Smokeless Powder in the NMA

Remington, and others I'm sure, claimed their guns were proofed for nitro powders back when they were still offering Damascus barreled guns. Everyone I know hand loads their shells to 7500psi, or under. That certainly is safe for Damascus barreled SxSs with good barrels. No deep pits, .100 thick at the breech and .030 thick down the barrels. The British look for .020 on Damascus barrels before they'll proof them.
I think most Americans don't know the British have always felt Damascus barrel guns, rifle and shotguns, are safe to shoot so long as they're proofed. In this country where a lot did their own reloading, we got in trouble blowing up Damascus guns because we used the same measures for nitro powders that were used for BP and bulk smokeless powders. That didn't work. Also, because at one time Damascus barreled guns were considered safer than steel barrel guns because the steel ones were made by wrapping a flat piece of steel around a mandrel and lap welding it the entire length of the barrel. This one long weld the length of the barrel was weaker than a bunch of short welds going around the barrel. Then Remington developed a means making barrels by rolling a piece of 2" round stock by 8" long with a 1/2" hole in the middle into a barrel - no welds. They made rifle barrels for the world - saved them a couple of years before bankruptcy. Once they and others started using this method, the Americans needed a means to get customers to buy " fluid steel " barrels because they were so much cheaper to manufacture. SO, we got the " Damascus is unsafe " crock of sh!!."
When I was a kid we use to shoot the biggest, baddest shells we could find in old Damascus guns, never giving it a second thought. Never did blow one up. I wouldn't want to guess how many others did the same thing. They got blown up because of something stuck in the barrel, not nitro shells. I wouldn't do that now because I don't like the snoot flying out of my nose. Sherman Bell did tests that were published in the DGJ where it took 30,000psi to blow up a old Parker. I'm not saying all Damascus barrel guns are that safe, just they're not all that unsafe some people make them out to be. JMHOs.
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Can't go thar !!!

This is one subject where I practice what I preach and teach. If the container does say; PB or replacement M/L propellant, I don't use it. I'm sorry to say that I personally know of two acquaintances that have been hurt playing/experimenting with this subject. :mad:

Granted, BP and its replacements present "unique" set of problems but can live with these as oppose to getting hurt. At my age I love zip-lining but that is as far as I take it.. .. ;)

Be Safe !!!
If you walk on ice, make sure it's thick enough

Some of you can remember and possibly own on of the Savage 10-ML. I have shot this one and it's a real killer. Whether true or not, there was a big stink about them blowing up. As I recall, they listed about four different smokeless powder that they recommended be used. This is the only firearm that I have shot, using smokeless powder. …… :rolleyes:

When I was younger, I played around with cannons, smokeless powders and even made my own M/L's and zip-guns. I got a lot of free passes as the big guy upstairs was/is looking out for fools. ….. :eek:

Be Safe !!!
Even as a young man, enough people issued warnings about this... when I was young it was primarily Elmer Keith whose voice and opinions I heard. Nothing I’ve heard since convinces me to try it.
Deerslayer303, the cyl clearance in your open top should be fine and help with efficiency just as with the cap cyl. If it needs fitting, I'd do that for you since I've already set the revolver up. Give me a call if you want to discuss.
Mike, if I do this it will be a Brand new '58 5.5" that will come to ya with the Konverter. I don't think I want to fool with the others they shoot so dang good with black. That open top is the cats meow. Even if she is not historically accurate.
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Thanks for all the replies guys. I think my OP was taken the wrong way or maybe I should try to better write my thoughts. This thread helped me understand the difference in pressure the two propellants make and how they differ. As for the guy in the video, well someone said it best "ONE BIG DARWIN AWARD". Not only that, in the video hes measuring the clays WITH A TEASPOOON!! SMH. I reload smokeless cartridges, and shot shells, and I'm very anal about it. I measure every charge right down to the tenth. As I don't really trust a powder thrower. But mainly I love playing with B.P. as its so hard to screw up. With my biggest screw up being a dry ball in a GPR, and getting a dang cleaning jag stuck LOL. I even LOVE loading black powder shot shells, and even using my old H&R Topper as a ML. Too much Fun. Many will remember a young and dumb deerslayer that came here to learn this craft. And it was ALL OF YOU who helped me to keep my fingers, eyebrows, face, arms, eyesight, etc. etc. to this day. SO for that I THANK YOU ALL!