing a few years back and he was flipping leaves out of a john boat at the dock and said he felt like a pin hit him in the big toe near the foot as he started to go to the front of the boat to push it out into the water and start loading. He looked down and saw a copperhead coiled up and getting ready to hit him again and he jumped back and hollered to his buddy and told him he was snake bit and two other fishermen unloading came over there and bashed the snakes head in with a boat oar. My brother ended up in the hospital for a week and off work for two more. Demerol wouldn't faze the pain and he ended up with morphine to finally get relief.

I went to see him in the hospital going to church a day or so after the snake bit and his wife wasn't there yet and he said help me get to the bathroom I have to go and I got him in there and eased the door too with me holding his meds drip stand in place. I have to tell you he stinks normally, but that was the most god awful stench to ever hit my nostrils coming from the bathroom. We suspect it was his body discharging some of the poison, Lord he was nasty and I haven't let him live it down either. He says almost ten years later on cold nights at work that toe and foot still ache down to the bone.

"Rat shot will not hurt your may lead it up a bit if, unlike the CCI commercial offering, it is not encapsulated, but is easy to remove with a bore brush and/or chore boy wrapped around the brush.

That said, here in KY copperheads get the shovel treatment on our stock, hunting dogs and my grand daughters do not need to be bitten. All other snakes, get a pass, except one overly aggressive black snake that took to harassing our blue bird houses...had his head right in the entry hole in fact...I sent him off to snake Valhalla with a .22 LR solid.

City folk and suburbanites often make light of snakes, venomous or not, but don't consider the consequences of a bite to stock or people out here in the hinterlands. Yep, they're good on rats and mice, (the snakes, not the suburbanites) but....I have a couple of barn cats that attend to similar chores."

YMMv, Rod
I have to tell you he stinks normally, but that was the most god awful stench to ever hit my nostrils coming from the bathroom. We suspect it was his body discharging some of the poison, Lord he was nasty and I haven't let him live it down either. He says almost ten years later on cold nights at work that toe and foot still ache down to the bone.

OMG!!! I can't believe you wrote that. But it was funny!:D:D:D