small base die brass life

Metal god,

Your obsession with "factory versus custom" intrigues me. We don't use the same machines, dies to reload cases as factories do to make them. Rarely do we use the same powder, charge weight, primer, bullet, assembled dimensions and fit. Nor verify velocity, pressure and accuracy meets factory standards.

Therefore, everything we use and do is a custom venture.
Bart you know what I’ve been trying to say . If you want to Guffey it up, feel free . I have nothing more to add .
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For 308/7.62 I have RCBS small base, Redding body die, 30-06 (useful to start resizing 7.62 MG fired). As well as RCBS X die, and regular FL set, and collet neck sizing die. I DO NOT use all of those on a given case all the time. All are available, for specific circumstances, specific brass, and specific rifle I am reloading for.
My point is: Yes, I own and use small base dies; but not every time on every case. I consider these to be specific tools to address specific issues I may be having. To me, they are means, to get to an end (moving on to next reloading step). It is not a religious conversion to be practiced in daily life.
Do they shorten case life? If the brass will not drop into my case gage, I DON'T CARE! Case life is over if they don't.
I really like the photos of 308 fired in 30-06! Looks to me like a wildcat possibility: 458-08!
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I just resized about 150 cases for my AR, small base. I dont know it that is req or helps or if there is a problem if SB is not used in ARs??
Small base dies do work the brass more.
Personally, I would use regular dies all around, and I like the Lee collet neck sizing dies you can use when not full length sizing. Regardless of what you think about Lee, I think the collet neck sizing dies are one of their best products.
I use small base and or body dies, but only when needed.
Most people that use small base dies (and/or need to), go to them when they need to because they have an issue with regular sizing: won't enter case gage, won't chamber reliably, tight match chamber, etc. I bought some never fired LC 7.62 pull-down that have case gage issues in the neck related to the bullet pulling (1/3 of the cases). But, if you have not experienced these issues, then you may not ever NEED them.
They may make ammunition that is interchangeable in specific guns. But, until you have that need . . . you gain nothing and work the brass more.