Smith & Wesson

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Doug 29

New member
What a shame! Those who believe in the boycott are missing out on the finest revolvers the company has ever produced! Tight, smooth, really fine workmanship! I had my doubts, at first, about the actions associated with the in-frame firing pin. But, after a little dry-firing, they smooth up just fine! A custom trigger job couldn't make a finer double action. The trigger return spring and the main spring are perfectly balanced. The gun can be fired as accurately double action as one could using the single action mode! Just as fine as the old long-action revolvers! Break out the flame throwers, if you like, but they are producing some GREAT revolvers.

Perhaps all of us S&W enthusiasts need to petition the S&W ownership re: rescinding the agreement. I agree that the Performance Center products are very smooth and innovative
I do not wish to see the company fail!!!
In total agreement with you but my e-mails to smith recieve no response---and they were civil on my part.
I agree that smith has some of the finest revolvers that are available but for me buying a new smith is like giving money to handgun control.
There are over 12,000 members to tfl. Any chance a petition to s&w could be started up here? Or would it be a case of too little too late?
If I was the owner of a company fighting for market share, a petition with eight thousand signatures would get my attention.

But then, so would 5000 angry e-mails. My guess is they have seen that much feedback already. Hasn't made an impression that has been visible.

I would "sign" such a petition. I will post in Suggestions and see if it is even technically possible.
S & W

Now we're talking. Let's do something constructive to our cause. I am friendly with a gun dealer here in Woburn, Massachusetts. He has an active internet page. Perhaps we could get some support from dealers as well as firearms enthusiasts
Oh, and the concept of "missing out on the finest revolvers the company has ever produced"?

I did miss out, but not because I'm boycotting now.

It's because I wasn't born between 1920 and 1955.

THOSE were the finest revolvers the company ever produced.

What's coming out now is pretty much crap in comparison.
I must agree and those new 686's with the hi viz sights look and feel great not to mention the 442's and 642's which are much smoother than the Taurus 850 copy.

Recently, I bought a Smith Semi Auto 3953 and they sent me a nice letter signed by the employees and a discount coupon for merchandise. With the other makes, when I sent in my warranty, all I got was my name sold to mass marketers.

The workmanship on that 3953 is par excellence and it throws the hulls off behind my right shoulder about 7-10 feet. My next quest is a 442, God Willing.

My dealer has just started carrying them again stating that the reason he started again is that the agreement(HUD)was voided with the new ownership.
The agreement

Will Beararms:
Is there a simple way to verify your last comment that the agreement was voided by the new ownership? If so I think that's important to TFL membership.
Would you like some fries with that legal advice?


All my years behind the counter of a gun store, and they never awarded me my Doctorate of Jurisprudence.

I do know this much: a corporation is a legal entity. If the corporation is locked in a contract and is sold, the new owners assume all the contractual obligations, as they are attached to the corporation and not to the owners.

(PS This thread is unbelievably civil. I opened it thinking I was going to have to move it to L & P. I was under the impression that this was one of those topics that nobody could discuss calmly. Please prove me wrong!)

(PPS If we circulate a petition, I'll happily sign. I want a 627PC very badly, but I promised myself I wouldn't buy one until that happy day when *&* tells HUD to pee up a rope. :( )
There are enough used Smith revolvers available.I see no reason to give this company any of my money,no matter who owns them,until they repudiate this agreement.

You mean you've never heard of the University of Smith and Wesson? Why there's a bumper sticker you can buy in the latest Smith accessories catalog. ;)

I too am fighting the impure temptations to buy a new Smith Wheel Gun. I just can't explain it but no matter how many state of the art autos there are out there, the appeal of a Snub-nosed revolver will not subside for me.

I tried to placate this urge with a Taurus 850 but it just doesn't have the feel of the Smith and the Rugers as tough as they are don't feel as well either.

The Boston agreement bothers me more than the HUD debacle. Too bad we are so preoccupied with Enduring Freedom or now would be the time to void all of this crap while we still have Bush in the Oval Office.
Folks, I'm talking about QUALITY revolvers! NOT POLITICS! Personally, I think most Democrats are lying, greedy, dogs that care about your welfare about as much as the ACLU cares about your civil liberties! ZERO! Ahhhhh, but the revolvers! I'm an old "guy", who has handled the early Smith & Wesson's. I believe that the 629''s and 686's are among the finest revolvers EVER produced! I'm not talking Performance Center guns. These are straight production run models! Maybe my range gets "special", hand-selected guns, but that does seem a little far-fetched. I'm not a fan of the light-weight models, or the hi-viz sighted guns, so I can't speak to those. I prefer full-size models in all calibers. No barrel should be less than 4 inches nor more than 6 1/2 inches! (We all have our preferences!)
Unfortunately,you can't separate the two.They unquestionably make some of the finest revolvers in the world.But because of the the company's political stand,I wouldn't buy a new one if they were gold plated and selling for $1.99.
I have had several shop owners give me the "new Ownership" routine.

Bottom line is; When did the new owners of Smith and Wesson post a press release stating "Hey, we're the new owners and the agreement is dead"?????????

I must have missed it.

I believe that if I was the new owner of a company with such a public relations cloud hanging over it I would be trying to boost sales by announcing anything positive that I could dig up.

The public statements I have read coming from them give the impression that they are going to work with the market share that they have and that they will abide by the terms of the agreement.

I Just finished nosing around the S.&W. home page. They have a news page and an information page. Nowhere on the site did I see anything mentioned about the agreement. If it was dead they would have it up there in big red letters.
I'm having a hard time believing folks still complain about S&W. THE BRITS SOLD OUT AT A BIG LOSS TO AN AMERICAN COMPANY! Most of the original deals are out the window. S&W (the new company) has to abide by some issues by court order. The rest are gone. If people can't distinguish between the old and new owners, then the anti-gunners (and the previous owners) have won and a fine line of guns will be gone forever.
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