Small Pistol Primers

akinswi said:
Side note i do have several thousand CCI Small rifle primers i was wondering if you can use those to load small pistol in a pinch. research i did is that they are almost identical but the cup thickness is little thicker albeit not much on the small rifle

If you call CCI and ask, as I did, the nice lady on the other end will look up their primers and compare component numbers and priming mix quantities for you. But for this one, she knows the answer off the top of her head. The CCI #400 small rifle primers are identical to the CCI #550 small pistol Magnum primers. They are just in different packaging. She said CCI employees buy the #400s for their rifles and handguns all the time so they can buy a bigger quantity at a time and stock just the one.

If you haven't been using a magnum primer in you gun, back the charge down 5% and work back up to a velocity match to your usual load.
@ Unclenick,

How about BR4 small rifle primers? I have thousand of those as well? I know there is plethora of info about how some say are the same as the 400s and some not. Im assuming these are ok to use aswell. This interesting aswell because i can buy 1 primer and reload small rifle, small pistol and 357 magnum excellent
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I don't know about the BR-4. IIRC, when Charles Petty tested them in .223 in 2006, they turned out to be as hot as 450's. But don't hold me to that. I can't find my copy of the article. Instead, I would just call CCI and ask.
Small rifle primers can work fine in many pistol loads as long as the firing pin strike will set them off. I know that 1911s will set them off just fine for 38 super loads and I'm sure many other handguns will also. My buddies K6 on the other hand didn't like them and my buddy needed to buy small pistol primers for his 38 reloads to ignite reliably. I took stock of my primers and powder the other day. I have more small rifle primers than small pistol primers on hand. I will load what pistol ammo I can with small rifle primers and save the small pistol primers for guns that need them for reliable ignition.
Small rifle primers can work fine in many pistol loads as long as the firing pin strike will set them off.

Exactly! However, if your loads are on the bleeding edge pressure-wise, drop back a bit and work back up to ensure a safe load.

Yes you can use small rifle primers. But you should assume they are different, and work up your loads again.

Thanks. I shoot ~minimum velocity loads anyway, when I can. In semi auto pistols, I'll use factory specs as "minimum" might not allow for proper cycling. But then again, I wouldn't use 2400 in those loads.

Thanks again.
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Historical example. Before Federal even made magnum pistol primers, they recommended their small rifle primer for .357 Magnum.
Ditto with Foghornleghorn, I requested notification from MidwayUSA for small and large pistol primers and last Sunday night I got an email from them,and I jumped on it like a duck on a June bug.
I did the same some time back. I asked for notification from 3-5 different places. As of today, I've gotten exactly ZERO notifications from any place. Maybe I'm down further on a list (if they have one) than others. I feel cheated!
I have small pistol primers for9mm, .380 Auto, and .38 special. I use small pistol MAG primers for .357 Mag with 2400 powder.

Like everyone here, I am running out of SPP. So e-mailed CCI and asked if I decrease the charge ( and I gave the details) can I use SP Mag primers in .38 special?

Contrary to what was expressed by Unclenick above, the reply was - to obviously avoid liability - "just stick with established recipes."

Reviewing various .38 Special loads relative to CUP and PSI pressures it became obvious that .357 pressure are much more elevated than .38 Special. If my Ruger GP 100 can handle .357 loads it should be able to safely handle a .38 special load made with a mag primer. So I tried it and I found ZERO evidence of high-pressure effects and the accuracy at 25 yards was excellent.

Now the question is, can I use SP MAg in 9mm rounds?
Reviewing various .38 Special loads relative to CUP and PSI pressures it became obvious that .357 pressure are much more elevated than .38 Special. If my Ruger GP 100 can handle .357 loads it should be able to safely handle a .38 special load made with a mag primer. So I tried it and I found ZERO evidence of high-pressure effects and the accuracy at 25 yards was excellent.

Yep. In fact, some powders, such as HS-6 in .38 Special +P loads like The FBI Load, need the little extra "umph" provided by small pistol magnum primers to perform at their best.

I've used small rifle primers in my .357 Mag loads and in my daughter's Makarov. However I did work up loads for them.

My 2 S&W revolvers have no problems setting them off and I think small rifle primer worked better with the Mak since it's designed for a harder shell primer.


some of you guys with a bunch of rifle primers needing pistol primers or vice versa might want to get the word out through the local gun clubs and small mom and pop gun shops that you would do a little bartering.

I traded 2K pistols the other day for 2K rifle, A guy down at the range said he needed some pistol so we met the next day and did a one for one swap. I have a fair supply of both but I do shoot 10X more rifle than I shoot pistol and he was down to his last couple of hundred pistol and was considering using the rifle
are the people bidding for primers on gunbroker actual shooters willing to pay that much or are the people with the listing bidding up the prices to make more money ? I know it happens on Ebay a lot
As I mentioned in another thread on primers, my call to CCI was over a decade ago and primers do change formulations periodically without notice. So I called them again more recently and they contradict what I was told back then, claiming it was "playing with fire" to interchange the SPM and SR standard primer.

So, I got some wax bullets and drilled out a 38 Special case's flash hole to 0.125" to prepare to do a test comparison. I have a strain gauge on a 223 rifle to check pressure readings on a catsneeze load, too. But, of course, I can't buy recent production of the two primers to compare because of the shortage. When it ends, I will try to discern the difference in the 400 and 550 by measurement.