Sling for (home) defense shotgun: yes/no?

I'm for slings.

Dave McC idea about the probability of fighting effectively with a pistol after nine rounds of 12ga. seems right on unless you have,(however remote the possibility), a stoppage after the first round. Then you better have a place to put that almost fully loaded shotgun. I'd hate to toss a loaded gun where a BG could pick it up and make it work! Whammo! Hit with your own gun! :eek:
Expresso, Murphy's Law rules in AS scenarios and HD incidents,as in all human endeavour. but the chance of a perp clearing a jam I can't seems rather slim.

And while the HD 870 here has a mag extension, reality insists that more than one shot/perp is a scant possibility,and barely worth preparing for.

However, having been on the wrong end of long odds before, I'll grab a backup sidearm as indicated. The More Is Better Principle is oft correct in these things...
Still depends on your HD scenario. For me I shouldn't be moving anywhere through the house that a perp could pick up a jammed gun. I'm looking at a static defense where, if I drop it, it's at my feet and will remain there while I pick up my M-64.

We're all considering slightly different scenario's depending on our home layouts, threat levels, and where we live. Looks like in some instances a sling would be potentially beneficial in others it wouldn't be. As usual, taylor your choice to your particular situation :)

[This message has been edited by General Tso (edited March 20, 2000).]