Smith & Wesson

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They used to make about the finest revolver you could get for the money. Great quality at an affordable price. Their target autoloaders were impeccable.

When I was sellin em years ago, would have every incoming gun, whether for stock or special order, inspected for fit, finish and function. Maby one percent were sent back, refused. The run of the mill gun was in time, well finished, great trigger and looked good.

Just in the last couple of years, a lot of the new guns I have handled had raspy triggers, nearly three quarters of them were out of time, finish not up to the old standards, chamber step rough, chamber sizes not consistant, etc etc.

Received a replacement for a late pre agreement gun that had sideplate seam that looked like driveway patch, cylinder pivot was galled, timing was different for each chamber, star was unfinished, and Uncle Mike grips on a 600+ dollar gun...........dumped it without firing it.

Politics aside, it seems that the quality of Taurus has passed Smith. Taurus goin up and Smith goin down.

Sam....ex Smith dealer and not really a Taurus fan.

Please list the "some issues" you refer to.

Which parts of the TWO agreements they bought along with the nuts and bolts of the company are still valid and which parts are not?

Why would they state that they would honor the contracts if they are voided?
The agreement

Will Beararms;
I will call my dealer tomorrow AM and inquire about the status of the Agreement with the new ownership at S&W. He is a friend and I believe he will give me the truth. I will post tomorrow evening if I learn anything of value.

Just what does "handled," mean?

In the last 15 or so years, by my count I've fired over 500 different S&W revolvers of all makes, models, and ages, ranging from original No. 3s up to the most modern guns.

By my count I've also handled, examined, 'smithed, etc., another 2 to 3 THOUSAND.

All politics aside, the guns that Smith is turning out now are a pretty far cry from the guns that were produced, as I said, between 1920 and 1955.

Probably the absolute FINEST S&W hand ejectors ever made left the factory between the end of World War I and the beginning of the Great Depression.

I'm fortunate enough to know a collector who has nearly 200 different S&Ws made in those 9 years, virtually every one of them as new in box. They were turned out from the general production floor. They weren't taken into a pro shop or Performance Center or selected for their fine attributes and then given extra tweeking. They were what was going out the door every day.

The guns that are leaving the production floor right now pale in comparison.

The stuff coming out of the Performance Center approaches what was coming off the general floor in the 1920s, but I don't think it matches it.
I suspect the "agreement" is just going to be allowed to quietly fade away. If they announce the deal is dead, they would get a number of customers back. But, imagine the media field day Schumer, Hillery, Feinstein, et all would have if S&W announced that they were no longer going to keep the deal. It would be made to sound as though Jack The Ripper was selling heroin-coated hand grenades to children.

I think that S&W feels the best course is to just be quiet.
S&W's 'abuse of our rights'

I read the agreement. Smith didn't violate any of our rights. They made a business decision to try to stay out of bankrupcy, nothing more. If they want to get out of the civilian handgun market then that is their right, and it does not impare my rights in any way.

This boycott is not condoned by my NRA so I will not honor it. This Smith boycott hurts no one but those participating in it and the S&W corporation. HCI is laughing their a$$e$ off at us for boycotting Smith and if Smith ever really does go out of business on account of it HCI will throw a party, as will the boycotters. HCI and the boycotters might as well be the same entity...

Here's what guns and ammo said about it, and I tend to agree:
This quote is from Tom Gresham in the December 2001 Guns and Ammo.
Quote: "A small but very vocal group of gun owners sees itself as the guardians of the truth, and they label any organization, company, politican (and even any writer) who doesn't agree with them 100 percent as a "traitor". These folks continue to work to destroy S&W, even after the president was replaced. These folks should wake up! The company has been sold and the current owners are working hard to get out of the agreement they inherited. But that scarcely seems to matter to the extremists. These folks, who often call themselves "patriots", proclaim they they would like to see S&W and it's rich heritage destroyed to "send a message." Should they succeed, the message would be that gun owners are idiots. That we're bent on cultural suicide, that we aren't smart enough to help those who want to get it right, and that we can be easily manipulated. This same vocal group(using the internet and e-mail) punishes friendly elected officials whenever a vote is cast that doesn't meet with approval. Now it's our right and duty to stay in touch with our elected representatives, but the suicide squad seems to wake up each morning looking for targets to destroy, rather than friends they can help. Pretty soon, we won't heave enough allies to count for much. Yeah, well send 'em a message allright. The message is that we don't support our friends, and that if you are only 90 percent with us, we'll be 100 percent against you. It's political and cultural suicide." End of quote.
They Made a BAD Decision

Let them DIE for the offense.

No sympathy here! Makes a good example for the others.
Tom Gresham should learn to read!

Wouldn't cultural suicide include supporting an organization, with your money, that MUST spend a portion of that money on anti-gun "education" for the masses?

That's also part of the agreement which Tom says they are: "working hard to get out of", though there's little real evidence of it, and NO PUBLIC STATEMENTS from the new owners to support it.

Until such time as the new owners can/will list, item by item, the terms of the agreement that are null and void, I'll not spend a dime to aid them...

To each his own...
Doug 29

The trigger return spring and the main spring are perfectly balanced. The gun can be fired as accurately double action as one could using the single action mode! Just as fine as the old long-action revolversT

See some Bulls been walking round your place doug 29

Brilliant Railgun; Brilliant. The fact is Smith is not honoring any of the HUD agreement with any of the Gun Shops i do business with. Now back to the subject at hand which is always hijacked, Smith has made and continues to make good products. Funny how Taurus comes out with a safety device, so does HK, so does Springfield Armory and these gadgets are right in line with what the Antis want yet we don't attack them.

Smiths have been badmouthed for their recent offerings and I have no doubt that there are some defective products that get out the door but guess what? I have seen Sigs, Glocks, HK's and Para Ordnances that had similar problems before a round was ever fired.

Funny thing is, every recent Smith revolver or semi auto I have shot has been excellent in all aspects. For me their revolvers feel better, look better and are much more refined for only a few dollars more. I am entitled to express my opinions and if Doug 29 feels his revolver is as smooth as a single action or the older models, then so be it.
"The agreement will be allowed to fade away..."

Remember that the next time a Democrat or anti-gun Republic (John McCain, anyone?) comes into the White House, or the Democrats gain control of Congress again.

Are you SURE you want to take that chance, that the agreement will "just fade away?"

Dormant doesn't mean dead. Why don't people understand that? Why this continuing refrain of "not enforced now, never will be!"

If NRA doesn't condone the boycott, why are NRA magazines still refusing to carry S&W advertising?

The short-sightedness of people is just breathtaking. Do people really lack the vision anymore to see and plan for the dangers that this agreement poses, not just when applied to S&W, but as a foot in the door agreement?

What if EVERY manufacturer signs this agreement simply because American gunowners are seen to not give a flying ****?

Tell me then where you'd get a LEGAL standard capacity magazine?

Tell me then where you'd get a LEGAL semi-automatic "assault" rifle?

Certainly not at the same shop where you would go to buy your traitor's bargain guns.

Tell me how much more you'd be willing to spend to cover the costs of redesigning ALL handguns so that they can't accept LEGAL standard-capacity magazines?

Tell me how comfortable you'd be with the marketing and sales practices of your firearms companies being controlled by a board comprising predominantly ANTI-gun forces?

Doesn't that mean anything to you people?

If this doesn't get you excited, what will? Door to door confiscation? Or will we hear the "Well it doesn't really violate my rights" refrain again?

If gunowners aren't smart enough to take a stand against this agreement, and against S&W and Saf-T-Hammer for acquiescing to it, what's the point of even bothering to try to defend any of the Second Amendment?
Now, sadly...

...this thread seems to have departed from any pretence to being about revolvers and has turned into another discussion of the politics of the agreement.

May I direct you to the ongoing thread here.
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