Small arms vs heavy armor

for some of you non-AB legs,, the common tasks manual (STP- something or other) has had a task in it for how to bring down low flying jets with small arms fire..... it was put in the manual soon after the Isreali 6 day war as they brought down 20+ jets with uzi's and rifles.....

has anyone ever created a highly viscous quick set epoxy ordinance?

glue em up good
real good

micro capsulated superglue could be fun!
if the crew comes out, they get stuck on the tank

with the proper solvent, you could recommission the platform

Maybe Stan Lee was on to something with Spiderman

A Marine cannot kill the tank with his M-16A2 but he can surely kill the tank commander who pops his head out of the hatch.

Molitov (or is it molatov?) cocktails work really nice in tank take-downs.

In order to stop a tank, considering you don't have a DRAGON rocket or TOW missle, you must blow the treads of it. This can be accomplished by use of crude explosives. I'm not telling you what and how but you probably understand the mechanics of such devices. Dynamite could also be used to blow its treads off. Once it is disabled and can no longer move, use bolt cutters or some other device to allow entry through the hatch.

This worked really well for the Afghans during their fight against communist agression.
It's "Molotov," after the guy who came up with the idea, IIRC.

Musing: a year ago, a discussion like this would only have taken place on the seriously radical anarchist forums. Is our mindset changing? Have we become resigned to the possibility/probability of a... dare I say it?... rebellion by the government against the people?

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
"Musing: a year ago, a discussion like this would only have taken place on the seriously radical anarchist forums. Is our mindset changing? Have we become resigned to the possibility/probability of a... dare I say it?... rebellion by the government against the people?"

The lie (of gun control) is being spouted again & again. "If you tell the lie often enough, the people will come to believe."

Even the Repubs are going for controls that they wouldn't have touched just a coupla years ago. They seem to want to do it to us faster than the Dems so they can say they're, what? tough on crime? More & more are calling for registration (as if the 4473 isn't de facto as it is) & that can only lead to confiscation - as it has in too many cases already.

When a government ceases to uphold its own laws/refuses to hold its elected officials to those same laws (even though that's party all of our fault) & bleeds its people dry (tax rates are ~50%+) & the Constitution is as dead as yesterday's fish, I think that any pensive person would at least consider the scenario.

& you said it right, Coin, when a gov't rebels against its people. Except we are not its people, it is (supposed to be) our servant. But, even mentioning that these days can get you some pretty strange looks from the sheep.
Molotov was Soviet Foreign Minister in the 30s-40s and the term "Molotov coctail" was coined by Finns...they treated Molotov's ambassadors (tank and infantry) to these delectable drinks.

Russians, ever fond of abbreviations, called those GS (goryuchaya smes' = flammable mixture) and used in quite a quantity in WW2.
Well, I don't know all about shutting down the guvmint, but a couple of guys changing tires on the Capital Beltway will do it every time.
