Small revolvers.


New member
Howdy again guys!!

Boy it's good to be back!!!!

Alright, here's my question. I want to buy a small revolver and was looking at a S&W small revolver in .38 spl. I really don't like the s&w people so i am not going to buy from them. My question is, who makes a reliable, small, concealable in an ankle holster(2 or 3" barrel at most), and in .38 Spl? I've looked at taurus and was undecided. Can ya'll throw me some names out?

Thanks guys, i appreciate your help.



We remember our beloved Aggies at Muster, April 21, 2001.
Buy used!
That way you won't send any money to S&W, and you'll be helping out your local gun shop (profit margins are always bigger on used guns).

Plus, wouldn't you rather spend $250 (the avg cost of a used M36 2" 5 shot .38) or $300 (M60, 2" 5shot 38 or 357) rather than $400-$550 for the new one?

The M36/60 is a fixed sight 5 shooter.
The M49, 649, 38, 638, are the same, but have a shrouded (humpback) hammer so you don't snag on clothing but can still cock for single action if you need to. The 49 is blue steel, 649 stainless, 38 blued aluminum alloy & steel, the 638 stainless and alum.alloy.

There is also the M640, and 640-1, and 442. Those have completely concealed hammers, and as such are double action only. The 640 is in .38, the 640-1 is a 357, and the 442 is a blue/alloy .38.

There are also the newer generation of titanium and scandium revolvers, but I'm not familiar with the model numbers. Besides, they are so new there probably won't be many on the used market.

Ruger makes the SP101, which is only in stainless, in 2, 3 and 4" barrels in .357.

Taurus (yecch) has many copies of the S&W revolvers.

Rossi, yecch.

Hope this helps!
Kframe pretty much nailed it, but i would look for a used Detective Special or Cobra/Agent also. They can be carried quite easily in an ankle holster, are no bigger than an SP101, are lighter than an SP101 and hold that nice 6th shot.
I would get a Ruger SP101. I've never been a big fan of revolvers whose weight could conveniently be measured in grains. The SP is small but it feels like a real gun that I would actually want to shoot. I've never shot an airweight or such but I've handled them and they just don't feel right to me.
I am extremely happy with my S&W 342. I don't find the recoil a problem and it carries oh so good. I am sure you can find a used one if you try.
If your interested in used I'd highly recommend the Colt Detective Special or Cobra (Alloy framed Detective Special). I carry a Cobra most of the time and love it. Both carry a full six rounds vs. 5 for the S&W or Ruger. Detective Specials are quite plentiful and still pretty reasonable price wise, the Cobra is out there but a little tougher to find. Both will handle +P ammo but Colt warns against a steady diet of the higher pressure ammo.
Good Luck and Take Care.
Look at Taurus

I have a 38spcl Ultralite. I love it. It is light, concealable and resists rust. I carry it concealed loaded with Hydrashoks or when at my property with a mixute of snake shot and cast. I also like the Ruger SP101, but it weighs a ton. I can pack my ULM85 all day on even the hottest days. It is like my Leatherman, I always have it near by.

I have two Taurus 38 snubbies. One is Total Titanium, and the other is Stainless Steel. Both look and have performed perfectly with no problems whatsoever.

Sm. Revolvers

Hey aggie, don't turn your back on a used Smith :eek: I have several 36's and 37's in my collection and they are great little revolvers. My first CCW was a S&W 37 Airweight and it is one of the most easiest guns that I have to conceal ;).
Thanks for ya'lls help guys.

What should i look for when i look at used revolvers? What kind of wear and tear?. Thanks for ya'lls input


What's all this "Yeccchhh" stuff about Rossi ?

Geezers man - ya makin me feel inferior or sumpin.
I went out to pick up a little Smith or Colt snubbie
a few years ago, and the man talked me into the Rossi.

I like it. It is a sweet little shooter. It will
put 'em where ya want 'em, every time ya squeeze the
trigger. Oh yeah - the trigger is one of the nicest
I have ever used on a stock "out of the box" gun.

I carry on a daily basis, and I guarantee ya right
now - I wouldn't carry a weapon that I don't have
a lot of faith in.

Just got a Taurus 605. I believe the equivalent model in .38 Special is the 85. This is my first purchase from Taurus. It came with both 2-finger and 3-finger rubber grips. I chose the Taurus 605 for the following reasons:

1. It is not a S&W.
2. I liked the feel of the grips better than the Ruger SP101.
3. The toal price including tax was right at $300. If I had purchased the SP101, I would have been out $380 including tax for the pistol and another $20 for a set of Hogue grips. So the set would have totaled out to $400.
4. The trigger is superior to the SP101.
5. I wanted to take the opportunity to show Taurus my appreciation for their strong NRA support, by making a purchase.

So far the pistol has performed very well. Although not a gun for my range use, I can pop soda cans at 25 yards with it easily.
SP 101 2.25"

I am very happy with my SP 101 2.25" barrel. It is quite accurate, low recoiling (with .38 spl or .38 spl +P). It does slam back hard with full .357 magnum though. Anyway, the ergonomics are the best of any factory snubby I have shot. Of course, what fits my hand may not fit others. Give it a try. Also try the Taurus and S&Ws and decide for yourself what fits you best.
Greeting's All:

While the choice's are many, I like the small .38 Special
that started the stainless steel craze; the Smith & Wesson
model 60.:D If it's good enough to defend our troops as a
back-up weapon in the hot, humid jungles of Viet-Nam; then
it's good enough for me.:)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Rossis aren't all that bad. My roomie has a Rossi 720 that has one of the best DAO triggers on any revolver I've handled. It's put together as well as a Taurus, and it's a fun shooter. She loves it to death, and the little bugger has grown on me so much that I might pick one up if I run into one at the next gun show. There's just something about that small snubbie with that big hole at the end of it...
Don, Sorry. I just don't really like the Rossi's, and Tauri.
I do concede that their quality has gone WAY up in the last decade.
I had (key word) a Taurus 94 a long time ago, and it was a total POS.

Anyway, I'm glad you like your Rossi, really!
It's like the Ford/Chevy/Dodge debate. There's really no definite right answer.

Now, ten years ago I'd say S&W vs. Taurus was comparable to Jaguar vs. Yugo, but that's just my opinion.

Oh, and who was asking about what to look for in a used revo?
Here's an excellent link to a bunch of shopping tips:

Good luck! :) -Kframe

I've never heard of Rossi before but, my question to you is this, are they any good, what's they're price range?

