Smith & Wesson Autos

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George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I have always shunned and scoffed at the Smith 3rd Generation autos. 2nd and 1st for that matter. I had never liked them.

I wont go into any details... but I spent some time with S&W .40 and a .45. THe accuracy was "good" but the reliability was EXCELENT and the actions were both very smooth and refined. The triggers were VERY GOOD. There are few stock factory triggers that I call very good. The prices were much less than the pistols I usually consider.

I hate to say this - I really dont want to say this... But I must:
If I was looking for a new pistol and I did not have a lot of cash... This is painful for me... I would consider buying a Smith!

There - I confessed. it is done.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Well GEORGE, there not the HK P7, thats for sure...

I think that S&Ws AUTOs are okay, and their revolvers are EXCELLENT.

However S&Ws AUTOs don't cost that much less than most SIG SAUERs, and those are my first choice in a DA/SA semi-autos...

In this case, thank goodness for your P7...

Or it would be a very "BLEAK WORLD" for you indeed...

In my case 1911 FOREVER!!!

Well - I sure as heck aint going to trade in my HK, Walther or Springfields anytime soon...

But if for some reason I was to have to buy a new pistol... and only had so many dollars for it - well then - I would "Consider" Smiths as an option. The Sigma Series is not considered an option for me... But the all steel framed 3rd generations are - how shall I say? Not Bad...

I have always thought highly of the Smith wheel-guns... Especially the Model 10 with a snub nose and a large set of aftermarket grips.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
It has been proven and still going on: If you will go for revolver take Smith & Wesson. But if you go for autos, 1911 ACP is the answer. These are the only two comparison.

Just my opinion.
Stdalire: Get one of the new S&W 945s & you'll have both the best of the S&W semi-autos and the best of the 1911s. Regards, Dennis
I carry the 4006 on duty (issued weapon/no choice). I hated it at first, but it has grown on me. I would like to try the TSW models.
I have a 4006 and I have to admit I like it more than I thought I would. I'm selling it to get the funds for my Bren Ten, and it's bothering me more than I though it would. They're well-built, solid, functional pistols.
George--good observations about S&W autos.

Include me among the fans of S&W's 2nd generation pistols (especially Models 439, 539, and 645), as well as the top-of-the-line 3rd generation models (3913, 4006, 4506, 4516, etc.). I've never been able to warm up to S&W's "value" series (practical though it is) or to Sigmas. But that's another matter.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited October 26, 1999).]

I'm shocked!

1) As a man of God, John Browning was simply revealing to the world God's design for the perfect defensive handgun. Everyting else is second best.

2) Sounds like a road trip to the Browning museum in Ogden is in order. It is in the same building as the old train station downtown (there is an excellent restraunt there as well).

If this temporary dellusion continues, keep repeating #1 above! :) :)
I own both Sigs and 1911's, both are tremendous handguns, imho, but I must say, S&W autos arent all that bad. I think by and large they've gotten a bad rap. My 1st centerfire handgun was a Model 659, which never failed to feed and was "accurate enough". I did sell it, however, after finding a crack in the slide. This was after many, many thousands of rounds. I also owned a 4006 for a few years. Very reliable, VERY accurate. Its one of those guns I wish I never traded. Sometime in the near future (I hope) I'll be purchasing a 45CS for my wife. As far as the Sigma series this a family board? :)

"To die as a warrior means to have crossed swords and either won or lost without any consideration for winning or loosing. There is just not enough time and generally not enough strength in the resolve of any man to do otherwise"-Miyamoto Musashi
I have a few S&W autos I like the 945 buy not as much as my Kimbers. My 4506 is one of the best nonexpensive 45 I have ever owned.
and my Sigma 40 shot so well I went out and bought the 9mm.

I tried the Sigmas when they first came out and was not impressed with them at all, I told my self I would never buy one. Then one day I was out shooting at the range and the guy next to my had one of the new Sigmas
well he tried my Kimber and I tried his sigma and I have to say I was impressed with this one, pointed well, shot great. So after I left the range I went to the Sheriff's dept. and picked up my permit went down and bought the S&W40VE I love it...


General Dwight D. Eisenhower-- June 6,1944
I feel that I must also confess to my liking the S&W autos. I had one of the first 3rd generation 5906 pistols sold in my area and wish I'd never sold it. I had a 645 back in '88 and got tired of kicking myself for selling it, so I recently bought another one.

I've never had a reliabilty problem with any of them and they were all more accurate than I am. :)
I have been tempted many times to purchase a 3913. I held the full size .45 a few years ago and was really impressed with it, especially the trigger. However, I am not a fan of the S&W finish -- the look of the steel and aluminum. I think what ultimately put me off was seeing a couple of used 3913s in a gun shop display case -- the finish looked worn and awful (apprently from holster wear?). Second, I could never get past the goofy looking barrel (1911 barrels and Sig barrels just look more "gun-like"). Silly, I know. I have heard from several sources that Smith autos will chamber empty brass. Now that is feed reliability! Third, they appear to be more complicated to disassemble than a 1911. And I am lazy -- I hate cleaning autos. Which is why I like the Sig -- so dadgum easy to break down to its components. Fourth and last, at least in this area, S&W are pricey.
I have to admit that I like them a lot. In fact the 4506 is my first choice for a duty handgun. (Issue gun is going to be a glock 17, so I need to see if they will let me carry my own). And I'm saving up to get a 4513 TSW as a matching backup gun.

I've got to admit that I was surprised to see Sir Heckler saying that smiths aren't bad. :)
George, George, George.....
S&Ws are not bad guns, unless you want to take them apart and clean them.
I had a 457 (45acp) and it shot ok and worked ok, until the second week I had it and the trigger just broke.
The factory rep fixed it and yea it worked ok then.
But back to taking apart and putting back together-what a piece of ill fitting crap!!!!
I like it though, I see it every other week when I buy ammo at the local gun shop, where I traded it for a Glock 27. (What a great piece!!!!)
S&W makes superior and fantastic revolvers, which every one should have.
Other than that, their autos just don't cut it compared to others.

H&K always........
I have never cared for S&W autos. I've owned many and fired many others. They shoot OK, they just do not fit my hand. The only one that does is the original Model 39. I finally bought a used one this year and it fits me and I can shoot it pretty well. I've not had a jam that wasn't the fault of my trying various reloads. Mine is about 25 years old now. I sure wish they made a run of them again. I would buy one.
Neil Casper
Boy, I thought I was crazy. Was going to take the S&W off my short list of choices for my carry weapon. Then I was shopping around at the gun show Saturday, cash in hand (OK not in my hand, in my wifes hand.)

SIG's sure do keep there value well. Couldn't find any below $500 except for the 225. They were very well worn.

So right below all these SIG's on one dealers table were two S&W autos. A 659 and 669. Liked both of them, fit my hand real well, and felt right. Picked up the 669 for $239, then also picked up 2 (FACTORY) 13 shot mags for $40. I thought a good deal all in all.

Will be shooting it sometime this week. Will let you know how it goes.

One thing I don't like about the S&W I have is the finish is kind of worn in a few spots. But then I didn't buy the gun for people to be looking at it. If it bothers me to much I'll have it re-done in one of these new wonder-finishes.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
S&W makes some classy looking guns (revolvers and autos). I like the new CS, 4013-TSW, 6906, and all of their small snubbies except for the hump-back snubs.

Atlanta Police Dept uses S&W autos and the NM State Police used to.

Congrats on the new purchase,

Besides, I didn't become a "Senior Member" by just sitting around!

"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
I'm certain that the ONLY thing that's kept me from buying a S&W 4506 is that damn magazine disconnect "safety".

I refuse to own a firearm that suddenly becomes useless when the magazine is removed.

Too bad.


"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
I've owned 3 3rd-gen Smiths. 4516, 4006 and 4013TSW. All were accurate, 100% reliable... only reason I sold them is the delrin grips. Hate 'em with a passion. You won't go wrong with these S&W's, especially the TSW series.
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